Lord of All Gods

Chapter 610

"Look, an elder has come out! Are they going to arrest Ye Liuyun, or are they here to welcome him?"

For a while, the disciples around fell silent, quietly watching the two elders, what attitude they had towards Ye Liuyun.

"You are so brave! How dare you come back?" Old Man Ge shouted at Ye Liuyun from a distance.

Lin Xueying\'s mother showed a kind face when she saw Ye Liuyun: "Xueying talks about you every day, my ears are almost getting callused!"

"Meet the two seniors!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about their attitudes, and greeted them both from a distance.

Ye Liuyun knew in his heart that these two people would never betray him.

"Did you bring me any good things for alchemy?"

Sure enough, after Old Man Ge ran over, he also smiled wrinkledly, patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder, and looked him up and down.

"It turns out that these two elders came to welcome Ye Liuyun! Elder Ge\'s posture at the beginning made me so nervous!"

"I\'ll just say it! Elder Ge had a good relationship with our pavilion master before, how could he turn against him!"

"Isn\'t this Ye Liuyun wanted by the sect? Why didn\'t the two elders arrest him?"

The disciples who were watching the excitement from a distance talked about everything and chirped.

Many disciples still don\'t know about the news of Ye Liuyun\'s killing of the Quartet. Only some well-informed elders know a little bit.

If they knew, maybe there would be something to talk about at this time!

At this time, more elders in the academy rushed over.

But many people knew that Ye Liuyun was not easy to mess with, and some people were afraid of being known by the Night Demon Palace, so whether they wanted to greet Ye Liuyun or arrest him, no one stepped forward for a while.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness has covered the entire Shengwu Academy at this moment.

"No wonder the master didn\'t come, it turned out to be restricted by the formation!"

Ye Liuyun found out that the formation of Tianzhu Peak had been modified and turned into an inward defense, so that the Great Elder could not come out.

However, this did not bother Ye Liuyun. This kind of formation can\'t stop his power of space at all, he can shuttle at will.

"Ye Liuyun, as a traitor of the academy, how dare you break into the academy?"

At this time, a white-bearded old man in the academy\'s robes of the elders of the Fa, and some law enforcement disciples, rushed towards Ye Liuyun in the air.

The law enforcement elder was still instigating others: "Ye Liuyun is a wanted criminal in the entire Northern Territory, everyone can get him and kill him. Let\'s work together to take Ye Liuyun down, and the sect will reward you!"

There is a big reward for his words, and some elders and disciples are a little moved. And those disciples of Lingyun Pavilion are also ready to fight.

"Not good, we can\'t cause a scuffle in the academy, or we can only make the Night Devil Hall laugh."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun immediately asked Baihu to kill these law enforcement elders and disciples with the strongest force.

"White tiger!"

The realm of these people was too low, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to make a move, so he directly called Baihu to make a move.

The white tiger let out a low whistle, showing its original white tiger form. Standing in front of Ye Liuyun with a huge body nearly ten feet long, golden light flashed all over his body, and nine golden spears rushed towards the law enforcement elder and the disciples beside him in an instant.

The golden spear pulled out nine streaks of golden light, which arrived in an instant.

"Puff puff!"

After a muffled sound, the law enforcement elder and eight law enforcement disciples all fell directly from the air. There was a big hole in the chest pierced by the golden spear.

"Bold! How dare you wantonly kill people in my Holy Martial Academy!"

A loud shout, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, resounded through Shengwu Academy.

In front of the main hall of the Holy Martial Academy, an old man wearing the dean\'s badge stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

With his loud shout, the entire academy was immediately quieted down, and everyone\'s minds were shocked!

"This is the new dean of the college, surnamed Feng..." Old Man Ge introduced to Ye Liuyun in a low voice.

With Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness, he had already seen Qu Chenfeng in the main hall of discussion.

"So this guy is here too! It seems that Dean Feng is on the same level as Qu Chenfeng! That\'s just right, let\'s solve it together today! Qu Chenfeng, let you live for so long, today should be over!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun pretended to dig his ears, and said impatiently, "What are you shouting for? You have a loud voice! Don\'t you see that I\'m talking about old times?"

At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Lei Ming: "Roar back!"

After Lei Ming received the message, he jumped from Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder into the air, revealing his body.


Her voice, coupled with the coercion of Tiangang Nine Layers, completely became a sonic attack, and she roared towards the meeting hall.

Although they didn\'t deliberately attack the surrounding people, they were so shocked that they had to mobilize their true essence to defend.

The whole academy was yelled like an earthquake by her. The ground was trembling, and stones were bouncing around.

And the Dean Feng in front of the main hall. Just now he had assumed a lofty posture, but at this moment he was attacked by the sound waves of thunder, his mouth and nose were bleeding from the shock, and he rolled on the ground a few times before barely stopping, and was thrown to the ground in disgrace and in a state of embarrassment.

Although Lei Ming\'s realm is only one level higher than his. But he is the pride of heaven who can fight the entire Cangyun Continent. Its strength is far stronger than him.

Based on the dean\'s strength, Ye Liuyun felt that Yu\'er could easily beat him. The quality of the true essence and the power of the soul are not very strong.

"You..." Dean Feng forced himself to stand up, wanting to accuse Ye Liuyun.

"He hasn\'t learned much yet, let him do it again!" Ye Liuyun sent a voice transmission to Lei Ming.

This time, Lei Ming even used his blood, true energy, physical body and soul power, and a huge thunder dragon beast guardian seal enveloped Lei Ming.


This loud roar from the seal of the patron saint directly sent Dean Feng into the meeting hall. A mouthful of blood sprayed into the air. He fell to the ground with a "bang" and couldn\'t even get up.

The power of this roar caused the entire Saint Martial Academy to shake violently and become a mess.

Many low-level disciples were so shocked that their mouths and noses were bleeding at this moment, and they collapsed on the ground.

Some weak buildings were directly collapsed by the earthquake. On relatively tall buildings, some wall bricks also fell.

With this thunderous roar, even Qu Chenfeng, who was waiting in the meeting hall, was shocked enough to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Layer upon layer of sound waves oscillated for a long time before completely quieting down.

At this moment, Lei Ming had already turned into a beast, and he squatted back on Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder, looking cute and harmless to humans and animals.