Lord of All Gods

Chapter 630

Regarding Lin Fei\'er\'s idea of ​​returning to the Dark Night Demon Palace as a spy and cooperating with him internally and externally, Ye Liuyun thinks it\'s okay.

However, he didn\'t want Lin Fei\'er to take this risk.

As soon as he came, he was about to leave Cangyun Continent, and he didn\'t know when he would come back. Secondly, he may not be able to fight against the backer of the Night Demon Palace, the Night Demon Sect.

So when this chess piece will be buried, he still can\'t say for sure.

Ye Liuyun finally told Lin Fei\'er: "I don\'t think you should think so much, let\'s talk about improving your strength first!

The Night Demon Palace is easy to deal with, but the Night Demon Sect behind it is not so simple!

So after you go back, just be your demon cultivator and don\'t show your feet. "

"Then what if we get rid of Cui Wuming now? Cui Wuming is in the triple realm of yin and yang. I think we all have a chance to do it together."

After thinking about it, Lin Fei\'er suggested to Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s useless. Get rid of him, and the Night Demon Sect will send stronger people."

Ye Liuyun felt that since the Night Demon Sect made an attack on the Cangyun Continent, they would not give up easily. At that time, a new person will come, maybe it\'s not as good as this one.

It\'s better to keep Cui Wuming. Based on the importance he attaches to Lin Fei\'er, maybe she can get more cultivation resources.

"Alright then! I\'ll listen to you, and I won\'t show my feet!" After thinking about it, Lin Fei\'er agreed with Ye Liuyun\'s statement.

Ye Liuyun took out Lu Jinzhou\'s captured treasures and storage ring, and asked her to take away what she needed.

Seeing Ye Liuyun take out the two artifacts and let her pick them out, Lin Fei\'er couldn\'t help asking, "Actually, I\'ve always wanted to know, you really don\'t mind if I become a demon cultivator. Joined the Night Demon Palace?"

Ye Liuyun said gently: "Didn\'t I tell you that there is no right or wrong in a practice, it all depends on the practitioner\'s heart. The same goes for sects. I believe you will not go astray."

As he said that, he pushed the things forward: "Just take away what you need. Since you want to go back and fight for the position of Hall Master, you must improve your strength as soon as possible."

Lin Fei\'er was so grateful that she didn\'t know what to say.

The so-called daughter is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find. It is precisely because of Ye Liuyun\'s existence that she can persist until now.

Now that she knows Ye Liuyun\'s trust in her, her heart will not be polluted by the devil no matter what.

In the end, she only picked the shield that protects the soul. After all, her current soul power has not kept up with the realm.

She didn\'t take that magic tower. She also knew that there were many people around Ye Liuyun, and they all needed resources.

Those are very rare artifacts. She already has a flying shuttle for soul attack, and a shield for soul defense is enough.

In addition, she took out a token and a magic bead for cultivation from Lu Jinzhou\'s storage ring. She didn\'t lack anything else, so she left it to Ye Liuyun.

"I have to go back as soon as possible! If it takes too long, the other elders of the Night Demon Palace will suspect me!"

Lin Fei\'er didn\'t dare to delay any longer, so she bid farewell to Ye Liuyun and hurried back to the headquarters of the Dark Night Demon Palace in the Central Region.

Although she also misses Ye Liuyun deeply and has a lot to say, the current situation cannot be controlled by her love for her children.

Lu Jinzhou is the master of the hall, and he must have left his spiritual consciousness in the Night Demon Hall. At this time, the Night Demon Palace should know that Lu Jinzhou is dead.

If she wanted to compete for the position of Hall Master, she had to take advantage of this chaos to get rid of herself and get rid of some opponents.

If more time is wasted, it will be more difficult for her to take the position.

"Okay! Then take care of yourself!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t keep her anymore considering her safety.

"Wait, I\'ll go with you too!" Mo Crow, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out. "I\'ll follow you, so I can take care of you. Anyway, I don\'t have anything to do now, so I might as well go to the Central Region with you!"

Lin Fei\'er immediately agreed when she heard the words.

Like Ye Liuyun, this friend Mo Ya is trustworthy.

He is also a demon cultivator, and his realm is not high, so he can enter the Night Demon Palace as her subordinate without attracting the attention of the higher-ups.

Ye Liuyun also agreed: "Anyway, there is nothing serious here in the Northern Territory. It is safer for you two to take care of each other in the Night Demon Palace!"

So Mo Ya followed Lin Fei\'er in a flying boat and rushed back to the central region.

Ye Liuyun and others watched them leave.

After that, Ye Liuyun directly gave the magic tower to Lei Ming. Lei Ming is also a member of the Demon Clan, so it is appropriate to use the Demon Tower.

It just so happened that she hadn\'t had any artifacts yet.

He handed over all the other things to Wu Qingcheng to deal with. Then he took everyone, took the flying boat, and rushed back to Shengwu Academy.

After solving the Dark Night Demon Palace in the Northern Territory, Ye Liuyun felt a lot more relaxed.

He didn\'t expect that one day he would be able to save the entire Northern Territory with his own strength.

This was unimaginable before. Now it seems that he doesn\'t think it\'s too difficult.

Ye Liuyun\'s flying boat shuttled in the void, first rushed to the Sky Fate Dynasty, then went back to Ye\'s house, and then went to meet the Sky Fate King.

In addition to telling them about the destruction of the Dark Night Demon Temple in the Northern Territory, they also left them with a lot of cultivation resources.

The patriarch of the Ye family and the King of Fortune wanted him to stay for a while, but he refused.

The layout of the Night Demon Palace in the Northern Territory has been completely disintegrated, and the masters have lost a lot. Even the Hall Master is here. Without a long period of time to train masters, they will not attack the Northern Territory again.

He now has to seize all the time to improve his realm, and then leave the Cangyun Continent.

After meeting the sect disciples outside, he already knew how big the gap was between him!

Compared with those strong people outside, he has become an ordinary person who started from the lowest point again!

So after Ye Liuyun returned to Shengwu Academy, he directly entered the Xuankong Stone and began to absorb the energy crystal ball he found at the alien altar.

Now that he has reached the realm of yin and yang, every time he breaks through a small realm, he needs a lot of energy.

There is very little aura in Cangyun Continent. If he just practiced step by step in the Cangyun Continent, even if he transformed his true essence quickly, he would not be able to accumulate enough true essence in ten or eight years.

This is also an important reason why the Cangyun Continent lacks strong Yin and Yang mirrors.

If he was in the secret realm of Qinghuo Inheritance, where there was a rich barbaric vitality for him to cultivate, then Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation speed would be at least ten times faster.

Moreover, there are a lot of cultivation resources in the Qinghuo Secret Realm, and his cultivation speed will be even faster.

This made Ye Liuyun want to return to the Green Fire Secret Realm quickly.

Liang Xue was still cultivating there, and Ye Liuyun was really worried because there were three major sects staring at her outside.

However, without the call of the Qinghuo Secret Realm, he himself would definitely not be able to go back.