Lord of All Gods

Chapter 609

"You...Qi Hong, since you are always protecting the wanted criminals of the sect, and thinking of betraying the sect and the Night Demon Palace in your heart, then don\'t blame me for cleaning up the traitors for the sect!" .

"Grandma, I have endured you for a long time, and I don\'t want to bear it any longer!" Qi Hong said, drawing his knife and preparing to fight.

Qi Hong and that disciple were at war with each other, and they were about to strike.

Some disciples around them also immediately divided into two groups.

One group stood behind Qi Hong, and the other group stood behind the disciple. But obviously, the disciple\'s side is much stronger.

The disciple pointed to the others and asked, "What? Qi Hong is going to betray the sect, so are you going to rebel with him?"

A person behind Qi Hong said: "Is mentioning the name of our pavilion master called rebellion? Which patriarchal rule stipulates it? What kind of hat are you labeling?"

The other one with a bad temper shouted directly: "Don\'t talk nonsense with these running dogs. It\'s not a day or two since they wanted to get rid of our Lingyun Pavilion. If they want to punish us, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"So, are you looking for death? But look at the strength of you people, you are not our opponent!" The disciple threatened again.

Unexpectedly, none of the people on Qi Hong\'s side wavered.

Qi Hong laughed loudly: "Haha, do you think our Lingyun Pavilion is useless? We have never been afraid of fighting! If we die in battle, we will still be brothers of Lingyun Pavilion in our next life!"

"Okay! Then I will help you all! Do it!" He said hello, and he was about to lead the crowd Qi Hong and others to rush over.

However, there was a sudden change, and an extremely strong coercion enveloped them, making them tremble all over. Only by barely supporting it can he not directly kneel down on the ground.

"What\'s going on here?" The leading disciple asked the people beside him with a trembling voice.

Qi Hong and the others on the opposite side were also puzzled. "What happened?" Qi Hong also asked the people around him.

"I\'m afraid a strong man has arrived!" Someone said in a low voice.

Qi Hong and the others were not enveloped by this coercion. They just felt this powerful coercion.

But at this time, Ye Liuyun led the crowd, appeared in their line of sight, and flew to Qi Hong\'s side.

When Qi Hong saw clearly the leading boy, especially the Thunder Dragon Beast squatting on his shoulders, he immediately won over with a smile on his face.

"It\'s the Pavilion Master! The Pavilion Master is back!" Qi Hong shouted directly with a loud voice.

When he shouted, the Lingyun Pavilion disciples who followed him also recognized Ye Liuyun and cheered.

"The Pavilion Master is back! The Pavilion Master is back!"

While shouting, they gathered towards Ye Liuyun.

"Brothers, I\'m back! You have worked hard this year!"

Seeing the sincere smiling faces, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help being moved.

"No hard work! Just wait for the pavilion master to bring us back to our former glory..."

"Pavilion Master, you are back, it\'s time for Lingyun Pavilion to feel proud..."

For a moment, everyone was chattering around Ye Liuyun, and they couldn\'t hear what they were talking about. They could only see sincere smiles on everyone\'s faces.

At this time, Ye Liuyun had withdrawn his coercion, and forgot about those disciples just now.

The disciple who fought against Qi Hong saw that Ye Liuyun had really returned, and immediately wanted to sneak away.


Baihu didn\'t forget about them, and immediately roared to remind Ye Liuyun. At the same time, the coercion was released, and those people were fixed in place.

Although the coercion of the white tiger was not as strong as that of Ye Liuyun, the coercion of the ferocious beast was even more violent, which also made those people tremble.

Ye Liuyun and the others only remembered them at this time.

"Who said I was wanted just now? I\'m standing here now, do you dare to arrest me?" Ye Liuyun asked with a smile.

"I was joking with Qi Hong just now. They were all jokes. You are a big man, don\'t be as knowledgeable as us!" The disciple immediately changed his words, with a bullying face.

"Holy Martial Academy, why would they recruit such spineless disciples!" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

"Ah!" Qi Hong also sighed: "Since the Night Demon Palace took charge of the Northern Territory, these bastards have all stepped on our heads."

Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to send a voice transmission to Baihu, telling Baihu to kill the disciple just now, and then sent the others back to report.

"You go back and report the news, just say that I, Ye Liuyun, are back!"

"Yes, yes!" Those people agreed repeatedly, and ran back to the academy.

"When the control of the academy is regained, these people should be cleaned up!" Ye Liuyun said to Qi Hong.

"Now the dean of Shengwu Academy has changed. The original dean, Cheng Yi, has long since left the academy."

"Oh, who is the dean now?" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help asking.

Ye Liuyun had already prepared in his heart, knowing that it would definitely not be smooth sailing. But he didn\'t expect that the dean of Shengwu Academy had changed.

"It\'s a guy named Feng Xian. I don\'t know where he came from. It is said that he is in the eighth level of Tiangang." Qi Hong replied.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go back to the academy! No matter who he is as the dean, he can\'t stop me!"

With that said, Ye Liuyun led everyone back to Shengwu Academy.

In Shengwu Academy, the alarm bell was ringing one after another, and all the elders and disciples in the sect were summoned.

Especially the people from Lingyun Pavilion, they all came out together to check the situation.

This kind of alarm bell, they have not heard for many years. Now that it rang, it was very likely that Ye Liuyun had returned.

And when they came out to inquire about the news, it turned out that Ye Liuyun had returned.

Tie Jun flirted with Jiang Chen, and quietly retreated with Hao Chengfeng, Tang Hao, Jiang Yuan, Liu Shengnan and others beside him. According to their original plan, they began to clean up the spies planted in Lingyun Pavilion.

But at this time, Ye Liuyun walked directly into the Holy Martial Academy swaggeringly, leading the crowd.

When the disciples of Shengwu Academy saw Ye Liuyun, they also gave mixed reviews.

The disciples of Lingyun Pavilion were all very excited, with eager expressions in their eyes.

The pavilion master who once created countless miracles has really returned! Their good days are coming, and this boy has never let them down!

However, some people thought that Ye Liuyun was too arrogant to break into Shengwu Academy directly, and he was simply seeking his own death.

The first two elders to come out of the academy were Wuhun Saint Chu Wanqing, who was also Lin Xueying\'s mother, and the other was old man Ge, the master of the Spirit Medicine Hall.