Lord of All Gods

Chapter 639

"Are you satisfied with the cultivation resources that are enough for you to break through to the Creation Realm?"

Yao Qinglian was still dealing with him, and was not in a hurry to act.

"Not good, she is buying time to recover her blood power and true energy! No wonder the three major sects sent her in."

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils discovered that her blood power and true energy were recovering rapidly.

The reason why the three major sects sent Yao Qinglian in was because of the strong barbaric spirit in the secret territory, but the thin spiritual energy, which was not conducive to the quick recovery of their disciples.

Yao Qinglian, on the other hand, just has a special bloodline, which can help herself or others to quickly recover her true energy without aura.

Once Ye Liuyun discovered this, he immediately ordered the beast king to attack Yao Qinglian.

He also had nothing to do with Elder Qinglian.

This elder\'s realm itself is high, coupled with her special bloodline, once she doesn\'t need to take care of others and only cares about her own recovery, the recovery speed of her true essence is too fast. Equivalent to endlessly useful real yuan.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun could only let other fierce beasts consume her continuously, at least not to restore her true essence to its peak state.

As soon as Ye Liuyun made a move, Yao Qinglian knew that her method of delaying time would not work.

In fact, she had already noticed it when Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil saw through her body.

Now she is more sure that Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils have the ability to see through. In other words, Ye Liuyun had already seen them through the secret realm before.


Yao Qinglian made a decisive decision and immediately launched an offensive.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils and divine sense were all engrossed in observing Yao Qinglian\'s movements.

I saw a powerful force of space surging around her.

"Huh? Use the power of space on yourself?" Ye Liuyun was very curious about her method.

Yao Qinglian\'s figure became unreal. She actually used the void of the fifth level directly on her body, and with a random step, she directly rushed through the blockade of the formation flag.

The array flag that Qiongqi left for Ye Liuyun can also seal off the fifth layer of void, but in this layer of void, the power of flames is much weaker.

Yao Qinglian forcibly broke through the wall of fire, and then used her blood power to quickly recover from her injuries.

When she reappeared, her injuries had already healed.

"Obviously, her spatial power is not enough to allow her to stay in the fifth-level space. That is to say, her spatial power is not as strong as mine, but it is easier to use than mine."

Ye Liuyun secretly evaluated Yao Qinglian\'s space power in his heart.

At this moment, Yao Qinglian slapped Ye Liuyun directly with a palm.

Ye Liuyun knew that she was not her opponent, so he threw the death knell out and threw it at Yao Qinglian.

At the same time, he also followed what Yao Qinglian did just now, directly acting on himself with the fifth level of space power.

Then, his figure also became unreal.

Yao Qinglian\'s blow couldn\'t hit the void of the fifth level, so Ye Liuyun completely avoided the blow.

"Ah?" Yao Qinglian didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to use the exact same move as her.

"His power of space seems to be stronger than mine! Hurry up!"

Although Yao Qinglian has an advantage in realm, but Ye Liuyun has a magic weapon, so she dare not go head-to-head with Deathstroke.

So she turned around and left without hesitation.

"Elder!" Xiao Mingyue and the male disciple uttered a desperate cry in unison.

They have already realized that Yao Qinglian is going to give up on them.

But Lei Ming was already prepared.

"Shoot!" Ye Liuyun sent a sound transmission to Lei Ming at the same time as he threw the death knell.

So as soon as Yao Qinglian turned around, Lei Ming\'s magic tower also smashed over.

"Not good!" Yao Qinglian yelled secretly, and directly used the previous move again, trying to avoid the attack of the artifact.


Qinglin cooperates with Lei Ming, and a mouthful of green fire directly burns towards the power of space covering Yao Qinglian.

Qing Lin\'s power of space is no weaker than Ye Liuyun\'s. The first time it met Ye Liuyun was in the void.

Its green fire can actually burn the void. Yao Qinglian was directly burned out of the void.

Yao Qinglian didn\'t care to pounce on the burning green flames on her body, and hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the bombardment of the magic tower.

But this time, she did not escape the death knell controlled by Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s death knell can be controlled with spiritual consciousness, and can adjust its direction at any time.

Under the joint attack of Lei Ming and Qing Lin, Yao Qinglian was beaten to dodge in a hurry, so she couldn\'t escape the death knell.

"Elder Yao!" Xiao Mingyue couldn\'t help shouting.

Although Yao Qinglian wanted to abandon them and run away alone, she could understand what Yao Qinglian did.

And as long as Yao Qinglian escapes, they still have hope of being rescued.

But now, Yao Qinglian is covered by the artifact, which means that they are completely hopeless.

As long as Ye Liuyun gives an order, the beasts outside the formation can tear them into pieces.

She never thought that an elder as powerful as Yao Qinglian would not even have a chance to escape in front of Ye Liuyun.

"This Ye Liuyun is really terrifying! An elder with the sixth level of yin and yang, he can calculate!"

Xiao Mingyue is now deeply afraid of Ye Liuyun\'s strength and mind.

She even wondered if Ye Liuyun had hidden his realm.

Because the last time she saw Ye Liuyun, he was still in the realm of Tiangang, and the aura he showed just now was in the realm of dual yin and yang.

In just half a year, his realm has increased by two levels. This is simply unreasonable.

So now, when she looks at Ye Liuyun, she becomes more and more incomprehensible, and the more she looks at it, the more frightened she becomes.

"This boy with golden pupils looks calm, but in fact, he is a devil!" She came to a conclusion in her heart. "I can\'t even fight, and I\'m not his opponent if I play calculations."

She has decided to face death calmly. I only hope that Ye Liuyun can give her a decent death.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay attention to her at all. Instead, he used his spiritual sense to pay attention to the situation of Yao Qinglian inside the death knell.

Seeing that Yao Qinglian was careful not to attack the death knell, he felt relieved.

He is very interested in Yao Qinglian\'s space power. She wanted to obtain her skills related to the power of space through soul searching, so she didn\'t want her soul to be shattered and absorbed by the death knell.

He took out an ordinary weapon and threw it at the knell. He was afraid that it would knock Yao Qinglian to death if it was too powerful.

This death knell, he can\'t smash it himself. As soon as he smashed it, he might draw out the **** of hell.

Whether Hades will kill him, he is not sure. After all, the god of the underworld also knows the order of the gods.

But one thing he can be sure of is that Hades will definitely snatch the death knell away.