Lord of All Gods

Chapter 640

This death knell originally came from hell. The god of the underworld knows it, and will definitely take it back.

Therefore, until now, he did not dare to ring the death knell himself.

There was a soft "ding". That ordinary weapon was directly broken into seven or eight pieces. And the death knell didn\'t even make a sound.

"It seems that ordinary treasures will not work."

Ye Liuyun saw that ordinary weapons didn\'t work, so he asked Wu Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, do you have any low-grade spiritual weapons in your hand?"

When he asked, Wu Qingcheng was also taken aback. In their current state, they no longer carry spirit weapons on their bodies.

"I have it." Ruyue took out a spiritual weapon long sword and handed it to Ye Liuyun. "This sword is useless a long time ago. I haven\'t thrown it away. It wouldn\'t be a pity to destroy it."

Ruyue also knew that Ye Liuyun was going to use a spiritual weapon to smash the death knell.

Ye Liuyun thanked him, picked up his long sword, and threw it at the death knell.

With a bang, the death knell finally rang. The long sword shattered in response.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness has been monitoring Yao Qinglian\'s state.

Although they heard only a soft sound outside, the sound inside the death knell was not small. Even Yao Qinglian, who had six levels of yin and yang, was directly knocked unconscious.

Ye Liuyun immediately turned on the death knell, pulled Yao Qinglian\'s soul into his own soul domain, searched for her soul, and learned about her exercises.

The space power technique practiced by Yao Qinglian is a set of exercises called Yunkongjue. Among them are not only methods such as the application of the power of space, but also some of the most basic systematic explanations of knowledge such as space structure and space layering.

"The exercises from outside the region are indeed much better than those from the Cangyun Continent!" Ye Liuyun was overjoyed.

There is a lot of this information, Ye Liuyun engraved all this information in the sea of ​​consciousness, and kept it for later study, there are other things to do now.

She also absorbed all of Yao Qinglian\'s blood essence, and used it to strengthen her own blood power.

After absorbing Yao Qinglian\'s blood, Ye Liuyun felt that the quality of his own blood had improved a lot.

"It seems that the quality of Yao Qinglian\'s blood is not low!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

Ye Liuyun directly kicked Yao Qinglian\'s body to the stone ape.

In order to protect Su Miaoyin, the stone ape has a lower realm than the white tiger, so whenever Ye Liuyun has good resources, he will give the stone ape first, so that he can catch up with the white tiger as soon as possible.

In this short six months, Shi Yuan\'s realm has been raised to the fifth level of Tiangang, catching up with Kisaragi.

If he absorbed the Yuan Dan of the Yin-Yang sixth-layer powerhouse, he might have to break through again.

Shi Yuan thanked her, and with one paw, took out Yao Qinglian\'s Yuan Dan.

"Ah! Ye Liuyun, you devil!" Xiao Mingyue called out directly.

Seeing the souls of the elders of her sect being wiped out, the bloodlines being absorbed, and the Yuan Dan being dug out again, Xiao Mingyue finally couldn\'t bear it anymore.

Ye Liuyun looked at her, and directly covered her with the magic net that he captured last time.

The last time Xiao Mingyue entered the secret realm, she brought an artifact. It was temporarily lent to her by Zongmen to explore the secret realm. This time she came in with the elder, so she was not allowed to bring the artifact.

Ye Liuyun originally thought that she would use the crescent scepter to resist, but unexpectedly, she didn\'t even resist, and was directly covered by the magic net.

"So smooth?"

Ye Liuyun immediately put the net away, and put it in his storage ring along with Xiao Mingyue.

He didn\'t intend to kill Xiao Mingyue at first. Although he and Xiao Mingyue took advantage of each other last time, he still felt a little sorry. When he couldn\'t threaten him, he would still let Xiao Mingyue go.

The remaining male disciple was not so lucky, Ye Liuyun did not directly let the beasts attack and kill him.

Afterwards, he put away the formation flag and led everyone back to the cave.

After returning, he went to see Liang Xue first.

Liang Xue started to practice again, so he didn\'t bother her either.

Then he checked all the seized storage rings, and found two more exercises. They should all be brought out from the sect by those disciples who haven\'t finished their cultivation.

One was about swordsmanship, but Ye Liuyun didn\'t even read it, so she asked Wu Qingcheng to take it and ask others if they wanted it.

The other book is a set of palm techniques of the Demon Race, called Ferris Hands.

Ye Liuyun opened it and studied it carefully, and felt that its power may not be greater than his own Tyrant God Fist. However, there are many things that can be used for reference in its true energy operation circuit. In particular, it can integrate the magic energy into the true essence to enhance its power.

After he saw it, he was deeply touched.

He used Batianshenquan before, and sometimes added the power of the Golden Crow Sacred Flame or Buddha\'s Light, but it was just integrated into it, and it didn\'t have a superimposed effect on the power, causing these powers to be wasted.

Ye Liuyun decided to improve according to this method, superimposing more power to increase the power of Batian Shenquan.

"Hurry up and practice, prepare for the next battle!"

After Ye Liuyun collected the exercises, he reminded everyone and was ready to practice.

"Will they come again?" Lei Ming asked aloud.

"Sure! And it will be stronger next time!"

Ye Liuyun thought of Tang Yao\'s greedy eyes, and knew that he would definitely not let it go.

He has already found information about Tang Yao in Yao Qinglian\'s soul. It is known that he is the key person specially invited to break through the secret realm.

"That Tang Yao is in the realm of Yin and Yang. In addition, he knows how to form formations. I\'m afraid even skeleton puppets are no match for him."

Although Ye Liuyun understood Tang Yao\'s strength, he couldn\'t think of any good way to deal with Tang Yao, so he had to wait and see.

The top priority is to improve your own strength as much as possible, so that you can have a better chance of winning by then.

He just got two extra-territorial skills, one to improve boxing skills, and the other to improve space power.

No matter how strong he is in improving his boxing skills, he can\'t compete with those with a big difference in realm. Therefore, the first thing he cultivates is the power of space, and he wants to find a breakthrough in this direction.

Ye Liuyun\'s air transportation formula, not to mention the use of space power, has greatly enriched the way he uses space power. The space knowledge from which systems alone is already very valuable to Ye Liuyun.

The more basic things, the more he lacks.

He directly entered the Xuankong Stone and began to digest the information about the space system.

"It turns out that the spaces of all levels overlap! It\'s not that the higher the level, the deeper it is."

Ye Liuyun originally thought that the spaces at all levels were parallel. Only by going deeper and deeper can we enter the deeper space.

This little difference inspired Ye Liuyun a lot.

"Then my layers of space can\'t be changed at will."

He started experimenting as he learned.