Lord of All Gods

Chapter 614

"See you next time, I don\'t know when it will be! I\'d better stay here for a few more days and accompany them before leaving!"

Ye Liuyun decided to stay at Shengwu Academy for a few more days, get together with everyone, and then leave here.

Seeing Ye Liuyun grilling meat by himself, Lin Xueying leaned over and sat down beside him.

"Junior brother, how long will you stay in the academy when you come back this time?"

"I plan to stay for two more days to accompany you. At the same time, I am also waiting for the Night Demon Palace to come to me. I have taken the Holy Martial Academy, and they will not just give up willingly."

"What happened after that?" Lin Xueying asked.

"After that? There should be a tough battle with the Night Demon Palace!" Ye Liuyun reckoned that if he wanted to completely drive the Night Demon Palace out of the Northern Territory, he would definitely have to fight a tough battle.

"Are you going to stay in the academy after that? Or are you going back to the Iron Eagle Sect?" Lin Xueying asked.


Ye Liuyun couldn\'t bear to tell her that he would not stay in these two places.

"We\'ll see the situation at that time, I can\'t say for sure now."

He originally planned to go directly to the outside world, but now Liang Xue is still accepting the inheritance, and he doesn\'t know if there will be any accidents on Liang Xue\'s side, and whether Qinglin will look for him again.

"Then if you leave the academy in the future, can you take me with you?" Lin Xueying asked blushing.

She didn\'t want to ask so directly, but she was afraid that if she didn\'t ask now, she would have no chance in the future.

Lin Xueying\'s realm had already reached the sixth level of Yuan Dan. It stands to reason that the improvement is not too slow, but compared with Ye Liuyun and the people around him, it is far behind.

So she was worried that Ye Liuyun would dislike her realm.

In fact, no matter how high her realm was, Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to take her with her, and didn\'t want to have any emotional entanglements with her.

So he had no choice but to shirk, "I\'ll see the situation when I leave. If it\'s too dangerous, I can\'t let you take the risk!"

"Alright then! When you leave, you must tell me!" Lin Xueying confirmed with him.

"Uh... If I have time, I will definitely tell you!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to lie to her either, so he didn\'t agree directly, but evaded it perfunctorily.

Nan Xiner, Qi Tianyue and others were not as greedy as Lin Xueying. The gap between Ye Liuyun and them is too big now, as long as they can see Ye Liuyun, they will be very happy, and they don\'t have any extravagant hopes.

Ye Liuyun and the others gathered all night, and no one felt tired.

On the side of the academy, the Great Elder has already arranged everything properly, and has arranged for someone to repair the formation of Tianzhu Peak.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t go back now, so he simply stayed in the Lingyun Pavilion and asked Tie Jun to send people out to inquire about the news of the Night Demon Palace.

And Su Qingyang, the local helmsman of the Dark Night Demon Palace, learned that Qu Chenfeng\'s plan hadn\'t worked at all, and even killed himself, so he cursed Qu Chenfeng angrily.

"This trash, you can\'t harm others, you even killed yourself! You also got me involved! If I knew that according to my method, I would just kill him and it would be over soon. I wasted two array mages!"

He blamed Qu Chenfeng for the failure of the mission.

Although he also received an order to withdraw from the Northern Territory sub-helm. But because he lost such a big sect as the Holy Martial Academy, he would definitely be punished after returning, so he is preparing his strength to take back the Holy Martial Academy before withdrawing.

"I just don\'t believe how capable a brat can be. This time, I will go out personally. Call all the strong men above the Tiangang realm, and come with me to take back the Holy Martial Academy. Those old guys from the Holy Martial Academy, This time, they will all be wiped out together, leaving the entire academy completely in our hands."

A Dark Night Demon Temple has at least a dozen late-stage martial arts cultivators, and fifteen or six mid-stage martial arts cultivators. This lineup is already strong enough for a single sect.

He reckoned that no matter how strong Ye Liuyun was, he wouldn\'t be able to hold back their numbers. Moreover, a few days ago, he had raised his realm to the ninth level of Tiangang, and now he was full of confidence, feeling that he was extremely powerful, and he didn\'t even pay much attention to the orders from above.

"Master Rudder, Ye Liuyun is probably not weak if he can take down so many of our rudders along the way!" Some of his subordinates persuaded him tactfully.

However, Su Qingyang didn\'t listen at all.

"Those sub-rudders were all too scattered in strength and were broken by Ye Liuyun one by one! What\'s more, we still have a treasure! Fill that treasure with spirit stones and wipe them out in one fell swoop!" Su Qingyang ordered.

The treasure he was talking about was a metal puppet, which was originally only in the sixth level of Tiangang. After many efforts, he found a puppet master and raised the puppet\'s realm to the third level of yin and yang.

When his subordinates heard that he was going to bring the puppet, they also felt that it should be safe, so they didn\'t stop them anymore, but began to actively gather people to attack Shengwu Academy directly.

The person at the helm of the Dark Night Demon Palace also rushed to the Holy Martial Academy with great fanfare.

Su Qingyang just wanted other sects to see the fate of Shengwu Academy so that other sects could learn from it.

The spies sent by Tie Jun notified Ye Liuyun and the First Elder as soon as they received the news.

The Great Elder analyzed: "Their strength should be more than superficial!"

"Not bad!" Ye Liuyun also guessed this point.

"A rudder master of the Ninth Layer of Tiangang would not dare to come to me directly. But no matter what cards he has, I will follow! Master, let the other elders also prepare to fight!"

"Okay. Since you are so confident, then we will fight a tough battle with the Night Demon Palace."

Therefore, the Great Elder also began to summon all the elders and disciples in the Tiangang realm of the sect to prepare for the battle.

A group of 20 or 30 people from the Night Demon Palace marched mightily to the entrance of the Holy Martial Academy.

The great elder had already brought Ye Liuyun\'s people and the elders of the college, and waited for them outside. In the college, the sect protection array has been activated to prevent the disciples from being affected.

The disciples of the college seized the higher buildings one after another and watched the battle from a distance. For fear of missing this battle.

The outcome of this battle is also crucial.

Once Ye Liuyun couldn\'t hold on, the Holy Martial Academy would fall as a whole. Once they win, not only the Holy Martial Academy, but even the entire area will be equivalent to breaking away from the control of the Night Demon Palace.

With a chubby figure, Su Qingyang stood carelessly at the forefront of the line, leaning on his waist with his hands. After looking at Ye Liuyun\'s lineup, he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Everyone in Shengwu Academy listen, I will give you one last chance to give up resistance immediately and surrender to us, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"