Lord of All Gods

Chapter 632

Facing Lei Ming\'s joke, Ye Liuyun also smiled and said: "I can\'t help it, they are too enthusiastic! I\'m afraid they will have any weird demands, so hurry up and run first!"

"Are you afraid that those senior sisters will be entangled and make things difficult for you again?" Wu Qingcheng smiled and broke Ye Liuyun\'s mind, causing the other women to cover their mouths and laugh.

Ye Liuyun knew that these women were going to make fun of him again, so he simply closed his eyes, pretended to be practicing, and stopped talking.

Ye Liuyun led Wu Qingcheng and the others, chatting and laughing all the way, and went straight back to Tie Ying Sect.

After returning, Ye Liuyun first told Master Ma, Jing Wudi and others about the battle with the Night Demon Palace.

However, he didn\'t mention Lin Fei\'er. He only said that he and Cheng Yi teamed up to kill Lu Jinzhou. So as not to bring disaster to Lin Fei\'er in the future.

"Even Lu Jinzhou was killed by you?" After hearing this, Jing Wudi couldn\'t close his mouth in shock.

Master Ma was also very surprised, but considering Ye Liuyun\'s realm and strength, he felt that this was quite normal.

He was just surprised that the master of the Night Demon Palace actually went to the Northern Territory to practice.

"That\'s because they put the Shura Hell inheritance they took away in the Northern Territory for their own people to practice. This is more secretive, so as not to be discovered by the Cangyun Alliance.

And Lu Jinzhou, the master of the palace, also entered the inheritance secret realm, and then directly prepared to break through in the northern region. He probably didn\'t expect that there would be strong people going to the Northern Territory to kill him. After all, there are no masters in the Northern Territory! "

Master Ma nodded, and felt that Ye Liuyun\'s analysis was good. "Our Iron Eagle Cult has been silent for a long time, and it\'s time to make a difference!"

Master Ma\'s intention was obvious that the Iron Eagle Sect was going to attack the Night Demon Sect.

"Liuyun, the strength of you and the people around you is also the top strength of the Cangyun Continent. We should take this opportunity to drive the Dark Night Demon Palace out of the central region, compress their living space, and let their future The layout is even more difficult!"

Ye Liuyun thought it was not bad. The more sects that deal with the Night Demon Palace, the less energy they have to take care of the Northern Territory.

"Okay. Just let the leader tell you!"

Ye Liuyun readily agreed immediately, and he also wanted to do something for the Northern Territory before leaving.

Master Ma nodded, and then began to assign tasks: "Well, the people around you are all strong, and they are responsible for sweeping the masters of the Dark Night Demon Temple sub-helm in the central region. I will lead people to intercept their reinforcements. The rest will be handed over." Let Invincible clean up the mess. I also contacted the Cangyun Alliance and asked them to put pressure on the Night Demon Temple everywhere at the same time..."

After they discussed, Ye Liuyun immediately led the people to set off without any delay.

"Piaoyun, you lead the way, let\'s wipe out the sub-rudders of the Night Demon Palace one by one!"

"Yes, master!"

Piaoyun is like a treasure to the whole central region, and she led Ye Liuyun from east to west, and began to sweep away the sub-rudders of the Night Demon Palace.

It only took about three months for Ye Liuyun to drive out the sub-helm of the Dark Night Demon Palace in the Central Region.

At the same time, the Dark Night Demon Palace was severely hit by the Cangyun Alliance in both the Eastern and Southern Regions, and they all retreated to their lairs in the Western Regions.

Jing Wudi was in charge of the rest of taking over the site, and Ye Liuyun was happy to stay at Tie Ying Sect to practice.

Piaoyun is helping Ye Liuyun and the others prepare supplies.

Originally, Piaoyun also wanted to follow Ye Liuyun to the outside world.

But Ye Liuyun was worried about the danger. And if Piaoyun is left behind, she will also help to keep an eye on the movement of Shengwu Academy, and can help take care of her.

He also left a lot of resources for Piaoyun, allowing her to practice with peace of mind. Promise her that when he comes back next time, he will take Piaoyun out to have a look.

Kisaragi insisted on following Ye Liuyun. Even if she thinks her realm is low, she can always stay in the Dragon Palace to take care of various medicinal materials.

As for Su Miaoyin and Shi Yuan, who were relatively low-level, Ye Liuyun could only bring them with him. At present, it is to provide them with resources as much as possible, so that they can improve their realm as soon as possible in the Xuankong Stone.

Others, of course, have to follow Ye Liuyun. They are of high level, and they are not afraid of becoming Ye Liuyun\'s burden. On the contrary, it will help him a lot.

In the last few minutes, everyone is hurrying to practice, and they all want to improve their strength before leaving.

During this period of time, Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation focused on the power of heaven and earth and the power of space.

On this day, Ye Liuyun was practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly felt a strange fluctuation in the storage ring.

He quickly checked it with his spiritual sense, and found that it was the teleportation token that Qinglin gave him, and there was a message in it.

He took out the token, and Liang Xue\'s voice came from inside.

"Liuyun, if you can get away, you\'d better come to the Qinghuo Secret Realm. The pressure in the Qinghuo Secret Realm is very high now, and I\'m afraid it won\'t last long!"

When Ye Liuyun heard the words, he knew that the current situation in the Qinghuo Secret Realm might be very dangerous, otherwise Liang Xue would not have come to him.

So he replied without hesitation: "Okay, I\'ll sort it out, and I\'ll be there right away. You make Qinglin ready to send, and wait for my message."

After finishing speaking, Ye Liuyun immediately notified everyone and put them all into the storage ring.

He informed Piaoyun again. Master Ma and Jing Wudi, he had already greeted him. They were all busy expanding their territory at this time, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother them.

Afterwards, he came to the vicinity of the Demon Race resident. This place is usually sparsely populated, suitable for teleportation.

"I\'m ready, let Qinglin take me back!"

Ye Liuyun spoke to the token.

This time, he received no reply. But not long after, the space he was in suddenly trembled violently.

In the void, a vortex surrounded by blue flames appeared. In the vortex, a huge suction force was generated, which directly sucked Ye Liuyun in.

Afterwards, the green fire vortex gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Ye Liuyun felt dizzy again. And this time, it seems to be much more serious than entering the Green Fire Secret Realm before.

"It seems that the degree of dizziness is related to the energy of the green fire secret realm. I am afraid that the energy in this secret realm is really getting insufficient!"

I don\'t know how long he was in a daze, but when Ye Liuyun sensed the breath around him, he fell directly from the sky before he fully woke up.

With a "bang", Ye Liuyun grinned.

Ye Liuyun felt the atmosphere here. "That\'s right, we\'re in the Green Fire Secret Realm!"

He has stayed here for a while, and has a deep memory of the breath here.

Ye Liuyun heaved a sigh of relief, and before releasing everyone from the storage ring, he saw Qinglin appearing in front of him, grinning wickedly.

"You guys didn\'t throw me on purpose, did you?"

Seeing its smirk, Ye Liuyun thought that this guy was joking with him.