Lord of All Gods

Chapter 608

Ye Liuyun pushed forward all the way, causing huge losses to the Night Demon Palace. In the southern and central parts of the Northern Territory, there is almost no place for the Night Demon Temple to stand.

Many sects also took this opportunity to respond to Ye Liuyun\'s actions, and once again left the Dark Night Demon Palace, and began to suppress Moxiu. Gradually a torrent of resistance was formed.

Ye Liuyun himself didn\'t expect that before he returned to Shengwu Academy, he had become the weathervane of the Northern Territory.

And after the Night Demon Palace lost its power in the south and center, it also began to let the corpse demons continue to make trouble, in an attempt to contain the resistance forces in these two regions.

At this moment, the Five Realms Alliance reappeared at the right time, and began to wipe out the remaining corpse demons and members of the Night Devil Hall with all their strength, without giving the Night Devil Hall any chance. It seems that they intend to completely drive the Night Demon Palace and Corpse Demons out of the Northern Territory.

With the leadership of the Five-Region Alliance, these resistance forces are more united and efficient, which further squeezes the living space of the Night Demon Palace and the Corpse Demon.

Because of this, Ye Liuyun saw the alliance\'s guide again.

It was still the black-robed emissary.

"I really didn\'t expect that in about a year, your realm would grow to such an extent!"

The black-robed messenger was not surprised when he saw Ye Liuyun. Obviously, he has known his true state for a long time. However, he still couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

"This is inseparable from the original cultivation of the alliance!"

Ye Liuyun was very grateful for the training resources that the Alliance had provided him.

"Your alliance status has been restored! The top leaders of the alliance have justified your name!"

As the black-robed messenger spoke, he threw the two tokens representing the identity of the alliance to Ye Liuyun. "Input a ray of consciousness, and you can return to the alliance again."

Ye Liuyun took the token, but hesitated a little.

"Any organization will inevitably have some bad apples. I hope you don\'t mind too much about the previous incident. It is also because you are leaving the Northern Territory that the leader did not stop the arrest of you."

Seeing his hesitation, the man in black robe thought he had a problem, so he tried to persuade him again.

"Senior misunderstood! I didn\'t take the previous things to heart. However, I\'m afraid I won\'t stay in the Northern Territory for too long, so I think I won\'t join the alliance this time."

Ye Liuyun thought about it, but still refused to join the Five Realms Alliance again.

In fact, he said so, but he still has a skeptical attitude towards the high level of the alliance. He also doesn\'t want to join this kind of organization, lest he will be involved in the high-level power struggle after the Corpse Demon and Night Demon Palace are driven away in the future.

"Alright! When I came here, the lord already told me, don\'t force you too much!" The black-robed man didn\'t try to persuade him any more.

Ye Liuyun respectfully returned the two identity tokens to the black-robed envoy. At the same time, he also stated: "Although I will no longer join the Five-Region Alliance. But I will definitely remember the kindness that the alliance has given me in cultivating me! As long as the alliance needs it, I will still do my best for the alliance!"

"It doesn\'t matter! We know that you are not an ungrateful person!"

The black-robed messenger waved his hand generously, said goodbye to Ye Liuyun and left without saying anything.

"Little brother, why don\'t you join the alliance? We can use the teleportation array, so we don\'t have to travel by ourselves!" Lei Ming asked puzzled.

"The teleportation array is convenient, but the follow-up responsibilities are endless. It\'s cheap, so don\'t take it! Moreover, the high-level members of the alliance are mixed. Now that I have left, don\'t look back, so as not to delay my own affairs in the future."

Ye Liuyun said, patted Lei Ming on the head, and led the others to continue on their way.

They went very smoothly on the road from the central region to Shengwu Academy. The sub-helm of the Night Demon Temple along the way had already heard the wind and evacuated early. Some sects of magic cultivators were also easily resolved by Ye Liuyun and the others.

Just when Ye Liuyun passed by the Ancient Demon Sect, Ye Liuyun met Mo Ya again.

"I\'ve heard about you a long time ago, and I\'m here to wait for you! I knew that you would never be stumped by an inheritance secret realm."

When Mo Ya saw Ye Liuyun, he immediately shouted.

He came back before Ye Liuyun, but his strength alone was not enough to rescue the ancient demon sect, so he stayed near the ancient demon sect, waiting for Ye Liuyun to come back.

Unexpectedly, he was made to wait for Ye Liuyun so soon.

"Let\'s go, I\'ll go to the Ancient Demon Sect with you, and help you rescue the sect!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much, and he didn\'t need to be overly polite to a friend like Mo Ya. So they followed Mo Ya and rushed directly to the Ancient Demon Sect.

After solving the ancient demon sect, Mo Ya did not stay in the sect, but followed Ye Liuyun all the time. He is a militant, knowing that following Ye Liuyun, there will be endless battles waiting for him.

He no longer expects to fight Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun is much stronger than him. As long as he can follow Ye Liuyun and fight a few battles, he will be satisfied.

After a year, Ye Liuyun finally returned to the Shengwu Academy he was once familiar with. Seeing the old land of the Zongmen from a distance, he was also a little excited.

"I don\'t know what happened to Master and those friends?"

Ye Liuyun led the crowd, restrained their breath, and rushed towards the sect.

At this moment, Lei Ming mischievously turned into a pet beast again, and lay on Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder, just like their previous image.

Before they arrived at the Zongmen, they saw a group of patrolling disciples from Shengwu Academy. There are two disciples who seem to be arguing about something. One of them turned out to be Qi Hong whom he knew.

When Ye Liuyun saw the college uniforms in white and gold from a distance, he felt very friendly, and couldn\'t help leaning over to listen to what they were arguing about.

"Don\'t forget, Ye Liuyun is still wanted by our Holy Martial Academy, and even in the entire Northern Territory. Why do you keep calling him the master of the pavilion?" A disciple reprimanded loudly.

"So what? As soon as our pavilion master returns, the heavens of Shengwu Academy will change immediately, and the whole northern region will change." Qi Hong said nonchalantly.

"Qi Hong, just based on your words, I can hand you over to the Zongmen law enforcement team to deal with you!" The disciple threatened: "You Lingyun Pavilion\'s remnants should have been kicked out of the Holy Martial Academy a long time ago, lest you Destroy the school atmosphere!"

"Our people in Lingyun Pavilion destroy the atmosphere of the academy? Haha, you really know how to joke! Our people in Lingyun Pavilion are all hard-working men, unlike you people who are running dogs for the Night Demon Palace!" Qi Hong Cursed bluntly.