Lord of All Gods

Chapter 604

"When you encounter this kind of thing in the future, just let it be! Don\'t think too much, let alone blame yourself. You have done a good job."

Ye Liuyun felt better when he heard Wu Qingcheng say that.

Ye Liuyun took everyone to finish the barbecue, and asked them to prepare for the departure.

He himself went to say goodbye to Jing Wudi first, and then took everyone on board the flying boat and headed for the Northern Territory.

Su Miaoyin asked: "Are we going to cross back to that secret place from back then?"

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, then shook his head.

"That hell appears there, I don\'t think it\'s safe. Our flying boat is fast, and it won\'t take too long to go straight. So it\'s better not to cause trouble!"

"Then we have arrived in the Northern Territory, where should we go first?" Su Miaoyin was still thinking about going back to the Magic Sound Workshop to see the situation.

"Go to Moyinfang first, let you go back and check the situation so that you don\'t worry. It just doesn\'t take too much detour, we can also collect some information." Ye Liuyun has long considered Su Miaoyin\'s concerns, so the direction they are going is Magic Sound Workshop.

"Thank you so much!" Su Miaoyin thanked her heartily with some excitement.

She didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun knew what she was thinking without her having to say it.

Wu Qingcheng smiled and said: "Look, with his thoughtfulness, which girl would not be tempted!"

Su Miaoyin also nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes! You are so considerate!"

Ye Liuyun had a helpless expression on his face.

The speed of the flying boat was very fast. After a few days, they had already arrived in the Northern Territory and went straight to the Magic Sound Workshop.

Along the way, Ye Liuyun discovered many demon cultivators.

"It seems that this place has become the world of demon cultivators!"

Both Ye Liuyun and Su Miaoyin were very worried about the situation of Moyinfang.

When they arrived at Moyinfang, they found that the situation in the sect was not bad, it was not occupied by Moxiu, and Moyinfang was still managing it.

Ye Liuyun and the others got off the flying boat ahead of time, and under the leadership of Su Miaoyin, they walked directly to the Magic Sound Workshop.

The gatekeepers are two male disciples. There are mostly women in Moyinfang, and most of the male disciples are doing chores.

"Stop! This is the Magic Music Workshop, who are you looking for?" A male disciple stopped them.

Su Miaoyin took out her token, kept walking, and said directly to the two male disciples, "I\'ll take a few friends to see Master."

"Huh? Are you from our Magic Music Workshop? Why haven\'t I seen you?" Another male disciple asked suspiciously.

"Are you two new here? You don\'t even know me?" Su Miaoyin glanced at them and found that she didn\'t know these two people either.

"What\'s your name?" a male disciple asked.

"Su Miaoyin!"

Su Miaoyin said, and continued to walk in.

But when the two male disciples heard the name "Su Miaoyin", their expressions immediately changed.

"Are you that traitor Su Miaoyin?" A male disciple pointed at Su Miaoyin and asked.

"What did you say? Who is the traitor?" Su Miaoyin asked back.

"The whole Northern Territory is looking for you, do you still dare to come back?" As he said that, another male disciple pulled the rope beside him and immediately rang the alarm bell.

As soon as the bell rang, the entire sect could hear it, and immediately some elders and disciples rushed towards the sect.

Some old people recognized Su Miaoyin at a glance. For a while, these people didn\'t know what to do.

After Su Miaoyin left, the sect issued a wanted arrest for her. But everyone knew that she was sent away by the sect.

But now that she is back, these people don\'t know how to deal with her for a while.

"Elder Sister? Wait a moment, I\'ll notify the workshop owner!"

A female disciple reacted quickly, and immediately turned around to inform the workshop owner.

Hearing that the owner of the shop is still alive, Su Miaoyin\'s heart is also relieved a lot.

She didn\'t try to break into the sect, but waited quietly at the sect.

An elder asked kindly: "Miaoyin, what state are you in now?"

"Tiangang Fifth Layer!"

Su Miaoyin bowed to the elder and replied respectfully. These are all the elders who cared about her very much before.

"It\'s not enough! It\'s too early to come back!"

The elder shook his head slowly and said. The elder obviously understood the meaning of Su Miaoyin\'s return.

Some of the other elders were also shaking their heads and sighing, complaining that she should not come back.

Soon, the owner of the magic sound workshop also rushed to the gate of the sect.

"Miaoyin? Have you forgotten what I told you at the beginning?" As soon as the master arrived, he complained anxiously.

She could tell from a distance that Su Miaoyin\'s realm was not enough to compete with the Night Demon Palace.

"Master! I\'m not alone, there are them too!" As she spoke, she looked at Ye Liuyun and the others behind her.

"These are all your friends?" Fangzhu was obviously worried that the relationship between these people and Su Miaoyin was not solid.

"Yes...it\'s my man!" Su Miaoyin blushed slightly and whispered.

"Man... you?" The master was taken aback when he heard the words.

But when she looked at Ye Liuyun carefully and found those golden pupils, she became even more panicked!

"Ye..." She almost called out Ye Liuyun\'s name directly. But in the end, he still reacted and swallowed it back vigorously.

She also heard people say that Su Miaoyin and Ye Liuyun have an unusual relationship, but she did not expect that they actually got together.

But the problem is, these two people are the most wanted criminals of the Night Demon Temple!

Ye Liuyun hid his breath, and she couldn\'t see Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

She only saw the realms of Lei Ming, Longnv, Wu Qingcheng and others, all of whom were in the ninth level of Tiangang.

With this strength, it can deal with the Night Demon Palace. But what if the Night Demon Palace sends reinforcements?

She was thinking about what to do with these people.

In the distance, the figures of several demon cultivators rushed over quickly. They were all wearing the uniforms of the Night Demon Temple, and one of them unleashed the pressure of the sixth layer of Tiangang on them.

Ye Liuyun remained calm and let these demon cultivators approach. He also told Lei Ming and others to hide the realm and let them come over.

The realms of those demon cultivators are all martial cultivators at the sixth and seventh level of Tiangang, and there are seven of them in total.

After they arrived, they looked at Ye Liuyun and Su Miaoyin carefully.

"Haha, let us catch two big fish! Ye Liuyun, Su Miaoyin, two wanted criminals from the Northern Territory."

"Are you from the Night Demon Palace?" Ye Liuyun asked coldly.

"That\'s right! We are at the helm of the southern border! Are you going to catch him without a fight, or do you want us to do it?"

The first Wuxiu of the seventh level of Tiangang said, and looked at the owner of the magic sound workshop.

"Hmph, are you living too comfortably in Moyinfang? You didn\'t notify us immediately when you saw a wanted criminal? We\'ll settle the score with you when we get back!"