Lord of All Gods

Chapter 611

"Remember to talk to me well in the future. If you want to pretend to be with me, I will let you not even have a chance to talk!"

Ye Liuyun\'s voice was not loud, but he used his true energy to amplify his voice to the entire academy, no matter where he was, he could hear it clearly.

"The pavilion master is mighty and domineering!" Qi Hong couldn\'t help shouting.

Then, many disciples of Lingyun Pavilion also shouted, their voices became louder and louder.

Originally, the academy sounded the alarm to summon people to deal with Ye Liuyun, but now it seems to be welcoming him!

Those elders who originally wanted to attack Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to move anymore.

In addition to the fact that Baihu was at the seventh level of Tiangang, the aura of the ninth level of Tiangang that Lei Ming had just leaked shocked them even more.

What made them even more terrified was that the dragon girl, Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er and others behind Ye Liuyun, when they just resisted the thunder\'s roar, they also felt terrified by the realm aura they leaked.

"It seems that Ye Liuyun dared to come back, and he was well prepared!" For a while, these people decided to wait and continue to wait and see.

Some disciples who didn\'t know Ye Liuyun were shocked by Ye Liuyun\'s overbearing at this moment.

"This Ye Liuyun deserves to be the legendary ruthless man, he is decisive in killing!"

"Mie the law enforcement elder, seriously injured the dean! Too overbearing! Who can deal with him!"

Everyone was a little dazed, if things go on like this, Ye Liuyun will be fine even if he is quite the dean!

At this moment, Dean Feng is too busy to take care of himself.

Lei Ming\'s roar shook the true essence in his body. Right now, he is trying his best to gather the true energy in his body, and he can\'t even speak.

For a moment, the entire academy was silent.

Ye Liuyun led the crowd and walked directly to the main meeting hall.

At this time, Qu Chenfeng couldn\'t hold his breath and sat down again. Standing up directly in the main hall, he smiled at Ye Liuyun from a distance: "Ye Liuyun, long time no see!"

"You trash, you deserve to talk to me?" Ye Liuyun didn\'t give him any face, and directly scolded him back.

But Qu Chenfeng smiled indifferently: "I am also representing the Night Demon Palace, and I want to chat with you. Since you are here, please enter the main hall!"

He made a gesture of invitation from a distance, but his attitude was very low!

Ye Liuyun was unmoved.

His golden pupils had long since discovered that a formation was arranged in the hall. Its power is probably not small.

Although he was sure he could break it, he didn\'t want to take any chances.

"This is the Holy Martial Academy, you trash from the Night Demon Temple, what right do you have to invite me?"

Although Ye Liuyun didn\'t stop, he secretly told the dragon girl to manifest her body and directly destroy the meeting hall. This will trigger the attack formation in the temple.

After receiving the message, the dragon girl flew into the air without hesitation, directly manifesting her main body.

With a body nearly fifty feet long and covered with black scales, it immediately manifested its own divine seal protection, covering its physical body.

The patron saint seal of the dragon girl turned out to be a black dragon. Black dragons are the most warlike of all dragons.

"Ye Liuyun, our Night Demon Palace kindly invites you to sit down and have a chat, what are you going to do?"

Qu Chenfeng looked worriedly at the black dragon figure in the sky. He was worried that Ye Liuyun would not enter the hall.

He even did not hesitate to risk his life by personally seducing Ye Liuyun in the hall, just to let Ye Liuyun come in.

He thought, if Ye Liuyun was not too tough, he would definitely go to the hall to have a talk first. If he was ruthless enough, he would go straight into the hall and kill him. Even if he doesn\'t come in, he will find a way to stimulate Ye Liuyun to come in and kill him.

However, the black dragon in front of him seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t seem to be fooled.

If the black dragon came down alone, then this formation would probably be too wasteful. It only killed Ye Liuyun\'s assistant.

"Aw..." With a long roar, the black dragon flicked its tail and hit the meeting hall directly.

The terrifying coercion of Tiangang Jiuzhong was released, Qu Chenfeng couldn\'t move even if he wanted to!

"Not good! The black dragon wasn\'t fooled either, it didn\'t jump in directly. If she hits like this, it will trigger the formation!"

Qu Chenfeng secretly yelled that it was not good, but at the moment he wanted to escape but couldn\'t.


The meeting hall of Shengwu Academy was originally very strong. However, under the attack of the patron saint seal of the Tiangang Nine Layers powerhouse, he couldn\'t bear it.

When the dragon girl slapped her tail, she collapsed. The array arranged in it immediately activated, enveloped Qu Chenfeng, and began to attack him.

However, the dragon girl didn\'t suffer any damage, but the phantom of Longwei was swept by the formation, but after a while, it can be recovered.

"Hmph, Qu Chenfeng, you despicable villain, you want to plot to harm me again! It\'s a pity that I couldn\'t kill you with my own hands!"

Ye Liuyun looked at Qu Chenfeng who was attacked in the formation coldly, feeling a little sorry.

"Ah! Stop the formation!"

Qu Chenfeng tried his best to support in the formation, and at the same time notified some elders who arranged the formation in the Night Demon Palace to stop the formation immediately.

The most unlucky thing was that Dean Feng. Before his true essence could be consolidated, he was shrouded in the attack range of the formation along with Qu Chenfeng. He couldn\'t resist even a single attack, and he was blown up immediately. .

Two elders from the Night Demon Temple rushed out to control the formation and stop it.

But Ye Liuyun drew out the demon-slaying knife and slashed at them from a distance, one at a time, sending the two of them flying.

Moreover, the remaining power of the sword intent hit the formation, arousing the formation\'s attack more violently.

Qu Chenfeng never expected that Ye Liuyun was not even interested in killing him with his own hands. The ambush he set up so hard was so easily broken by Ye Liuyun.

In the end, it was himself who experienced the power of this formation.

At this moment, the power of the formation is still strengthening. With his realm, he couldn\'t support it at all.

"Boom, boom!"

The attacks from the formation blasted him one after another, smashing him into pieces in a few hits.

Qu Chenfeng died because he overestimated his position in Ye Liuyun\'s heart. He thought Ye Liuyun would hate him, and when he saw him, he would rush up to kill him regardless.

"Bound yourself in a cocoon!" Ye Liuyun snorted coldly. "It\'s a pity that I didn\'t kill this villain myself!"

Although Ye Liuyun felt a little regretful, he didn\'t take it too seriously. After all, Qu Chenfeng is just a small person. As long as he can see him die in front of him, he can rest assured in the future.

Without a threatening villain in the dark, Ye Liuyun\'s mood suddenly became much brighter.

The news that Qu Chenfeng failed to design Ye Liuyun, but reaped the fruits of his own fruit, was sent back to the northern sub-helm of the Night Demon Palace.

The woman in black nodded with satisfaction.

"Sure enough, that kind of idiot can only go to die!"