Lord of All Gods

Chapter 633

Qinglin pointed behind him, then turned around and disappeared into the void.

Ye Liuyun was puzzled, and when he looked back, he was startled.

On an ancient tree behind him, a blue bug was staring at him. The shape of the worm was like a silkworm, but its size was thicker than that of a normal boa constrictor.

"What is this!" Ye Liuyun jumped up from the ground.

It\'s better if he doesn\'t move. With this movement, the green worm immediately attacked, and countless silk threads entangled towards Ye Liuyun.

"The green silkworm of the yin and yang triple realm!" The green silkworm of the yin and yang triple realm is already the overlord of this area.

How can it allow other living creatures to enter its domain. So it doesn\'t matter if Ye Liuyun threatens or not, let\'s attack first.

Ye Liuyun felt that the silk thread sprayed out by the green silkworm was extremely tough, so he didn\'t dare to be careless at the moment, and directly activated the Hunyuan War God, and burned it with the Golden Crow Holy Fire.

"Qinglin, are you deliberately tricking me?" Ye Liuyun was furious at Qinglin\'s anger.

He himself also drew out the demon-slaying knife, ready to chop silk.

If it was the realm before he left the secret realm, he would definitely not be able to fight against this green silkworm with three levels of yin and yang.

However, his current state is already at the dual level of yin and yang, as long as he can restrain the silk thread of the green silkworm, it will be no problem to destroy the green silkworm.

But the silk thread of the green silkworm is really special. There are two colors, one white and one blue.

The amount of cyan is very small, and most of them are white.

Even in the face of the powerful flame blocking of the Golden Crow Sacred Flame, although the white thread would be melted, the cyan thread would still break through the defensive circle.


Ye Liuyun yelled, and used the Demon Slayer Knife to directly fight those blue silk threads at close range.

Thanks to his golden pupils, he can see the dynamics of the thin threads, otherwise, it would be very difficult to catch those threads with his eyes alone.

Those silk threads are not only tiny, but also very flexible, able to change direction at any time.

Ye Liuyun slashed at it with a knife, cutting off several roots. But there are still a few that are directly wound up.

The green silkworm felt that Ye Liuyun was being entangled, and immediately began to pull the thread shaking his head, trying to pull Ye Liuyun over.

Ye Liuyun hurriedly swung his knife and slashed again. But this time his arms were bound and only a few were cut off.

There is still a thread left on the body.

"These silk threads must be cut transversely along the direction of the thread, otherwise they will be cut continuously."

Ye Liuyun has now found the trick, but the only remaining silk thread can grow longer, directly entangled his arm, and he can no longer lift the knife.

Ye Liuyun said inwardly, "Not good," while operating the Buddha Demon Body Protector, he used the Golden Crow Sacred Fire, trying to push away or burn the silk thread.

But the cyan silk, which was able to evade the true energy of the Buddha\'s and demon\'s body protection, strangled him motionlessly.

Even if he resisted for a while, the black hair directly strangled into his flesh, making him dare not heal the wound.

Now as soon as he recovers from the wound, he will directly leave the black hair in his body. It will be even more troublesome to remove the black hair.

He was startled, and he didn\'t dare to resist with any more force, thinking quickly about the method to eliminate the black hair in his mind.

He himself did not expect that he would be so embarrassed by a bug.

The green silkworm on the opposite side opened its mouth wide, exposing a pair of sharp front teeth, shaking its head, looking proudly at Ye Liuyun who was getting closer and closer, with saliva dripping down the sides of his mouth.

"Disgusting meat bug!"

Seeing the bug drooling, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help cursing.

Originally, he was going to attack with his soul. But after scolding, he suddenly came to his senses.

"Meat worms? Haha, there is a solution! Why do I have to deal with the silk thread? Did you get confused just now?"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun took advantage of the green silkworm\'s mouth to release the Golden Crow Holy Fire with his golden pupils, and burned it directly into its body. At the same time, Hunyuan God of War also used the Golden Crow Holy Fire to roast the green silkworm.

The two of them should make peace, and want to roast the silkworm directly.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The green silkworm\'s physical defense was not strong, and when it was burned by the Golden Crow Holy Fire, it immediately suffered from pain and sent out piercing sound waves to attack.

However, its sonic attack couldn\'t hurt Ye Liuyun at all, let alone Hunyuan God of War.

The silkworm struggled violently, its body wriggling continuously. Even falling from a tree to the ground, the flames on his body could not be extinguished.

And when it was struggling, it also forgot to take in the silk thread, and after being approached by Ye Liuyun, it untied the silk thread directly.

Minor wounds recovered quickly, and Ye Liuyun recovered in a blink of an eye.

He looked at the silk thread in front of him and thought it was a good material for refining weapons. So he pulled the silk thread out, trying to pull out some more thread.

The green silkworm was also dizzy from the burn, and just rolled on the ground, completely forgetting about the silk thread.

Ye Liuyun picked up a big deal and made a fortune in a silent voice.

He speeded up, turned his hands upside down, and pulled out a total of more than thirty feet of silk thread.

It wasn\'t until the silkworm was roasted until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside that the silk finally broke.

Ye Liuyun looked at those black hairs, and nodded with satisfaction: "It\'s almost enough to make a coat!"

Before he could put away the green silk, Qing Lin jumped out from the void, and a cloud of green fire sprayed towards the green silkworm with his mouth.

"Don\'t even think about it!"

How could Ye Liuyun let Qinglin take advantage of the finally baked bugs.

So he raised his hand and released a golden crow holy fire, stopping the green fire.

"I still want to come to pick up a bargain after I\'m done? Waiting to go, waiting for us to finish eating!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he released Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming, Longnu and others.

When Qinglin saw so many people, he was too embarrassed to take it all by himself.

It gestured to Ye Liuyun, which meant that it didn\'t do it on purpose, and that it couldn\'t control the location it was teleported to.

Ye Liuyun understood it, but pretended not to understand it, deliberately ignored it, directly took everyone to eat roasted green silkworms, and put the green silkworm\'s Yuandan into his storage ring.

As a result, with Lei Ming, Longnv, Baihu and Stone Ape as monsters, there were no silkworms left, and they were all eaten up.

Ye Liuyun gloated at Qing Lin who was jumping anxiously, rolled his eyes at him angrily, and raised his paws to show contempt.

"Okay! You\'ve had enough trouble, and you\'re full, take me to see Xue\'er, and tell me about the situation here."

Ye Liuyun was worried about Liang Xue, and didn\'t want to delay any longer.

Qinglin pinched his waist and gestured angrily, but it didn\'t eat at all.

Ye Liuyun also ignored him, but led everyone to rush towards the center of the secret realm according to the map in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the end, Qinglin had no choice but to keep up. Use your spiritual sense to introduce Ye Liuyun to the current situation in the secret realm.