Lord of All Gods

Chapter 665

After Ye Liuyun dug for a while, the wound had already started to recover by itself.

After the wound was sealed, Ye Liuyun was completely relieved. Now this star-eating beast has nothing to do with him.

He released Lei Ming and Long Nu again, and asked them to help him dig together.

There are many people, and with the help of the two of them, their speed is much faster.

The star eater also felt a little bit, and couldn\'t sleep well.

It\'s just that it doesn\'t know the reason, it just knows that the lower part of the throat is itchy and painful. He stretched out his paw and scratched it, but it didn\'t help.

After dawn, Ye Liuyun had dug into the chest cavity with Lei Ming and Longnu, not far from the heart.

After digging for a while, they finally reached the heart.

"Wow! This big guy\'s heart is so big!" Lei Ming couldn\'t help feeling emotional when he detected the star-eating beast\'s heart with his divine sense.

Just the heart of the star-eating beast is like a mountain to them.

"How much blood does this have?" Dragon Girl couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

"Prepare for bloodletting!" Ye Liuyun said, and brought out several liquid containers. Give them to Lei Ming and Long Nu respectively.

Then he started to use the Demon Slayer Knife and continued to dig. When he dug out the star-eating beast\'s heart, blood gushed out like a spring, spraying Ye Liuyun all over.

The huge blood pressure directly sprayed Ye Liuyun a somersault.

"What a strong pressure!"

Soon, a pool of blood gathered around Ye Liuyun\'s body.

"Hurry up!" Ye Liuyun greeted Lei Ming and the blood of the dragon girl, and immediately started to absorb.

The same is true for Lei Ming and Long Nu, who began to absorb directly while putting them in the container.

"The blood of the star-eating beast is indeed a good thing. Ye Liuyun felt that soaking in the blood this time, his own bloodline was actively absorbing the essence of the star-eating beast\'s blood to enhance the strength of his own bloodline."

The star-eating beast also began to feel completely uneasy.

A little blood loss, although not fatal, he still felt it.

Ye Liuyun monitored it with his spiritual sense, and found that it was particularly irritable now, and would lose his temper for no reason to those of the same kind who approached him.

The hole he dug is also recovering rapidly. It is estimated that the star-eating beast is relying on its own strength to recover from its injuries.

Ye Liuyun wasn\'t in a hurry, and when it recovered a bit, he enlarged the wound again, keeping the blood in its heart and spitting out continuously.

Gradually, the star-eating beast outside began to move around restlessly, and even ran around.

Its kind is also looking at it curiously, not knowing what happened. It can\'t say it by itself, it just feels a little uncomfortable.

Its size is too huge, so even a small hole, it can\'t feel pain, and it doesn\'t know what\'s wrong with it.

Soon, Lei Ming and Long Nu changed to another container and continued to collect.

The star-eating beast slowly changed from irritable to lazy.

It has lost too much blood in its body, and it has begun to feel tired. However, it is not very serious.

What Ye Liuyun wanted was this kind of effect, to make it lose blood slowly and make it feel sick.

"Little brother, do you have any more containers?" Lei Ming asked, what should we do when these are full?

"Don\'t worry, I have already built a very large reservoir in the Dragon Palace. Fill up these containers, and we will save them and fill them in the reservoir."

Ye Liuyun was already prepared. How big is the star-eating beast\'s heart and how much blood is in its body, he has already figured it out.

"I... I\'m a little hungry!" Lei Ming said embarrassingly again.

Ye Liuyun smiled and said: "Haha, eat, you two can eat and drink whatever you want. But you have to eat raw. There is no air circulation here, no barbecue, and it is easy for star eaters to find our location."

"Then we won\'t be polite!" Lei Ming and Longnu looked at each other, and both of them showed their bodies, shrunk their bodies, and began to eat immediately.

They put away the meat they dug just now.

Now the two of them are eating and drinking casually while soaking in the blood bath. For them, it\'s all about food and drink.

They were both very happy. While eating, he was still putting it in his storage ring.

After half an hour, both of them were full.

This star-eating beast, at this moment, is already weak due to excessive blood loss.

It only felt pain near its chest from time to time. Although it is constantly being repaired with true essence, the pain still exists.

Now the pain has eased a little, and it can no longer find the reason for its illness.

It stands to reason that a high-ranking ferocious beast would not get sick easily. But now its fellow kin already know that it is sick.

At the beginning, some star-eating beasts would come to see and comfort it, but now they hide away from it for fear of being infected. This is also the nature of beasts.

"It has been isolated and is about to leave the group!" Dragon Girl told Ye Liuyun.

They have also been monitoring the star-eating beast with their spiritual sense.

"Very well, everything went well!"

And just when they felt that the plan was going very smoothly, suddenly, a bigger star-eating beast came to this star-eating beast and began to heal its injuries.

A powerful force of true essence penetrated into the body of the star-eating beast.

"What should we do?" Lei Ming and Longnu immediately became nervous.

"Hide in its heart!" Ye Liuyun thought for a while, and immediately took Lei Ming and Dragon Girl to hide in the star-eating beast\'s heart.

When going in, it took a little bit of effort, and I had to bear the pressure of the blood. Fortunately, they had been bleeding for a long time, and the pressure was not too strong now. They crawled into the hole by clawing at the opening.

Not long after, the self-recovery ability of the star-eating beast sealed the hole they dug.

After the true essence came over, he helped repair it, and then continued to investigate elsewhere.

"Shall we go out?" Lei Ming looked at Ye Liuyun, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"Don\'t go out, just collect blood here."

As Ye Liuyun said, he began to introduce the blood directly into the reservoir of the Dragon Palace.

Lei Ming and Longnu had already filled up all the containers they could hold, and handed them over to Ye Liuyun for safekeeping.

Then, the two of them also opened their bellies and began to drink.

Feeling the powerful true energy, Ye Liuyun withdrew from the star-eating beast\'s body, and was temporarily relieved.

Suddenly, Ye Liuyun called out directly.

"Not good, soul attack!" He couldn\'t help but move Lei Ming and Long Nu into the storage ring.

A powerful venerable soul rushed into the body of the star-eating beast, looking around.

After discovering Ye Liuyun, it rushed directly into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, trying to destroy Ye Liuyun.