Lord of All Gods

Chapter 615

Ye Liuyun saw that Su Qingyang looked at their strength, but still dared to call out for them to surrender, so he was sure that they still had hidden strength.

"Did they bring artifacts?"

Ye Liuyun was skeptical, but remained calm.

"Stop talking nonsense! You trash from the Night Demon Palace should have been kicked out of the Northern Territory a long time ago. You came just in time, so it saves me the trouble of finding you!"

"Big words! Whoever decides in this field has to rely on strength to speak!"

Su Qingyang replied disdainfully, then grinned and asked Ye Liuyun: "I heard that you are in the realm of yin and yang?"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly: "You will know if you try it!"

"Hahaha," Su Qingyang laughed loudly, stretched out a finger and shook it: "No, no, no, you misunderstood, my opponent is the elders of the Holy Martial Academy. And your opponent is it! "

Su Qingyang shook his hand, and threw out a metal puppet with three layers of yin and yang.

Su Qingyang knew that Ye Liuyun was good at mind and soul attacks, so he released the metal puppet to fight first, because he was afraid that he would be entangled by Ye Liuyun and he would not be able to release the skeleton puppet in time when the battle started.

Moreover, he also felt that as long as the state of the metal puppet was released, it would be enough to shake many elders of the Holy Martial Academy.

Letting these elders lose confidence will undoubtedly make the battle later on smoother.

His intentions did indeed have some effect.

When some people saw the metal puppet, they immediately became terrified and began to back away slowly, for fear that the metal puppet would be the first to stare at them.

And the disciples watching the battle from a distance were also clamoring, lamenting the realm of the metal puppet and the rule they were about to face.

Some backbones of Lingyun Pavilion have already occupied the highest positions in the college at this moment, and they can see all this clearly.

"Can the pavilion master deal with this puppet?"

"How about we rush forward together, relying on people to fight tactics, and dragging down that puppet?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the metal puppet.

"What are you panicking!" Tie Jun shouted loudly, suppressing everyone\'s voices.

Then he said loudly: "When did the pavilion master let us down? Just wait and see, he must have a solution! Please be quiet and don\'t delay me watching the excitement!"

Hearing this, everyone also shut their mouths. But the worry about Ye Liuyun in his heart has not diminished in the slightest.

Ye Liuyun waited for a while, and seeing that Su Qingyang didn\'t bring out anything else, he asked curiously: "Just this puppet? Nothing else?"

"Huh? What do you mean? This metal puppet is enough to kill you! You think yourself too powerful?"

Su Qingyang was a little puzzled at first what Ye Liuyun meant by saying this.

Afterwards, he thought that Ye Liuyun was young and had little experience. He didn\'t know that Wuxiu had reached the realm of yin and yang. Every time a realm was raised, his strength would undergo earth-shaking changes.

"This metal puppet\'s realm is twice higher than yours. You can see how big the difference in strength is in a moment!"

Ye Liuyun sized up the metal puppet, then nodded with a smile.

"Yes, the gap is indeed big. But I really want to try!"

Ye Liuyun really wanted to see how far he would be in the third level of yin and yang.

"Reckless! I can make it perfect for you!"

Su Qingyang pursed his lips and said disdainfully.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun said to Wu Qingcheng and the others: "You work hard, and the others will be handed over to you. I want to practice with this puppet."

Wu Qingcheng and the others knew that Ye Liuyun had a skeleton puppet, so they didn\'t worry about him at all, and they all nodded in agreement.

However, the great elder sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "If you can\'t beat it, you should run back to the Iron Eagle Sect first, and don\'t worry about it here!"

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help being very moved when he heard this.

As my master, I really have nothing to say to him, I have always believed in him and protected him unconditionally.

In order to prevent the master from worrying about him, he immediately replied: "Don\'t worry, master, I just practiced with this puppet. I have something that can deal with this puppet, and I will definitely win him. You don\'t have to worry."

Hearing Ye Liuyun\'s exact reply. The great elder\'s heart was relieved.

Otherwise, although he was very calm on the surface, in fact, he was already preparing to cover Ye Liuyun\'s escape.

The yin and yang triple realm is much higher than them, and it is no longer that they can win by relying on a large number of people!

Ye Liuyun drew out the demon-slaying knife, and was the first to kill the metal puppet.

The metal puppet exuded demonic energy all over its body. Obviously, it was also using the skills of demonic cultivation. So Ye Liuyun felt that it would be better to deal with it with the Demon Slayer Knife.


Lei Ming also rushed out following Ye Liuyun, roared in mid-air, manifested his body, and rushed towards Su Qingyang.

Then there were several roars of beasts, and the dragon girl, white tiger, and stone ape showed their bodies one after another, and rushed up with everyone.

Afterwards, the Great Elder and the martial arts from the Holy Martial Academy also rushed up.

A scuffle kicked off.

And the key to this battle is the result of the battle between Ye Liuyun and the metal puppet. Therefore, many people put their energy on them, a puppet.

Ye Liuyun mobilized with all his strength, and all kinds of power fused together to manifest the seal of the patron saint.

The figure of Hunyuan War God has solidified a lot, and even the folds of his clothes can be seen clearly.

Ye Liuyun raised the saber, released his saber intent, and slashed out.

Hunyuan God of War is also doing the same action, except that his knife is all condensed by the power of Buddha\'s light, and it also contains blood thunder and golden crow holy fire.

Considering that this metal puppet has no soul, Ye Liuyun didn\'t use soul attack either.

The metal puppet didn\'t have a weapon in his hand. When he saw Ye Liuyun slashing at him, he just punched him directly, and fought Ye Liuyun head-on this time.

It punched out, and a jet-black devilish energy gushed out from its hand, facing Ye Liuyun\'s knife.

Originally, everyone thought that these two strands of true energy would collide violently.

Unexpectedly, with a sound of "hoo", Ye Liuyun\'s knife directly slashed down.

Then there was a bang, and it slammed on the metal puppet fiercely, causing the puppet to roll around on the spot before standing up.

But it can be seen that it did not suffer any serious injuries. There was a thin cut in the metal part of the chest, but the mechanical parts inside were not cut. Not even his outer skin was cut.

As for the punch that the metal puppet punched, the magic energy was only separated, and it did not disappear, and it was directly punched into the air.

The metal puppet was also stunned for a moment, obviously it had never encountered such a situation before.