Lord of All Gods

Chapter 622

Ye Liuyun was also very pleased at this moment. The crime he suffered just now was finally not in vain.

He immediately checked his own strength, and couldn\'t help being surprised.

His realm has been raised to the peak of Yin-Yang First Layer. If he hadn\'t been in a coma just now, I\'m afraid he could have directly broken through the first level of the realm with the help of that lightning calamity liquid.

His physical strength has become stronger, the quality of his blood has become higher, and even the power of his soul has been greatly improved.

In addition to the substantial increase in the power of the blood thunder in the body, the other Golden Crow Sacred Fire, Nether Ghost Fire, etc. have also been slightly improved.

"It seems that this Thunder Tribulation Liquid can improve the physique in an all-round way. Not only the physical body and true energy can benefit."

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and the dragon girl had already taken them to the sky.

Those human martial arts far away in the border city just saw a change in the color of the dark clouds in the distance, and they didn\'t know what happened there.

Now that the dark clouds have dissipated and they are still emitting colorful colors, I am curious. Suddenly, I saw a black dragon soaring in the air.

The border is far away from here, and the martial arts practitioners couldn\'t see Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming on the dragon\'s back clearly, and they couldn\'t tell whether it was a dragon or some other creature.

I just feel that the shape of taking off is like a black dragon.

A long dragon chant came from Dragon Girl\'s mouth.

Her current mood is really too excited, and it is not too much to describe it as the rest of her life.

So she couldn\'t help but yelled. But this dragon chant spread quite far, even the martial arts at the border, some of the high realms heard it.

"Did I hear you right? Is that Long Xiao?"

"It\'s a dragon! It\'s a real dragon!"

The martial artists at the border were all excited now, and rushed to tell each other, looking over here.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil, after scanning their actions, immediately reminded the dragon girl with his spiritual sense, and fell directly to the ground.

"A real dragon has never appeared in the Cangyun Continent before. Your appearance may arouse some people\'s evil intentions. In the future, unless it is absolutely necessary, don\'t show your body." Ye Liuyun told the dragon girl.

"Okay!" Dragon Girl agreed, and then directly changed into an adult image, standing beside Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun put away the skeleton puppets and formation flags, and released everyone to board the flying boat.

The dragon girl transformed into a dragon successfully. The army of corpse demons and alien races here have been almost wiped out by them, and the altars have also been destroyed.

The remaining corpse demons are no longer good enough, so just leave them to the martial arts practitioners to deal with.

Ye Liuyun drove the flying boat, shuttled through the void, left the northern border, and returned directly to Shengwu Academy.

His biggest achievement this time is to help the dragon girl resist the catastrophe, and then improve his own strength. By the way, he also solved some alien monsters and obtained the cultivation resources, which is the energy ball.

Just when Ye Liuyun returned to Shengwu Academy and was about to lead everyone to practice, Yu Haotian came to him from afar.

When Yu Haotian arrived at Shengwu Academy, he immediately unleashed the pressure of Yin and Yang. Ye Liuyun, who was preparing to practice, thought it was a strong man coming from the Night Demon Palace, so he rushed out of Lingyun Pavilion immediately.

Lei Ming, Long Nu, Wu Qingcheng and others also rushed out, ready to make a move.

But when they saw it was Yu Haotian, these people were also taken aback.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled by Yu Haotian\'s arrival.

"I can\'t wait any longer, I\'m leaving Cangyun Continent soon. Before I leave, my only wish is to have a good fight with you!" Yu Haotian stared at Ye Liuyun eagerly.

"I\'m so sorry, last time you went to the Iron Eagle Sect to look for me, I was delayed by something, and I made you run so far. This time, your wish will be fulfilled! Let\'s go, let\'s find a place."

Ye Liuyun noticed that an old man from the ninth level of the Tiangang came with Yu Haotian, probably the elder of the Yu family to prevent Yu Haotian from having an accident.

The battle between Ye Liuyun and Yu Haotian was not only expected by Yu Haotian. Who is stronger between the two of them? Everyone wants to know the result.

After all, Ye Liuyun only won the first place in the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament because he had more luck than Yu Haotian, and it was not a real competition of strength.

However, neither Ye Liuyun nor Yu Haotian cared about fame. For the strong, the most important thing is to find an opponent and find a target to catch up with.

Lei Ming and the others, when they heard that the two of them were going to compete, immediately became energetic and followed the two of them to find the battle venue.

The two of them ran thousands of miles away, found a deserted mountain range, and then stopped.

"How is it here?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Not bad, just right!" Yu Haotian nodded in agreement.

Lei Ming and the others found a higher mountain in the distance, and it seemed lively.

"Lei Ming, can Liu Yun beat Yu Haotian?" Wu Qingcheng asked worriedly.

"It\'s hard to say! This Yu Haotian, Earth Demon Dragon and I both beat him, but neither took advantage!" Lei Ming was not sure whether Ye Liuyun could win.

"How do we fight?" Ye Liuyun asked aloud.

"Go all out! You can use all your abilities. I am the same. If you have reservations, there is no point!" Yu Haotian said firmly.

"Okay!" Out of respect for Yu Haotian, Ye Liuyun would not hold back.

"Then let\'s start!" Yu Haotian and Ye Liuyun faced each other from a distance, and their momentum began to rise!

"Unexpectedly, Yu Haotian has also been promoted to the realm of the first level of yin and yang. It seems that after the martial arts competition, he can no longer suppress it!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but unleashed all his strength, and even took off the Demon Slayer Knife. With the blessing of sword intent, his chances of winning are even greater!

When Yu Haotian saw that Ye Liuyun was ready, he was not polite at the moment. A patron saint who looked like a god of war punched Ye Liuyun. The golden light of his true essence flew towards Ye Liuyun like a dazzling ball of light.

"Madness defeats the sky!"

He didn\'t hold back the punch at all, and he used his famous stunt right away.

"Good time!" Ye Liuyun slashed out immediately.

He used cleverness. This knife was directly slashed at Yu Haotian\'s body through the force of crossing the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he punched again, the sixth form of Batian Shenquan, thunder and fire Batian!

Ye Liuyun punched Yu Haotian back with all his strength. His Primordial God of War, this punch, the true essence is also golden.

It\'s just that Ye Liuyun also brought the power of the blood thunder and the Golden Crow\'s holy fire, so that this fist also brought bloody lightning and golden red flames.

Moreover, his current Blood Thunder and Golden Crow Holy Flame are much stronger than before. Even if Yu Haotian can\'t be hurt, it will bring him a lot of trouble.