Lord of All Gods

Chapter 613

These people are delusional and want to stay in troubled waters. After all, Shengwu Academy is also a big sect in the north.

And these people are nothing but fools. In the future, if the Night Devil Hall calls, they will just take refuge in the past.

Unexpectedly, the Great Elder didn\'t give them this chance.

"Good job! Once these scumbags leave, Shengwu Academy will be able to develop better, and the remaining people will also get more resources!"

Ye Liuyun secretly praised in his heart. It\'s just that Ye Liuyun was a little unwilling to let these people who had bullied Lingyun Pavilion leave like this.

It is still the Great Elder who understands his apprentice. He sent a sound transmission to Ye Liuyun.

"Do big things without sticking to small details! You don\'t have to worry about these people. After all, with their existence, Lingyun Pavilion has been tempered and those who are disloyal have been screened out."

When Ye Liuyun heard this, he couldn\'t help secretly admiring the Great Elder\'s style!

"Yes, thank you Master for waking me up!"

Ye Liuyun felt that the Great Elder\'s decision really focused on the overall situation.

The most important thing right now is to stabilize the academy first. Instead of taking revenge on those who once took refuge in the Night Demon Temple.

The next thing, the Great Elder began to clean up some of the remaining spies.

Then assign people to take over those who leave.

The entire Holy Martial Academy has come back to life in an orderly manner despite being busy.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help much by staying, so he went to Lingyun Pavilion to meet many friends.

At this time, everyone was already waiting for him in Lingyun Pavilion.

As soon as he came in, he felt the enthusiasm of everyone.

"Haha, you have time to come back and see us!" Hao Chengfeng laughed, put his arms around Ye Liuyun\'s shoulders, and pushed him to the main seat of Lingyun Pavilion.

Tie Jun was also busy making room for those who followed Ye Liuyun.

The others immediately surrounded Ye Liuyun.

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry, come one by one!" Hao Chengfeng shouted.

Ye Liuyun also knew that everyone had a lot to say to him. But he also felt awkward sitting on the main seat and talking to others.

So he suggested: "How about we have a barbecue party? You haven\'t tasted my cooking for a long time, right?"

"Okay, okay! Bring out all the good wine!" Everyone cheered and agreed in unison.

They all felt that even though Ye Liuyun was stronger now, he was still the same as before and did not alienate them.

Eating and drinking like this makes them more like brothers.

Next, everyone sat on the ground.

Ye Liuyun barbecued meat for everyone, and chatted with everyone while eating. Everyone\'s chatterbox has also been completely opened.

The atmosphere in Lingyun Pavilion suddenly became lively.

It\'s been a long time since the Night Demon Temple took over the Shengwu Academy, and they haven\'t had such a high-profile gathering!

First let Ye Liuyun talk about his experience, and then Tie Jun talked about what happened in Lingyun Pavilion during this period.

Tie Jun also highly praised Jiang Chen, saying that Ye Liuyun found him a good helper.

Ye Liuyun is also very optimistic about Jiang Chen, as if he can see the stubborn self in him.

In the end, everyone talked about their own situations.

Ye Liuyun first asked Ye Tianci and Ye Mingzhen about the situation of the Ye family.

"Everything is fine at home, the patriarch and the patriarch still keep talking about you! When will you go back to Ye\'s house?" Ye Tianci asked.

"After driving away the Night Demon Palace, go back now, I\'m afraid of bringing trouble to the Ye family."

Song Yi and Li Mengxi also came over to tell Ye Liuyun about the situation of the Tianyun Dynasty. It is roughly the same as Shengwu Academy, and has been suppressed a lot, but overall, it is not bad.

Moreover, the Tianyun Dynasty has re-established the Golden Armor Guard training camp, and the current development is not bad.

Lin Xueying, Nan Xin\'er, Qi Tianyue, Liu Shengnan and other women had been gathering together and did not come over.

"Senior Sister!" Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to give them barbecue, and took the initiative to greet them.

"You still think of us?" Lin Xueying said jealously.

Among the women, they kept paying attention to the women who came with Ye Liuyun. Now they know that Lei Ming and Longnu are monsters, so they don\'t care too much.

But Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin are really eye-catching. Moreover, the demeanor and temperament of the two of them are far beyond ordinary people. While these women are envious, they are also jealous.

So they decided not to go to Ye Liuyun to take the initiative to talk, but to see if Ye Liuyun would go to them.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about Lin Xueying\'s jealousy, and explained directly: "How could I forget you? I found you as soon as I entered the academy. It\'s just that I had something to do at the time, so I couldn\'t take care of talking to you! How are you doing recently? "

"Of course we are still the same, but you are having a good time?" Nan Xiner also said sourly.

Qi Tianyue watched Ye Liuyun approach, and was so excited that she couldn\'t say a word.

Only Liu Shengnan, the relationship between her and Ye Liuyun was at most an unrequited love, so her mood swings were the least.

"We are all fine, but you, listening to you tell about those experiences, it is quite dangerous to think about it!" Liu Shengnan said with concern.

"Seek wealth and insurance! I\'m used to it!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, and handed them the barbecue, and they all took it.

Ye Liuyun took advantage of the situation and sat beside them, chatting with them.

"Senior Sister, how is Qi Tian Dynasty?" Seeing that Qi Tianyue was silent, he took the initiative to find a topic to chat with her.

"It\'s almost the same as the Tianyun Dynasty. It\'s the same situation. The Night Demon Palace is not too much, otherwise it will arouse everyone\'s sense of resistance."

Qi Tianyue also chatted with Ye Liuyun.

Soon, Lin Xueying and Nan Xiner also joined the chat.

Although they were jealous, they couldn\'t help but want to talk to Ye Liuyun.

And they also knew that Ye Liuyun was slow to respond emotionally. If you keep being jealous with him, maybe he will really turn around and leave.

After a while, Hao Chengfeng talked loudly about Ye Liuyun\'s process in the Cangyun Grand Competition. Even Mo Ya, who was at the side, joined in to supplement Hao Chengfeng.

Mo Ya seldom enjoys this kind of sincere friend atmosphere, so the chat is also very happy.

The two of them passed Ye Liuyun\'s martial arts competition, and they spoke very vividly and vividly, which made everyone\'s emotions fluctuate.

Hearing the thrilling moment, he can even exclaim.

Soon, the two of them attracted everyone\'s attention. Even Lin Xueying and the others were listening intently, and became extremely nervous.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly. Now he felt a lot more relaxed, as long as the barbecue was served for everyone to eat.

He looked at the people in front of him and engraved their images in his mind one by one.