Lord of All Gods

Chapter 631

More than three months have passed, and it is not known whether the Green Fire Secret Realm has been attacked again.

Ye Liuyun had already made up his mind: "If I can\'t go back, then I\'ll go out by myself! My aunt and parents can\'t wait too long!"

Seeing that this wish was about to come true, his mood to leave Cangyun Continent became more and more urgent.

At present, there is enough energy ready for him to absorb, so naturally there is no hindrance to his realm improvement.

After more than ten days in Xuankong Stone, Ye Liuyun began to break through to the realm of Yin and Yang.

After being baptized by the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, the quality of his true essence, physical body, Golden Crow Holy Flame, blood thunder, soul, blood, and the use of the power of heaven and earth have all improved.

So before the breakthrough, his foundation was very solid, and the breakthrough was also extremely smooth.

Although the breakthrough of the yin and yang realm had a stronger impact on the meridians than before, the repair ability of his physical body and blood vessels also improved rapidly, so the whole process was safe and sound.

While breaking through, he incorporated a large amount of power from heaven and earth.

So once he breaks through, his strength is far from doubling.

His current real combat strength is at least three or four times higher than when he was in the first level of Yin-Yang. Now that he is fighting against the fourth level of the Yin-Yang Realm, he dares to say that he has some confidence.

Then you have to meet some martial arts who are not very strong. If it is the arrogance of some big sects, it is hard to say how big the difference in strength will be if they are one or two realms behind.

"The strength of those Tianjiao may have a lot to do with the exercises practiced by those Tianjiao from outside the region. My own exercises haven\'t been improved for a long time!"

Ye Liuyun was also secretly looking for the gap with those Tianjiao.

In the past, he felt that his strength and skills were enough.

But now that he has seen the battles of those arrogances outside the territory, he also feels that better exercises can indeed improve a lot of strength.

His skills haven\'t undergone major changes and improvements for a long time, so when he fights against the Tianjiao from outside the territory, he can no longer fight across the four realms like he did in the Cangyun Continent.

"There are better exercises outside the domain, I will pay more attention to it in the future. There is also the method of the clone. My various strengths are improving, and the exercises cannot be left behind."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun also decided to pay more attention to the cultivation techniques of some foreign martial arts practitioners in the future.

Ye Liuyun came out of the Xuankong Stone after consolidating his realm.

That energy crystal ball is now running out. He is a double Yuandan, so the energy he needs is also double.

He also handed over the remaining energy to Wu Qingcheng for distribution.

Ye Liuyun explained to everyone: "Everyone, get ready, we will return to Iron Eagle Sect first, and then we will leave Cangyun Continent!"

"Great! I can finally go out and have a look!" Lei Ming was the first to cheer.

Then, he looked at Long Nu again: "Would you like to go out with us and have a look?"

The dragon girl has already completed the dragon transformation, so it stands to reason that Ye Liuyun\'s help to her should stop here.

But after such a long time of acquaintance, Ye Liuyun would not abandon her immediately.

If she was willing to go with her, Ye Liuyun didn\'t mind taking her with her.

Dragon Girl\'s strength is not weak now, at least it can be a powerful help for him.

"If you don\'t dislike me, take me with you! I also want to go and see if I can meet a real dragon!"

On the one hand, Dragon Girl is reluctant to leave Ye Liuyun. On the other hand, if she wants to return to the Dragon Clan, she also needs the Dragon Palace in Ye Liuyun\'s hand as a token before she can join the Dragon Clan.

As soon as Ye Liuyun was reminded by her, he also remembered the matter of Dragon Palace, so he immediately agreed.

"Okay then, let\'s go together!"

After saying hello to everyone, he went to see Master and bid him farewell.

"You can leave at ease! There is nothing to worry about here. Our Holy Martial Academy is still the strongest sect in the north." The Great Elder comforted him so that he would not have any worries.

As a master, he is most proud of being able to teach such a man who is famous throughout the continent. So it was impossible for him to drag Ye Liuyun back.

"Master, if the academy needs help, you can ask for help from Tie Ying Sect. Before I leave, I will also go back to Tie Ying Sect and ask them to take care of Shengwu Academy."

Ye Liuyun\'s affection for Shengwu Academy is even more than that of Tie Ying Sect.

"I\'m already very satisfied if you have this intention. You are not only strong, but also have good character. Being your master is the most proud thing in my life! Hahaha!"

The Great Elder laughed sincerely. He felt that he was really lucky to receive Ye Liuyun as a disciple.

"Master, thank you! It is my blessing to worship you as my teacher!"

No matter how famous Ye Liuyun was, he would never hold himself up in front of his master.

"En!" The Great Elder nodded with satisfaction: "Go and do your work. There should be many people waiting for you to say goodbye to Lingyun Pavilion, so don\'t waste your time here. If you have time to come back in the future, just remember Come see me, old man!"

"Yes! Disciple will definitely come back to visit your old man when he has time!"

Ye Liuyun solemnly agreed, and then bowed to the elder before retreating.

Then he went to Lingyun Pavilion to bid farewell to Tie Jun and others.

Many people also proposed to go out with Ye Liuyun, especially Lin Xueying, but they were all rejected by Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s too dangerous outside. The eighth and ninth levels of Tiangang are the bottom of the world. If I go out, I can\'t protect myself, let alone protect you."

"We don\'t need your protection! If we die outside, it\'s because of our own incompetence, and we won\'t blame you!" Lin Xueying was the first to refute him.

The others also followed the promise, and immediately made a mess.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to wave his hands to calm them down, and then explained to them: "You are in this state, you will definitely die if you go out, and there is no hope of surviving.

How about this? You practice to improve your realm first, and when I come back next time, your realm has also improved, and I will take you to go together, okay? "

In the end, it was Ye Liuyun\'s rhetoric that persuaded everyone to come down. They were given a lot of resources to let them improve their realm as soon as possible.

Then, he didn\'t dare to stay in Shengwu Academy anymore, lest there would be more troubles. That night, he took advantage of the night to escape from those enthusiastic friends of the Holy Martial Academy, and returned directly to the Iron Eagle Sect.

After getting on the flying boat, Lei Ming still laughed at Ye Liuyun: "Hahaha, little brother, do you have time to run away?"