Lord of All Gods

Chapter 628

As soon as the flying shuttle flew by, Lu Jinzhou\'s soul exploded and was torn apart.

Without the control of his soul, his physical body immediately fell downwards.

The skeleton puppet cut him in half with a sword. At this moment, the Demon Sealing Tablet also smashed the Demon Tower into the air again, and fell towards him. Smash the two halves of the corpses to pieces.

Lin Fei\'er, after starting the shuttle, also consumed a lot of soul, her face turned pale, and she was a little bit shaky.

She also tried her best to kill Lu Jinzhou with one blow. I\'m afraid that if I use less strength, I won\'t be able to kill him.

Ye Liuyun hurried to her and supported her.

"Fair, thank you so much! You rest first!"

"I also want to thank you! Thank you for trusting me so much!" Lin Fei\'er said weakly.

The hat of her black robe also fell off at this time, revealing a fair face and a head of black hair, and the whole person was also gently nestled in Ye Liuyun\'s arms.

Although her face was pale, she smiled very happily.

Seeing that she needed to recover as soon as possible, Ye Liuyun didn\'t immediately ask how she got to the Night Demon Palace. Just hold her in your arms and let her recover as soon as possible.

Just after Ye Liuyun recovered with Lin Fei\'er in his arms, and recalled the Demon Sealing Tablet and the skeleton puppet,

From Lu Jinzhou\'s storage ring, a figure suddenly jumped out and rushed away.

"Huh? Isn\'t this Lu Jinzhou? Why are there two Lu Jinzhous?"

Ye Liuyun was a little dazed for a while.

While Ye Liuyun was in a daze, the second "Lu Jinzhou" had already run a long way.

Only then did he react, and immediately threw out the skeleton puppet for it to chase.

But before the skeleton puppet could catch up, Cheng Yi stopped him.

The second "Lu Jinzhou" was only at the Ninth Layer of Tiangang, and hadn\'t reached the Yin-Yang Mirror Realm, and was sent flying back by Cheng Yi\'s palm.

In mid-air, he was already half dead.

The skeleton puppet followed, and with another axe, it split him in half.

This time, Ye Liuyun also learned well, and asked the skeleton puppet to bring back the magic tower and the two storage rings of "Lu Jinzhou".

Ye Liuyun checked it with his spiritual sense first, and then put it into the storage ring.

"What\'s going on here? Why are there two Lu Jinzhous?" Ye Liuyun remembered that the dean had a clone. This is already the second time he has seen the avatar.

"Could it be that Lu Jinzhou also has a clone?"

Cheng Yi nodded firmly. "I didn\'t know he had a clone before. It was just because of the possibility that I didn\'t show up all the time, just to guard against his move."

"Fortunately, you have experience, otherwise I would have let him go!"

Ye Liuyun suddenly felt that his knowledge was still too little!

"How can I cultivate a clone?" Ye Liuyun asked Cheng Yi. He is also very interested in this kind of exercise. With a clone, he can do many more things.

"There are many ways to cultivate avatars. Some need to rely on foreign objects, and some need to lose part of their own strength. I suggest that you pay more attention to this kind of practice when you go out in the future. The Cangyun Continent is too powerful. Less, it’s not perfect. When you see more in the future, it’s not too late to choose another kind of cultivation.”

Cheng Yi said sincerely.

Ye Liuyun thought about it too. "There are better and more resources in the outside world, and there is no rush. And looking at it now, the avatars of people like Cheng Yi and Lu Jinzhou are not very strong."

Cheng Yi didn\'t stay long, the battle outside was still going on, he could go over to help earlier, so as to save some losses. So he greeted Ye Liuyun and went to the periphery to help others.

With his divine sense, Ye Liuyun scanned the situation outside and found that his side had an absolute advantage.

He also doesn\'t want to take over everything by himself, so he should give others more opportunities to practice.

So he was not in a hurry to go out. Instead, he stood guarding Lin Fei\'er and waited for her to recover.

They have quite a few masters at the first level of yin and yang, and with the addition of members of the Chengyi Alliance, they have made dumplings for everyone in the Night Demon Palace, and none of them have been allowed to escape.

Currently, they are being hunted around them. It is estimated that it will not be long before the battle will end.

Ye Liuyun also returned to the Soul Realm with peace of mind, and directly removed the death knell.

After such a long time, Lu Jinzhou\'s soul should have no power to resist.

Sure enough, Lu Jinzhou\'s soul in Ye Liuyun\'s soul domain had a big hole burnt through his chest, and he was dying now.

Even his magic shield, he couldn\'t hold it anymore.

Ye Liuyun immediately put away the magic weapon, and then shot out a few ghost fires to speed up his demise.

Lu Jinzhou, the well-known master of the Dark Night Demon Palace, was not killed by the Cangyun Alliance, but died in the hands of Ye Liuyun in the Northern Territory. And after breaking through the realm, even the avatars were destroyed.

If this is said, no one will believe it.

Ye Liuyun looked at Lu Jinzhou\'s soul that was gradually being burned, and felt a little incredible.

"I don\'t know who will take over and lead the Night Demon Palace after Lu Jinzhou dies."

Ye Liuyun thought, after Lin Fei\'er recovered, he should ask her about the situation of the Night Demon Palace.

Soon, the noise of the battle outside became smaller and smaller. Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to release the Soul Domain and absorbed a lot of Soul Power.

Since he absorbed the flames of the phoenix in the Yan Palace and absorbed the blood thunder after helping the dragon girl overcome the catastrophe, and he improved the use of the power of heaven and earth when fighting Yu Haotian, his strength has improved a lot.

This time, after absorbing the soul power of so many Tiangang experts, the power of the soul has also taken a step further.

Ye Liuyun felt that even if he didn\'t break through the realm now, it wouldn\'t be too difficult for him to fight against the yin and yang quadruple martial arts.

When he goes back and breaks through the first stage, even if he goes outside the territory in the future, he will have a certain ability to survive. At least they won\'t be wiped out if they go out.

He was summing up his own strength, and the battle outside was completely over.

The northern branch of the Dark Night Demon Palace was completely wiped out, and none of the demon cultivators escaped from Ye Liuyun\'s siege.

On their own side, more than 30 martial artists died in this battle. Injured people are not in the minority.

This kind of battle with a large number of people often kills in an instant. Even if they have strong people, it is difficult to protect everyone.

But at the cost of more than 30 people, killing more than 200 Tiangang powerhouses in the Night Demon Palace, as well as many demon cultivators of other realms, this is already a great victory.

After the battle, Cheng Yi took the alliance people and withdrew directly.