Lord of All Gods

Chapter 627

"I forgot to tell you, even if my spirit is not as good as yours, it will not be easy for you to destroy me!"

As he said that, Lu Jinzhou\'s soul unexpectedly took out another artifact to counter the attack of Ye Liuyun\'s soul.

It was a magic weapon like a shield. It can\'t block the real attack, but it can block the soul attack. It is suitable for use in Ye Liuyun\'s soul domain. Even the ghost fire was blocked by this magical shield.

"As expected of the Lord of the Night Demon Temple, there are so many life-saving things!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he also moved the death knell to the realm of spirit and soul, and threw it at Lu Jinzhou.

This time, Lu Jinzhou also had to be cautious.

However, in Ye Liuyun\'s domain, his activities would be affected to some extent, so his speed was a little slower, and he did not escape Ye Liuyun\'s blow. Then he could only rely on the shield and slam into the death knell.

Foreseeing this result, Ye Liuyun raised the corner of his mouth, and shot out with all his strength.

With the sound of "dong", the two artifacts collided, and the sound of the death knell was not usually loud.

Even Lu Jinzhou\'s spirit trembled and he temporarily lost consciousness.

Ye Liuyun, however, was completely unaffected. The ghostly ghost fire that he shot just now was hitting Lu Jinzhou\'s chest, punching a big hole in his soul.

Although it didn\'t penetrate, it was enough to seriously injure him. And once the ghost fire hits, he can\'t put it out anymore.

Lu Jinzhou first wanted to use the power of his soul to extinguish the ghost fire, but when he found it was ineffective, he directly slapped it with his hands. The more he slapped, the faster the ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp expanded!

It\'s better if he doesn\'t Paida. With this slap, even his hands were stained with ghost fire and lit up.

He is also completely helpless with this ghostly ghost fire.

"Hmph! Even if you take advantage temporarily, so what?" My physical body will attack you soon, let\'s see how you can hold it.

He felt that as long as he could hold on for a little longer, his physical body would be able to use up energy to attack.

The time in the soul world is much faster than outside. So he estimated that it would take another hour or two. So he is not in a hurry.

He took back the magic shield, intending to use it to extinguish the flames on his body.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t give him a chance, and manipulated the death knell to smash it over again.

This time Lu Jinzhou also learned his skills, and he didn\'t dare to use his shield to smash the death knell again, but dodged to avoid it. However, in Ye Liuyun\'s domain, his dodging speed was not as fast as Ye Liuyun\'s controlling the death knell.

This time, the death knell directly covered him inside.

But this Lu Jinzhou was very shrewd, so he didn\'t use it to strike the death knell.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t care, as long as he could be covered by the death knell, he knew that his spirit would not be able to escape.

So he no longer paid attention to the realm of spirit and soul, but focused on the battle of the skeleton puppets.

The demon tower that Lu Jinzhou threw out first blocked the demon sealing tablet for a while, but was soon smashed directly into the ground by the demon sealing tablet.

The Demon Sealing Tablet was able to attack on its own, and now it jumped up high again, ready to throw it at Lu Jinzhou again.

And the skeleton puppet, at this time, had already slashed at his body with an axe.

The skull puppet, which is in the realm of eight levels of yin and yang, shocked Lu Jinzhou when it first appeared. He also knew that he couldn\'t bear the blow, so he immediately took out a mirror to block the blow from the skeleton puppet.

There was a loud "boom", followed by a "click". The mirror was an ordinary artifact.

The blue ax of the skeleton puppet was also a venerable weapon, and he had a high realm, so when he struck it with the axe, it actually shattered the mirror of the venerable tool.

Lu Jinzhou is completely panicked now. He has used so many artifacts and honorable artifacts in his hands, but it is still not enough.

He didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to have so many treasures. This scene was different from what he expected, and he even didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun had such a strong skeleton puppet.

It can\'t be blamed that the information from the central domain of the Night Demon Palace didn\'t come through.

In fact, Ye Liuyun\'s information had already been collected by the intelligence network of the Night Demon Palace.

However, these messages were all intercepted by Lin Feier. She did not report to him on the grounds that the hall master was practicing and was not easy to disturb.

This time he suffered a big loss.

When Ye Liuyun saw him flustered, he slashed at him again with the intent of the saber.

With a sound of "Boom", the saber intent came in an instant after it was sent out, and it was hitting his chest, knocking him staggering.

The demon-slaying knife itself restrains the demonic energy, coupled with the power of Buddha\'s light, this knife, even if he is in the dual realm of yin and yang, can\'t stop this kind of power that specifically restrains him.

Seeing a cut in his chest, Lu Jinzhou became anxious.

"Fei\'er, attack him with a magic weapon!" He asked Lin Fei\'er beside him for help.

He knew that Lin Fei\'er had an artifact in his hand, which was a flying shuttle designed to attack spirits.

The flying shuttle is extremely fast, and it specializes in killing spirits. Even though activating that artifact requires a lot of soul power. But now he couldn\'t care less. As long as Ye Liuyun\'s soul is destroyed first, the skeleton puppet may lose control.

In that case, Ye Liuyun\'s artifacts have also become their possessions.

"Okay!" Lin Fei\'er agreed, and took out the flying shuttle artifact.

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun just smiled slightly.

He could feel the power of the soul on the shuttle, and it looked like it was attacking the soul.

Now is the moment of truth. It all depends on how Lin Feier chooses.

In his heart, he actually believed in Lin Fei\'er.

"Since I have chosen to believe, I will believe to the end." So Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to defend at all.

At this time, the skeleton puppet had already attacked Lu Jinzhou again.

"Hurry up!" Lu Jinzhou threw out another high-ranking treasure at will, and blocked the blow of the skeleton puppet again, but this time, he dislocated his arm.

At the same time, he had to mobilize the demon tower that had been pushed into the ground to defend the demon-sealing tablet, which was already in jeopardy.

Under his urging, Lin Fei\'er also gritted her teeth, glanced at Ye Liuyun, then activated her soul power, poured it into the shuttle, and then waved her hand.

A phantom of the flying shuttle flew out of the flying shuttle artifact and ran directly in the direction of Lu Jinzhou.

"Huh!" Ye Liuyun let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

At this moment, Lu Jinzhou had to deal with both the Demon Sealing Tablet and the skeleton puppets. He was so busy that he didn\'t notice Lin Feier\'s movements at all. He didn\'t realize until the flying shuttle entered his sea of ​​consciousness. , I was betrayed by Lin Feier.

But he didn\'t even say a word, the remaining soul was directly pierced by the shuttle.