Lord of All Gods

Chapter 629

Tie Jun also took the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion, and after collecting the belongings of the sub-rudder, he returned to Shengwu Academy to repair.

Their battle has uprooted the foundation of the Night Demon Temple for the entire Northern Territory, and it can be regarded as a great contribution to the Northern Territory.

The entire Northern Territory will restore normal order from now on. Coupled with the fact that the corpse demon has also been wiped out, the Northern Territory will be at peace for a while.

Lei Ming and the others stayed behind to accompany Ye Liuyun, waiting for Lin Feier to recover.

She was injured in the aspect of spirit and soul, and it cannot be fully recovered in a short while. But after a brief breath adjustment, speaking and doing things will not have any effect.

After she recovered, seeing that she was still lying in Ye Liuyun\'s arms, she simply closed her eyes for a while longer.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul power is much stronger than hers. As soon as she finished her breath adjustment, Ye Liuyun immediately realized that she had woken up.

Seeing that she hadn\'t opened her eyes yet, Ye Liuyun thought she still needed time to recover, so she didn\'t dare to move around for fear of disturbing her.

It wasn\'t until Lin Fei\'er had had enough of lying down that she opened her eyes.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling better? The damage to the soul may take a while to recover." Ye Liuyun said with concern.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s not considered damaged. It\'s just overused and needs some time to recover!" Lin Fei\'er smiled.

It was the first time for her to have such close contact with Ye Liuyun. Especially seeing his golden pupils at such a close distance.

She felt that the golden pupils seemed to have magical powers, able to lure people\'s souls away.

Ye Liuyun was a little embarrassed by Lin Fei\'er\'s look, and hurriedly helped her to stand up, changing the subject with an embarrassed expression.

"How did you get to the Night Demon Palace?"

Lin Feier also blushed.

Regarding this, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er both smiled slightly. Women who adore Ye Liuyun, they have seen too many, and they are no longer surprised by it.

Lei Ming didn\'t even care. Only Su Miaoyin is often jealous.

"Hmph!" She snorted coldly, turned her head to the side, and stopped looking at Ye Liuyun and Lin Fei\'er.

Lin Fei\'er also glanced at Wu Qingcheng and the others apologetically as a greeting, then straightened her clothes and put the black robe back on. Only then did he tell Ye Liuyun.

"After I left the Five-Region Alliance, I searched everywhere for a sect suitable for my cultivation. Unexpectedly, I met a powerful demon cultivator named Cui Wuming on the way."

Lin Fei\'er paused, and then said: "You may not believe it when you say it. This demon cultivator is not from our Cangyun Continent, but from an outlander. A powerful sect called Night Demon Sect."

"Night Demon Sect?" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help repeating.

After Lei Ming and the others heard it, they all gathered around and listened to her continue.

"What? You also know this sect?" Now it was Lin Fei\'er\'s turn to be surprised.

"Not only do you know, but you have fought against each other! You continue to talk first, and then I will tell you what happened."

"Okay, let me continue!" Lin Fei\'er continued to talk.

"At the beginning, I didn\'t know about the Night Demon Sect, but I found out later that the Night Demon Sect is actually the backer of the Night Demon Palace and the actual controller of the Night Demon Palace.

He saw that I had good qualifications and was suitable for magic cultivation, so he let me join the Night Demon Palace and gave me a lot of support.

After I arrived at the Dark Night Demon Temple, I learned many things about them, such as plotting the Northern Territory and even the entire Cangyun Continent, cooperating with demons and corpse demons, robbing Cangyun Martial Arts\' Shura Hell inheritance, and so on.

I also became so strong after I entered the Asura Hell to accept the inheritance, and my realm was not so high before.

It is because the realm has improved relatively quickly, so the cultivation of the soul has not kept up.

These are all planned by Cui Wuming behind the scenes.

However, he never showed up, and Lu Jinzhou was always acting as his agent. "

"So that\'s how it is!" After some simple explanations from Lin Fei\'er, Ye Liuyun realized that the hands of the Night Demon Sect had already reached the Cangyun Continent and controlled the Night Demon Palace.

He also finally understood why Lin Fei\'er\'s realm was so high. It turned out that he had accepted the inheritance of Asura Hell.

"Then what\'s going on with you and the Night Demon Sect?" Lin Fei\'er asked Ye Liuyun.

"I also met the Night Demon Sect after I entered the inheritance." Ye Liuyun roughly told Lin Fei\'er about the things in the secret realm of the Qinghuo inheritance.

"So, the entire Qingxiao Domain is under the jurisdiction of those three sects?" Lin Fei\'er only knew about Qingxiao Domain and those three sects at this time.

For the Cangyun Continent, these three major sects are all giants. The strength they see now is only the tip of the iceberg.

Ye Liuyun nodded, and then said worriedly: "The Night Demon Sect has already intervened in the Cangyun Continent, so what about the other sects?

After all, for them, to manage an island like Cangyun, it is very simple to just send one or two sect disciples.

With years of accumulated background, they have cultivated disciples in the realm of yin and yang, I don\'t know how many there are! "

"You mean, maybe this Cangyun Continent has the power of the other two sects?" Lin Fei\'er asked directly.

Ye Liuyun nodded: "Based on the strength and competition of these sects, I think it is very possible! It\'s just that they may all hide in the dark like Cui Wuming of the Night Demon Sect, looking for a powerful force Agent only."

"The power that can compete with the Dark Night Demon Palace, on the Cangyun Continent, there is only the Cangyun Alliance! Could it be that the Cangyun Alliance..." Wu Qingcheng analyzed.

"It\'s hard to say whether the Cangyun Alliance has the secret support of foreign forces! But no matter what, their ultimate goal is to plunder the cultivation resources here. It is not a good thing for the Cangyun Continent!"

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he turned to Lin Fei\'er: "What about you? What are your plans? Now that the Northern Territory branch has been wiped out, can you still stay in the Night Demon Palace?"

Lin Fei\'er said confidently, "I\'ve already thought about it! Now that Lu Jinzhou is dead, there\'s no need for me to leave.

Not only will I not leave, but I can also go back and compete for the position of the Hall Master. I also have this strength now.

I estimate that Cui Wuming will support me. "

"You still want to go back to the Night Demon Palace?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

Lin Fei\'er was afraid that Ye Liuyun would misunderstand that she was determined to join the Night Demon Palace, so she hurriedly explained: "I return to the Night Demon Palace, not only can I obtain resources and improve my level faster, but I can also be your partner when you attack the Night Demon Palace in the future." help.

Don\'t worry, after this loss, the Night Demon Palace will not have any manpower to deploy to the Northern Territory in a short time! "