Lord of All Gods

Chapter 626


Tie Jun and Ye Liuyun called out at the same time.

Cheng Yi smiled and nodded towards them, and said to them: "We know that you are going to attack the Night Demon Palace, so we will do our part. We have brought you fifty martial arts practitioners in the Tiangang realm, who can be dispatched by you. "

Ye Liuyun, Tie Jun and others were overjoyed when they heard the words.

Fifty martial cultivators in the Tiangang realm, with their participation, it should be no problem to win the Night Demon Palace.

"Will there be no problem with the Northern Alliance calling out so many martial arts at once?" Ye Liuyun asked worriedly.

"What\'s the problem? You have wiped out all the alien evils and corpses in the Northern Territory, and you just have time to use these forces. Speaking of which, we still have to thank you! So it\'s only right to do you a little favor!"

Cheng Yi said generously. It seemed that he knew what Ye Liuyun was doing.

"I see!" Ye Liuyun also readily accepted Cheng Yi\'s kindness.

"Holy Martial Academy, there is still a lack of a dean. I don\'t know you..." Ye Liuyun wanted to ask Cheng Yi if he would like to go back to be the dean.

"Haha, this dean, I think the college should have some fresh blood. Your master and I are both old and lack energy. Let him find another one slowly! But don\'t worry, I will help him Check it out!"

Cheng Yi understood what Ye Liuyun meant. It is also very gratifying that he can care about the future of Shengwu Academy.

After all, he was also the dean of Shengwu Academy, and he also has feelings for Shengwu Academy.

When Ye Liuyun heard the words, he didn\'t persuade her much. Anyway, for him, he just needs to find the right person to be the dean.

What to do now is to solve the immediate matter first, and talk about the rest later.

"I\'ll go with you, too, to help you deal with their lord! Lu Jinzhou, the lord of the Night Demon Palace, is a veteran powerhouse, so don\'t be careless!" Cheng Yi finally reminded Ye Liuyun.

Cheng Yi is also in the realm of yin and yang. With his joining, Ye Liuyun felt more confident.

"Okay. I\'m prepared. Then you lie in an ambush in the dark, and I\'ll attack head-on!" Ye Liuyun immediately assigned the task.

"No problem, let\'s go, our flying boat will follow you." Cheng Yi readily agreed. Immediately, his flying boat followed behind the flying boat in Lingyun Pavilion.

Lingyun Pavilion\'s flying boat has the slowest speed, so it can only follow behind them and take care of their speed.

Two days later, they arrived at the North Territory branch of the Night Demon Temple.

After getting off the flying boat, Tie Jun and others rushed over directly with all the martial arts as planned.

After putting away the flying boat, Ye Liuyun directly used his spiritual consciousness to lock on the Lord of the Night Demon Palace, disappeared into the void, and rushed directly to his training place.

As for where Cheng Yi was ambush, Ye Liuyun didn\'t worry about it, he must have his own way.

Ye Liuyun and the others got off the flying boat, and Lin Fei\'er felt it.

"Oops! They came a day late! The Palace Master has already broken through!"

But at this time, she wanted to inform Ye Liuyun, but it was too late. I had no choice but to immediately run to the place where the hall master practiced.

She guessed that if Ye Liuyun came to attack, he would definitely run to the palace master immediately.

Lu Jinzhou, the lord of the Dark Night Demon Palace, felt Ye Liuyun\'s peeping as early as Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils looked over.

Although he was cultivating at the time, he had a premonition that someone had discovered him, and something might happen to him.

So he is also accelerating his improvement and breaking through ahead of time. Finally, a day ago, he broke through to the realm of yin and yang. Currently consolidating the realm, waiting for someone to attack him.

Every time the realm of yin and yang is raised, the power doubles, which is absolutely astonishing.

He felt that with his own strength, no one could do anything to him. At least it\'s okay to escape. Therefore, he didn\'t change places at all, but consolidated his realm in place.

It was because of his carelessness at this moment that Ye Liuyun was given the chance to kill him. Otherwise, if he fled back to the headquarters of the Night Demon Palace, Ye Liuyun wouldn\'t be able to touch him at all. If you want to go to the headquarters of the Night Demon Temple, you need the entire Cangyun Alliance to organize manpower.

Seeing that Lu Jinzhou did not escape, Ye Liuyun was overjoyed. Ye Liuyun also discovered Lu Jinzhou\'s breakthrough. His yin and yang double realm is not very stable yet.

But that doesn\'t matter anymore. As long as he is there. Ye Liuyun didn\'t intend to go up to fight him desperately.

"Liuyun! The Palace Master has broken through to the realm of Yin and Yang!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun appeared, Lin Feier also rushed over. "Use your spiritual sense to transmit the sound to Ye Liuyun immediately."

"It\'s okay, I\'m prepared!" Ye Liuyun simply replied, drew out the demon-slaying knife, and slashed at the secret room where Lu Jinzhou was practicing!


The secret room collapsed under his knife. But Lu Jinzhou jumped out before the secret room was broken open.

"Are you the boy who is number one in the Cangyun martial arts competition?" Lu Jinzhou sized Ye Liuyun up, and then said with a smile, "It\'s a pity, you came a step late!"

"As long as you are still in the Northern Territory, it\'s not too late!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t talk nonsense, and took the lead in activating the Hunyuan God of War, launching a soul attack. At the same time, he waved his hand, threw the Demon Sealing Tablet, and threw it at Lu Jinzhou.

Feeling the devilish energy in Lu Jinzhou\'s body, Fengmobei immediately smashed it on its own.

Lu Jinzhou was dragged into a soul by Ye Liuyun, and his physical body could even launch a counterattack. He also threw out a tower-shaped magic weapon, which blocked the Demon Sealing Tablet.

"What a powerful soul power!" This was the first time Ye Liuyun tried his best and did not pull both human souls into his soul domain.

And this time, he used the power of the Hunyuan God of War. It can be seen that Lu Jinzhou\'s soul power is not generally strong.

He didn\'t dare to be careless immediately, and immediately threw the skeleton puppet out, attacking his body.

In the Soul Realm, Lu Jinzhou sized it up, nodded and praised: "Yes, at your age, it is not easy to cultivate to such an extent! If you are willing to join my Night Demon Palace, I can give you a chance!"

Ye Liuyun\'s soul, under the shroud of Hunyuan God of War, felt the power of his soul.

"You think too much! With your soul power, it\'s not certain who will give someone a chance!" Ye Liuyun was a little confused, where did Lu Jinzhou get the confidence.

My soul may not be as good as yours, but my body will definitely surpass you! Especially after I broke through to the dual level of yin and yang.

He, the divine soul that was pulled in, still doesn\'t know what\'s going on outside.

"If he knows that there is a yin and yang puppet attacking him outside, I don\'t know if he will feel nervous."

Ye Liuyun thought it was funny. However, he didn\'t waste energy explaining to him, and launched an attack directly.