Lord of All Gods

Chapter 641

Sure enough, Ye Liuyun was able to shuttle back and forth in the sixth layer of space without moving in place.

The whole person also becomes real for a while, and phantom for a while.

After he entered the sixth layer of space, the whole person even disappeared directly in place. But in fact, he himself did not move.

He took a random step, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the other end of the Xuankong Stone.

"The density of each level of space is also different. The deeper the level of space, the greater the density! It is also a step away, and the sixth level of space can go so far!"

Ye Liuyun himself was surprised by this discovery.

Afterwards, he began to keep trying to get familiar with the spanning distance of each level of space.

Until he can appear in any position he wants to appear.

Then, he began to apply this discovery to the attack.

Before that, his saber intent was instantaneous. That was borrowing the power of space to move the knife directly over.

Now, he doesn\'t need to deliberately move it at all, as long as he cuts out the knife at different spatial levels according to the sense of distance he has just mastered, and when the knife appears, it will be at the place he wants.

Of course, this requires him to have a more precise grasp of the distance, so as to be perfect.

Otherwise, it is easy to miss the knife.

Ye Liuyun practiced repeatedly with joy, chopping tens of thousands of knives every day.

During practice, he was also constantly using the sword intent.

In this way, not only can you exercise the accuracy of your knife, but also improve your knife intention.

He practiced non-stop for ten days. Although he was very tired, the effect was remarkable.

Within a hundred miles, he could accurately cut off a strand of hair.

The seeds of his saber intent also completely sprouted leaves.

"The mature sword intent seed really grew into the shape of a knife!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay attention to how the saber intent seed grew, but looking at it now, the leaves grown from the saber intent seed were the embryonic state of a knife.

Tu Mo Dao also felt the change in the seed of Saber Intent, and became extremely excited, shouting for Ye Liuyun to continue practicing.

"Let me take a break, I\'m going to be exhausted these days!"

Ye Liuyun was not encouraged by the Demon Slaying Saber, but calmed down and began to study other applications of the power of space.

In addition to being able to switch between himself and the attacker at will, Ye Liuyun is still trying other applications.

The principle is the same. Once Ye Liuyun mastered this principle, he knew everything.

For example, using the power of the golden pupil to move objects across the air.

Items and his attacks are both material categories. It\'s just that real objects are heavier and require more space power.

After practicing for a period of time, Ye Liuyun began to use people to try again, pulling Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er into the Xuankong Stone, and moving them around.

Finally, let Lei Ming and Longnu change their main body forms, and move them around.

What Ye Liuyun thought was that after practicing this skill, even if he was far away from them, he could put them in the storage ring at any time, and let them appear anywhere at any time. That way they are much safer.

Of course, he also passed on these exercises to everyone, letting them choose to practice by themselves.

Through continuous practice, Ye Liuyun\'s mastery of the power of space has also been continuously improved. Now even if he enters the space of the sixth level, he can stay there for a long time.

After that, various applications such as space extrusion and space dislocation will become more convenient to use. It is almost possible to do it.

Even the weapon spirit inside the Xuankong Stone was stunned to see him progress so fast.

The tool spirit sighed and said: "With your current mastery of the power of space, you can actually build a space world by yourself!"

"Space world? There really is such a method in this set of exercises!"

Ye Liuyun searched the information in Yunkong Jue, and found this method.

"That\'s right, the space world. If it\'s small, it\'s a space secret realm. If it\'s big, it\'s a space world."

With Qi Ling\'s explanation, Ye Liuyun understood better.

He had longed for the space secret realm countless times, and now he can build one himself.

Thinking of this, he almost couldn\'t restrain his excitement, and immediately started researching.

In fact, this space world is not difficult to talk about. It is to use the density difference of different spaces to open up an open space in the low-level space with the power of the high-level space.

The higher the level of space used, the more stable the space.

Then recharge energy and maintain this space. The energy charged is the original power he knew before.

This kind of space world, he can open up in his body, or open up anywhere.

Just like the Xuankong Stone, it is actually a secret realm of space opened up on a stone with the power of space.

"What if I continue to develop directly on the basis of Xuankong Stone?" Ye Liuyun asked Qi Ling.

Qi Ling looked at the space inside the Xuankong Stone, sighed, and shook his head.

"Although I also want to truly expand this space secret realm into a space world! However, I can\'t lie to you!

The space inside the Xuankong Stone is only the void of the sixth level. If you want to build it, you can use the seventh-level space power, which will be stronger.

Moreover, there is a time formation in the Xuankong Stone, so it will have ten times the time effect. If you expand the space, it will destroy the formation. "

"That\'s it!" Ye Liuyun also felt a little regretful.

"Then what if I build a space world inside myself?"

Ye Liuyun discovered that the method of creating a space world mentioned in Yunkongjue is built in the body.

"One advantage of building it in your own body is that this space world is one with you. You can borrow the original power inside. Once you encounter a strong enemy, it will be considered an extra hole card."

The Xuankong Stone Tool Spirit suggested: "Also, you are the master of the world you build, and if you draw your opponent into it to fight, you will have a clear advantage."

"Well, I\'d better build one in my body!" Ye Liuyun finally decided.

It only makes sense for him to put in effort to build something that can improve his own strength. Otherwise, it can only be regarded as a decoration.

"Hmm!" Qi Ling obviously agreed with his decision. But he still reminded him: "The functions I just mentioned are all in the final state. You have to use the space world to fight, but there is still a long way to go! So don\'t worry!"

"I know!" Ye Liuyun agreed: "How can it be an easy thing to open up a world!"

Of course, he also hopes that he can have the original power of a world as soon as possible, as his trump card.

But just by looking at the numerous information about the space world in Yunkong Jue, he knew that it was not a simple matter.