Lord of All Gods

Chapter 620

One after another, the dragon girl felt as if she had reached her limit after carrying out eight thunder calamities. Seeing the thunder disasters still gathering in the sky, she felt like giving up.

"Hold on, mobilize all your strength, even if you use your body to resist, you can still resist this thunder calamity!"

Ye Liuyun also noticed that Longnu\'s eyes were a little helpless, so she hurriedly sent her voice to encourage her.

Longnu looked at Ye Liuyun, gritted her teeth, and her eyes became firm again.

This time when she saw the thunder strike, she didn\'t use her head to carry it. Instead, she coiled her body up to increase the force-bearing area, and once again carried the thunder disaster.

"Nine Taos!" Ye Liuyun was checking the number of Thunder Tribulations for Longnu.

But at this time, the black clouds in the sky showed signs of dissipating.

"Is this the end?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled. "It\'s not dangerous either!"

He looked at Long Nu and saw that the blood changes in her body were not over yet.

Dragon Girl doesn\'t know why at the moment. But she was too tired to think about it so much, she just lay on the ground panting.

However, before Ye Liuyun was happy for too long, Lei Ming called out.

"Zi Lei! Heaven\'s punishment is not over yet!"

It turned out that as soon as the black clouds in the sky dispersed, some dark clouds with purple edges appeared again. As the dark clouds pressed down, the entire city was reflected in purple.

The dragon girl also sensed the extraordinary power of the tribulation thunder, looked up in fear, and then directly curled herself into a ball.

She can\'t hide even if she wants to hide now. The process of transforming a dragon is irreversible. Even if she runs away, Jie Lei will always follow her.

Either transform into a dragon or die!

For the rest, she can only rely on Ye Liuyun. As for the result, that is also her fate.

"Thunder Origin Pearl!"

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry to block the thunder with his body, but let Lei Ming sacrifice the treasure first.

Heaven\'s punishment also has certain characteristics. Once it finds that someone is blocking the thunder for the robber, it will intensify its efforts.

But the treasure, it can\'t detect it.

According to Ye Liuyun\'s instructions, Lei Ming directly sacrificed the Thunder Origin Bead and hung it over the dragon girl.

At this moment, Longnu\'s body was trembling with fear. The Jiao\'s head was buried in his body, not daring to look up.


With a bang, a streak of purple lightning quickly struck down.

The dragon girl was excited all over, and she aroused all the power she could call out.

But with a loud bang, most of Zi Lei was caught by Lei Yuanzhu. Some sporadic thunder and lightning that leaked down could no longer cause her any harm.

She also knew that Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming must have helped her, and she was relieved a lot.

The same is true for the Purple Thunder Tribulation, with a total of nine slashes, each of which is comparable to a wall. The last two purple thunders, even the missing lightning, blasted the dragon girl numb all over.

After the nine purple thunders passed, Lei Ming also took the Lei Yuanzhu back.

"Jie Lei\'s power is too strong, the Lei Yuanzhu can\'t hold it."

It\'s okay, I\'ll block it next.

Just as Ye Liuyun was speaking, the purple thunderclouds in the sky stirred up again, and this time, it turned out to be red dark clouds.

"Blood Thunder!"

Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming exclaimed at the same time.

"It\'s not over yet? It\'s just turning into a dragon, why is it so difficult! If you cut it like this, how can there be a dragon that can turn into a dragon!"

While complaining, Ye Liuyun flew directly over Long Nu, ready to defend her.

But that day the punishment felt terrified.

At this moment, Long Nu was just coiled on the ground, not daring to move at all. Just the coercion of the blood thunder made her so frightened that her limbs became weak.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun also mobilized all the power in his body to manifest the Hunyuan God of War, and put the golden body of Buddha and Demon into motion. At the same time, the power of Xuelei was also ready to attack.

They were also blood mines, but he could clearly feel that the quality of his own blood mines was still a lot worse than the Heaven\'s Tribulation Thunder.

"Maybe I can still absorb some of the blood thunder punished by the sky." Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

With a "click", a blood thunder swiftly struck down.

Ye Liuyun also asked Hunyuan War God to shoot a blood thunder to meet the tribulation thunder.

There was an explosion of "Boom", and two blood-colored lightning bolts collided in the air, sending electric sparks flying everywhere.

Then, when the tribulation thunder arrived, Ye Liuyun\'s blood thunder was scattered, and it fell towards Ye Liuyun.

It\'s just that the tribulation thunder now doesn\'t have much power left. Ye Liuyun himself took all of the tribulation and thunder. not hurt at all

As soon as the thunder struck him, Ye Liu felt the power of the thunder, which made him numb all over.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about anything else, and immediately seized the time to absorb the power of the tribulation thunder remaining on his body, and turned it into his own use.

As soon as he finished absorbing it, the second blood thunder struck down.

"Come again!"

Ye Liuyun shouted loudly, and punched him again. This time, the power of his blood thunder has increased, but the power of Jie Lei is also much stronger than last time.

Although he also resisted, he was hit by Jie Lei and fell a lot. At the same time, part of the tribulation thunder leaked to the dragon girl.

Fortunately, there are not many leaked parts, and the dragon girl has recovered a lot at this moment, and can completely resist these leaked tribulation thunders.

Ye Liuyun seized the time to absorb the power of thunder and lightning on his body, and did not dare to neglect at all.

He is now competing with Jie Lei for time. The more he can absorb, the stronger he will be.

Immediately afterwards, the third blood thunder blasted down again.

Ye Liuyun jumped up again, and punched out.

This time, Ye Liuyun was directly bombarded beside the dragon girl, and the scattered thunder made the dragon girl tremble all over.

However, most of the power was borne by Ye Liuyun.

"This tribulation thunder is getting stronger and stronger!"

Ye Liuyun felt that with each additional tribulation thunder, the power of the tribulation thunder became much stronger.

While absorbing Jie Lei\'s power, he vacated again. Dragon Girl is still counting on him, and he can\'t back down now.

Otherwise, with Dragon Girl\'s current state, she wouldn\'t be able to withstand a whole thunderstorm.

Lei Ming watched anxiously, but did not dare to go over.

If she passed, the power of Jie Lei would be doubled again. She was worried that neither she nor Ye Liuyun would be able to stand it.

"I can resist, don\'t worry about me!" Ye Liuyun was also afraid that Lei Ming would rush up, so he reassured her in advance.

With a bang of "click", the fourth tribulation thunder struck down again. He directly chopped Ye Liuyun to the ground, and his legs sank into the ground.

During Ye Liuyun\'s fall, he had to avoid Long Nu so as not to hurt her.

After carrying the seventh tribulation thunder, he also felt strenuous. At this moment, Hunyuan God of War has been flickering, obviously unable to hold on.