Lord of All Gods

Chapter 621

Although the power of Ye Liuyun\'s blood thunder has become much stronger, his anti-bombing effect is negligible in the face of the increasingly powerful tribulation thunder.

"Persist in carrying two tribulation thunders, and then think of other ways!"

Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth and stood up, facing the eighth blood thunder, he charged forward again.

"Boom, click!"

After a burst of lightning strikes, Ye Liuyun was directly chopped down on the dragon girl. This time, the power of Jielei was too strong, it directly made him numb from the electric shock, and instead of avoiding the dragon girl, it directly hit the dragon girl.

Of course, Longnu also suffered a lot of thunderstorms. But her injury was much better than Ye Liuyun\'s.

Lei Ming was so anxious that he was about to rush over.

"Don\'t come here! Come here now, if Thunder Tribulation gets stronger, I won\'t be able to handle it anymore."

Ye Liuyun hurriedly stopped Lei Ming from approaching.

Ye Liuyun breathed a sigh of relief, jumped up from the dragon girl unsteadily, and then vacated again to block the dragon girl.

"Get out of the way! I accept your wish. Don\'t hurt you again. This is my destiny, and I have no choice! Let it go!"

Seeing Ye Liuyun being beaten badly, Long Nu couldn\'t bear it and was about to give up.

Although she only endured a small amount of blood thunder each time, her strength was almost exhausted.

She couldn\'t help worrying that Ye Liuyun would be injured and that she wouldn\'t be able to survive this last thunderstorm.

"It\'s okay, I can still hold it back. Get up, or your previous efforts will be in vain!" Ye Liuyun comforted Long Nu.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun\'s clothes had been smashed, and his whole body was burnt. The Hunyuan God of War, who can no longer support the defense, has dissipated.

This last thunder tribulation required him to carry it with his body.

"Little brother!"

Lei Ming cried out nervously.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m fine, I can handle it!" Ye Liuyun did not forget to comfort the two of them.

At the same time, he drew out the Demon Slayer Knife. Now even the saber intent, he has to use it, and he can resist it a little bit.

"bring it on!"

Ye Liuyun yelled loudly to cheer himself up, and pointed his Demon Slayer Saber towards the sky, his eyes determined.

His physical body was recovering rapidly, and at the same time, the blood and thunder power in his body was also surging, and he also called out all the remaining true energy.

It is also thanks to his dual Yuan Dan that he can survive until now, otherwise the true Yuan would have been exhausted long ago.

The golden body of the Buddha demon appeared on him again. Two halos, golden and black, constantly revolved around him.

Seeing that the ninth blood thunder in the sky is about to strike down. Encouraged by Ye Liuyun, the dragon girl used her remaining strength to prop up a weak layer of defense.

The last thunderbolt seemed to be stimulated by Ye Liuyun, and struck down even more swiftly.

Ye Liuyun first slashed out with a knife, letting the knife intent to intercept it first, and then he punched again, the sixth form of Batian Shenquan, thunder and fire Batian, blasting out all the true essence in his body.

But even so, only half of Jie Lei\'s power was consumed.

The remaining half was still firmly chopped on Ye Liuyun\'s body. His Buddha demon golden body was instantly blasted away. Ye Liuyun\'s whole body was smoking, and he fell straight down.

There was also a part of the tribulation thunder, which also hit the dragon girl, breaking her defenses.

With a "poof", Ye Liuyun fell directly on Longnu\'s body and passed out.

The same is true for Long Nu, who exhausted her last bit of strength and finally couldn\'t hold on anymore.

Lei Ming is looking at the sky nervously, if there is still Lei Jie, then it\'s her time to act!

But after watching for a while, she found that the dark clouds in the sky were gradually dissipating, and then, a large piece of colorful rain-like energy fell from the sky.

"Thunder Tribulation Liquid? The Thunder Tribulation is over!"

Thunder cheered.

In her inherited memory, once the thunder disaster is over, this thunder disaster liquid will be dropped.

This Thunder Tribulation Liquid is the reward for those who have crossed the catastrophe. It can help the person who has crossed the catastrophe to repair their bodies, and it can even play a role in strengthening other aspects of strength.

Longnu and Ye Liuyun withstood three kinds of lightning tribulations, each with nine strikes. So this Thunder Tribulation Liquid is naturally very rich.

It\'s just that the two of them are now in a coma, and they don\'t feel anything.

This Thunder Tribulation Liquid can also be absorbed by people who have not crossed the Tribulation just now. However, Lei Ming was afraid that Ye Liuyun and Longnv would not be enough, so he didn\'t fight for it, and quietly waited for them to wake up.

Although Ye Liuyun and Longnv are both in a coma at the moment, their physical bodies are all being baptized by the Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

As soon as the Thunder Tribulation Liquid fell, their physical injuries immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Liuyun was dazed in the lake, only feeling that his physical body, true energy, blood, spirit and other powers were all getting stronger.

The change of Dragon Girl is even greater. The whole body was changing. First, the head changed into a dragon head, then four dragon claws grew out, dragon fins grew out from the tail, and finally even the scales turned into dragon scales.

Lei Ming watched the dragon girl transforming into a dragon, his mouth grew big in shock. "Is this the Hualong?"

Lei Ming felt that the entire body of the dragon girl exuded a faint radiance, which was more charming than the original body of the black flood dragon.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness has recovered at this moment, and he is enjoying the baptism of the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, so he lay down without moving.

After Longnu woke up, the first thing she did was to check on Ye Liuyun\'s situation. She didn\'t realize that her appearance had changed.

She went to check on Ye Liuyun, and Ye Liuyun also opened his eyes. But he was taken aback by the dragon head stretched out.

Immediately, he reacted immediately, touched the dragon\'s head, and said excitedly: "You succeeded! You succeeded in transforming the dragon!"

Long Nu was taken aback for a moment, and only then did she realize the change in herself, and hurriedly used her spiritual sense to check her condition. At a glance, she was too excited for herself.

"I\'ve become a dragon?" Dragon Girl reconfirmed with Ye Liuyun excitedly.

At this moment, Lei Ming also ran over to congratulate the dragon girl for transforming into a dragon.

"Yes, Sister Dragon Girl, you will be a real dragon from now on! Take us to the sky and fly around!"

"Okay! I\'ll give it a try." As she spoke, she propped herself up on all fours, screamed into the sky, and flew straight into the air.

Ye Liuyun was lying on her body. After Lei Ming came over, both of them rode on Dragon Girl. As soon as the dragon girl flew, she directly brought the two of them up.

At this moment, the true energy of Longnu and Ye Liuyun has been fully restored after being nourished and supplemented by Lei Jieye.

But this kind of flying of hers is not relying on her true energy to fly in the sky, but relying on the dragon\'s own skills to soar in the sky.

"Oh! It\'s great!" Lei Ming was on Longnu\'s back, still cheering for her.