Lord of All Gods

Chapter 619

"This guy, he didn\'t ask for my permission when he went back!" Ye Liuyun muttered, so the magic tablet was not withdrawn either.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and with a sound of "ah", he ran towards the original center of the altar.

"What\'s wrong?" Mo Crow at the side asked a little puzzled.

The others all laughed. Wu Qingcheng smiled and explained to Mo Ya: "Energy source! You don\'t know him yet, and you never forget to collect resources wherever you go. If the energy source of such a large altar is broken by that stone tablet, he should feel distressed died!"

"Hahaha!" Ye Liuyun\'s laughter came from afar.

Then everyone saw him dig out an energy crystal ball ten times the size of a fist from a pile of broken bones!

"This magic tablet is quite interesting, leave this for me!"

Ye Liuyun ran back holding the energy crystal ball.

"Look, this big guy is enough for all of us to grow into a realm!"

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help laughing again.

At this time, the energy in Longnu\'s body showed signs of being unable to be suppressed.

"I might be about to break through!" Dragon Girl said to Ye Liuyun.

"Let\'s go to the center of the city." Ye Liuyun immediately led the crowd to the center of the city.

He settled the dragon girl first, and then he took out a set of formation flags that Qiongqi had given him before, and asked everyone to plant the formation flags around the city wall.

Afterwards, he took out the skeleton puppet, filled it with spirit stones, and let it guard it aside.

The dragon girl first swallowed the dragon fruit that Ye Liuyun gave her, then sat down and prepared to break through.

The sky above the city was instantly turbulent, and the black clouds in the sky began to gather here.

The entire sky was darkly pressed to the ground, and the entire city was darkened. The scene was like the end of the world.

Everyone\'s hearts were also suspended for it.

Ye Liuyun observed the situation of Long Nu\'s breakthrough, and told Long Nu: "You carry the thunder disaster yourself first, as much as you can carry, and I will do the rest."

Although he didn\'t know the effect of the thunder tribulation, he also understood that the best results would be achieved only if those who crossed the tribulation tried their best to carry it over by themselves, and it would also be beneficial to the future cultivation of the dragon girl, and other people should try to interfere as little as possible.

Lei Ming was on the side, ready to help, Lei Yuanzhu was ready and ready to be released at any time.

Ye Liuyun looked up at the situation in the sky, and guessed that this thunder calamity was unusual. So Wu Qingcheng and others were all put into the storage ring to prevent them from being affected.

The human martial arts guarding the border city in the distance also saw the strangeness here. But none of them dared to come and check.

This is the deepest hinterland of the corpse demon\'s lair, and they are all worried that they will never return. Although they recently discovered that someone was attacking the corpse demon, but the situation was unknown, so they didn\'t dare to rush to check.

"Are those people fighting against alien races? Or are those alien races doing something?"

At present, they can only wait and see what happens with apprehension.


The dark clouds gathered in the sky kept colliding and rumbling. Ye Liuyun and the others were below, and they could already vaguely see the sparks of lightning brewing.

In Dragon Girl\'s body, the true energy is gushing out at this moment, and she has already begun to break through the realm.

When she broke through the realm, she was different from ordinary people. Ordinary people just gushed out their true energy, and then produced a qualitative change. But not only her true essence was changing, but even her blood was undergoing a qualitative change.

"Boom, click!"

The lightning bolts in the sky have already been conceived and formed at this moment, and they are constantly extending outward.

"It\'s about to come down!" Lei Ming said softly to Ye Liuyun.

She is more sensitive to thunder and lightning than Ye Liuyun.

The true essence of the dragon girl changes faster than the blood. Soon after widening the meridian, it will flow back into Yuandan.

At this time, she was trying her best to urge the qualitative change of the blood vessels. This is also her first step in becoming a dragon.

There was a thunderous "click", and a bolt of lightning struck directly from the top of Longnu\'s head.

This thunderbolt, blue and white in color, was as thick as a bucket, and struck directly at the top of Longnu\'s head from a height of 10,000 meters.

"Is this first lightning punishment so strong?"

Ye Liuyun felt the intensity of the thunder and punishment, and felt that it would be difficult for ordinary people to bear. But Dragon Girl is now in the realm of yin and yang. Although she has just broken through and is not very stable, she should have no problem resisting this kind of thunder and punishment.

"It will become stronger and stronger in the future!" Lei Ming explained to Ye Liuyun: "It is said in my inheritance memory."

Ye Liuyun nodded, and was also ready to rush forward to protect the dragon girl from the thunder disaster.

"Boom boom boom!"

The lightning punishment as thick as a bucket hit Long Nu without any waste, and directly knocked Long Nu back to her original state.

Fortunately, the dragon girl held on and was not hurt.

She just took a breath, and was about to continue to stimulate the blood vessels to change, when the second thunderbolt struck down again, not giving her time to breathe.

Transforming dragons into dragons is a violation of the laws of nature. Heaven\'s punishment does not completely allow this kind of thing to happen.

But if you want to transform, you have to withstand the attack of God\'s punishment.

Most of the flood dragons who transform into dragons will eventually die under the punishment of heaven, otherwise how could the dragon race be so rare! If you want to transform into a dragon, even among ten thousand dragons, one may not be able to survive the punishment of heaven.

Therefore, there are not many dragons in this world. And the final destination of most dragons is to die under the punishment of heaven.


The second tribulation thunder slammed into Longnu\'s body again, knocking her down on the ground, with a burst of scorched smoke emitting from her head.

"Hold on, hold on!"

At this moment, Ye Liuyun and Lei Ming were secretly cheering for Longnu.

Dragon Girl\'s injury this time, on the contrary, aroused her ferocity.

Suddenly she turned over, flew into the air, looked up at the sky, and roared angrily.


This is completely the instinct of the beast, expressing dissatisfaction with the punishment of heaven.

But at this moment, the third tribulation thunder struck down again, without giving Longnu too much recovery time at all.

With a loud "click", the tribulation thunder struck Longnu\'s head again. The dragon girl in mid-air was directly smashed to the ground.

With a bang, a deep hole was smashed into the ground.

Lying in the pit, Long Nu took a few breaths hastily, her eyes showing fear.

She felt the deepest of these thunder tribulations, one was stronger than the other, and the last blow made her dizzy and numb all over. If she can\'t recover as soon as possible, she won\'t be able to withstand the next attack at all.

The thunder tribulation in the sky is rapidly accumulating. She seized the time to adjust her breathing, mobilize the true essence and blood power in her body, and prepare to face the thunder disaster again.

Now the stronger the power required by the thunder calamity, the more time it takes to gather energy between two thunder calamities. So Longnu took advantage of this short interval to recover as soon as possible.