Lord of All Gods

Chapter 625

Ye Liuyun\'s entire soul is now incarnated between heaven and earth, unless the soul is stronger than him, and he is also a person who is too imaginative, he can attack his soul.

As for the others, no matter whether it was a physical attack or a spiritual attack, they just failed.

In the Night Demon Palace, a woman in a black robe also walked out of the hall at this moment, looking up at the pair of golden pupils in the sky.

"Is that you? Are you finally coming?" the woman murmured.

And Ye Liuyun also found the woman. Although she was covered by a black robe, she couldn\'t block Ye Liuyun\'s sight at all.

Ye Liuyun thought at first that this woman was a relatively big leader of the Night Demon Palace. But when he saw the woman\'s face, he couldn\'t help being shocked.

"Lin Fei\'er? Why is she here?"

Ye Liuyun did not expect that Lin Fei\'er, who had disappeared for a long time, would appear in the Night Demon Palace.

She knew that Lin Fei\'er was going to follow the path of Moxiu. Unexpectedly, she actually went to the Night Demon Temple, and she seemed to be an important person.

Ye Liuyun saw that Lin Fei\'er\'s lips were moving, obviously speaking, so he immediately paid attention to listening.

The moment Lin Fei\'er looked at her from Jin Tong, she felt that she had been seen.

She blushed slightly, but continued to say: "Can you see me? I hope you can come to destroy the Night Demon Palace as soon as possible! Can you hear my voice?"

"Huh? She actually wants me to destroy the Night Demon Palace?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled. "Since she is an important figure in the Night Demon Palace, why would she ask me to destroy the Night Demon Palace? Didn\'t she join voluntarily?"

Lin Fei\'er could feel Ye Liuyun\'s gaze, but she didn\'t know if Ye Liuyun could hear it. She just had a glimmer of hope.

"The master of the Night Demon Palace is about to break through the second level of the Yin-Yang realm! If you come earlier, you can interrupt his breakthrough!" Lin Fei\'er spoke in a very soft voice, so soft that only she could hear it.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t miss a single word!

He is too fuzzy now, any movement, as long as he thinks, he can hear it.

"It\'s really hard work for you! I\'ll go right away!" Ye Liuyun sighed softly in the Shengwu Academy hundreds of thousands of miles away.

He scanned around with his golden pupils, and after confirming the location of the Lord of the Night Demon Palace, he immediately withdrew his golden pupils.

His glance at Lin Fei\'er did not attract the attention of others. The golden pupil manifested in the sky is too large,

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t figure out how Lin Fei\'er got to the Night Demon Palace. Was she voluntary? Or forced? These can only be asked after seeing her.

And Ye Liuyun also noticed that Lin Fei\'er didn\'t want others to find out what she said to Ye Liuyun. That is to say, even if she betrayed the Night Demon Palace, it was in secret, and she could not tell the truth.

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, then greeted everyone around him, and rushed to Lingyun Pavilion together.

"Tie Jun, call all the disciples in the Tiangang realm and some late Yuandan realm disciples, and we will set off now to destroy the Night Demon Palace!"

"Okay, we\'ve already prepared, and we\'re just waiting for your order! I\'m going to bring those martial arts experts from the outer sect with me."

Over the years, Tie Jun has been developing Lingyun Pavilion outside the academy, and has also gathered a group of masters.

Moreover, the strength of Lingyun Pavilion is also increasing year by year, and now they all have their own flying boats.

Ye Liuyun let nearly a hundred people in Lingyun Pavilion take a flying boat alone, and he took the people around him in a flying boat, and slowly followed Lingyun Pavilion\'s flying boat, heading straight for the Northern Sub-rudder of the Night Demon Palace.

"All of you take the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion and slowly attack the Night Demon Palace from the outside. I will take the skeleton puppet and go find their palace master."

Ye Liuyun started assigning tasks while he was on the road.

"Let Lei Ming go with you?" Wu Qingcheng said, "In case of any accident, it\'s good to have someone to help you!"

"No, there are not enough people. There are so many of them, and they are all gathered there. Even if you all go, the pressure will still be great! Don\'t worry about me, I know it well, and I won\'t take any risks."

In fact, Ye Liuyun knew that it was a bit risky for him to make such a decision.

Lin Fei\'er was an uncertain factor.

If Lin Fei\'er was his enemy at that time, then he would be in some danger. If Lin Feier fought side by side with him, then he would win very easily.

The last time he saw Lin Fei\'er was in a state of yin and yang.

"Could it be that Lin Fei\'er got the inheritance from Shura Hell?"

Ye Liuyun also thought about this possibility. After all, that inheritance was taken away by the Night Demon Temple.

In addition, there are too many people in the Night Demon Palace, and the pressure on Lei Ming, Wu Qingcheng and others is also relatively high. He can only hope that he can get rid of the Hall Master of the Night Demon Palace as soon as possible, and then go back to help those people in Lingyun Pavilion as soon as possible.

Or depending on the situation at that time, let the skeleton puppet go back to help.

In short, in this tough battle, their numerical disadvantage is quite obvious.

So he also explained the severity of the situation to everyone.

"Then why don\'t we gather more people before we go? I can go back to the sect and bring some more people!" Su Miaoyin asked.

"It\'s too late! The master of the Dark Night Demon Temple ran to the Northern Territory to hide from the breakthrough. Once he breaks through the yin and yang double layer, his strength will be stronger."

When Ye Liuyun and the others were competing in Cangyunwu, they saw the master of the Night Demon Palace and Yao Xinghai robbing the Asura Hell inheritance.

He knocked Yao Xinghai back with one palm. Its own strength is stronger than that of the general yin and yang.

If you let him break through again, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Although Ye Liuyun has a skeleton puppet, he is not afraid that he will not be able to beat him. What he was worried about was letting the palace master slip away. What he wanted was to kill him directly, so that the demons of the Night Demon Palace would be leaderless.

With the background of the Night Demon Temple, there should be no shortage of treasures such as artifacts. Therefore, if he wanted to kill the palace master, Ye Liuyun was not sure. He didn\'t know what kind of treasure he would bring out when the time came.

"However, this opportunity is really rare. If he can successfully break through Roar and escape back to the headquarters of the Night Demon Palace, then it will be even more difficult to kill him in the future!" Ye Liuyun explained to everyone.

That\'s why he decided to give it a try.

Just as they were nervously arranging how to attack, their airship was suddenly stopped by another airship.

Ye Liuyun and the others thought that the Night Demon Palace had sent someone to intercept them, and immediately ran out of the flying boat.

Unexpectedly, they met Cheng Yi, the leader of the Northern Territory Alliance and their former dean.