Lord of All Gods

Chapter 634

"Oh, a black hole that can\'t be sent back?"

After hearing Qing Lin\'s description, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help feeling a little headache.

According to Qinglin, no matter how hard the black hole appeared recently, it couldn\'t send that black hole back. And there are not just one black hole, but three.

Now Qinglin is helpless. So he could only ask Ye Liuyun for help.

Fortunately, although those black holes cannot be sent back, they expand very slowly. It is estimated that it will take a few days before people can be teleported in.

"Only a few days?"

When Ye Liuyun heard Qinglin talk about the time, he couldn\'t help becoming nervous, and he couldn\'t help but speed up his journey a lot.


Before Ye Liuyun and the others reached the entrance of the cave at the core, the Earth Demon Dragon guarding the entrance of the cave took the lead in roaring to express their welcome.

"Little guy, you\'re already at the ninth level of Tiangang? You\'re making rapid progress!" Lei Ming rushed over first, and patted Earth Demon Dragon on the head.

"Boss, there are a lot of resources here, so I will improve quickly!" Old Demon and Long even spit out their words.

"Hey, can you talk?" Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming and the others were all taken aback.

"Well, Qinglin taught me!" Earth Demon Dragon shook his head, feeling very proud.

After Liang Xue heard the voice, she also walked out of the cave to welcome them.

"Liuyun, Qingcheng... are you all here?" Seeing Su Miaoyin, Liang Xue\'s expression changed.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil was the first to discover that Liang Xue\'s realm had been raised to the seventh level of Tiangang.


Ye Liuyun said hello, and was about to step forward to hug Liang Xue.

However, Liang Xue dodged slightly, and said to Ye Liuyun: "This is Miss Su from the Magic Music Workshop, right? You won\'t introduce us?"

"Uh..." Ye Liuyun looked embarrassed, and said in his heart: "No, forget about it. It seems that Liang Xue is still jealous and is still blaming me."

"Yes, she is Su Miaoyin. Miaoyin, this is Liang Xue."

Ye Liuyun fooled around and introduced the two of them, then asked Wu Qingcheng for help with his eyes.

Of course, Wu Qingcheng also saw that Liang Xue was jealous. So she took the initiative to stand up and pull one in each hand.

"Don\'t pay attention to him, we women go in and talk!"

At this time, Su Miaoyin also called "Sister Liang," and greeted Liang Xue without showing any hostility.

Seeing this, Liang Xue didn\'t want to embarrass her too much.

"Okay, let\'s go in!" Liang Xue followed Wu Qingcheng\'s words and let all the women into the cave, Lei Ming and Longnu also followed.

Ye Liuyun stood there, not knowing whether to follow in or wait outside. Both Baihu and Shiyuan stayed by his side, and they didn\'t want to join in the fun with a group of women.

Qinglin took the opportunity to wink and laugh at him in front of him.

Ye Liuyun finally decided not to go in, so as not to be caught by Liang Xue and others.

"Hey!" Ye Liuyun sighed: "Get down to business first. Qinglin, take me to see the situation of those black holes."

Only then did Qing Lin get serious, and led Ye Liuyun to the direction of the black hole.

Baihu and Stone Ape stayed at the entrance of the cave, chatting with Earth Demon Dragon about some cultivation resources in this secret realm.

"A black hole of nearly ten feet!"

When Ye Liuyun saw the black hole for the first time, he was already shocked.

"Is this going to let people in right away?" He asked Qinglin in disbelief.

Qinglin lay on the side, nodded listlessly, looked at the black hole, and turned his face away again. It transmitted voice to Ye Liuyun again: "It may be that this space is not very stable yet, and there is no way for people to get through it yet, but it should be soon!"

"Can\'t you send it back?"

Ye Liuyun used the power of space and found that the black hole was not moving at all.

"What\'s happening here?"

Ye Liuyun opened his golden pupils while exerting his strength, and looked at the situation of the black hole.

"It\'s a formation!"

After observing carefully for a while, Ye Liuyun finally made up his mind.

Qinglin looked at Ye Liuyun in bewilderment.

Ye Liuyun explained to it: "When they opened up the black hole this time, they applied a formation to protect the black hole when they attacked. Our power of space was repelled by this formation, so it\'s not worth it. effect."

Qing Lin thought that Ye Liuyun had found the problem, so there must be a solution, and looked at Ye Liuyun expectantly.

"There must be a way to crack any formation. But I still can\'t figure out how to crack it. If you break it with brute force, there will be too little time. Let\'s go, take me to see the other two black holes."

So Qinglin jumped up immediately, and excitedly took Ye Liuyun to see the other two black holes.

The size and formation of these black holes are all the same.

Moreover, the distances between these three black holes, as well as the distance from them to the center of the secret realm, are all about the same. Apparently they were carefully designed.

After Ye Liuyun saw it, he couldn\'t help but fell silent.

This formation has been designed beyond his cognition. Even after looking at it for a long time with the golden pupil, he couldn\'t find any obvious loopholes.

If he wants to destroy the formation as a whole, he has no ability.

The only hope at present is that he has discovered the weakness of the formation and can attack and break the formation, but the problem is that they don\'t have enough time now.

I\'m afraid they can\'t even break through a black hole formation, and the other party will send people in.

Seeing Ye Liuyun bowing his head in thought, Qinglin pawed the ground anxiously, but didn\'t dare to disturb him.

After a long while, Ye Liuyun said to Qinglin: "Let Xue\'er hurry up and practice. Except for Xue\'er, go and call everyone, and let\'s attack this black hole formation together."

Hearing this, Qinglin blinked his eyes a few times, then fell down on the ground wanting to cry without tears, and started rolling.

While rolling, he made a disdainful gesture to Ye Liuyun.

"Do as I say!" Ye Liuyun firmly ordered Qing Lin in an unquestionable tone.

Qinglin stopped rolling, looked at him curiously, saw his serious look, rolled his eyes, and walked away suspiciously.

It couldn\'t guess what kind of medicine was sold in Ye Liuyun\'s gourd. But looking at the current situation, Ye Liuyun obviously didn\'t want to explain to him.

It didn\'t take long before it called everyone together.

After everyone arrived, Ye Liuyun began to assign tasks to them.

He divided everyone into two teams. The first team was led by Qing Lin and took Wu Qingcheng and others to attack a black hole.

The other team, led by Lei Ming, took all the monsters and attacked a black hole formation.

"You can go all out to attack this point, you don\'t need to save energy."

After Ye Liuyun pointed out the point of attack for them, he explained to them, and immediately hid aside and began to practice.