Lord of All Gods

Chapter 605

"You have no chance!"

As Ye Liuyun said, the strength surged all over his body, and the condensed figure of the Hunyuan God of War appeared, and at the same time released his own thunder and fire domain, directly covering all these demon cultivators.

Ye Liuyun\'s thunder and fire domain was also released for the first time after reaching the yin and yang realm.

He also wanted to pass these low-level people first and try the effect.

The power of the yin and yang realm, as well as the double attack of essence and spirit, made these martial artists feel the suppression of power and the fear of spirit as soon as they entered the field.

The golden crow\'s sacred flames all over the place and the blood thunder in the sky outlined a scene of the end of the world, which made them feel even more frightened.

Hunyuan God of War pressed down with his big hand, and the sky seemed to collapse, blood thunder slammed down, and the Golden Crow Holy Fire on the ground suddenly burst into flames and burned towards these martial artists.

At the same time, blue and white flames also shot at the souls of these martial artists.

"What kind of power is this? So powerful?"

"The realm of Yin-Yang! This kid is in the realm of Yin-Yang! We are doomed!"

Several martial arts practitioners from the Night Demon Palace didn\'t even have the strength to resist in the thunder and fire domain of the Yin-Yang realm.

All they could see was that their bodies began to burn with golden-red flames. In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a blue and white flame.

It didn\'t take long for each of them to be burned to ashes.

Before destroying their souls, Ye Liuyun also searched their souls, and found the location of the sub-helm of the Night Demon Palace, as well as several sects that had taken refuge in the Night Demon Palace and helped the Night Demon Palace to be domineering.

"Killed them all?"

"Who is this boy? Such a powerful breath?"

"The realm of Yin and Yang?" the owner of Moyinfang asked Ye Liuyun directly.

Ye Liuyun nodded and didn\'t hide anything. If he doesn\'t reveal his true strength, I\'m afraid the owner of Moyinfang will be very embarrassed.

Keeping them is afraid of hurting the sect, and not keeping them is afraid that they will encounter danger outside.

He directly revealed the realm of yin and yang, and the owner of the magic sound workshop knew that they had the strength to fight against the dark night demon palace.

"Okay! Miaoyin saw the right person! Come in and talk! Miaoyin, welcome back to Magic Sound Workshop!"

As soon as she said this, everyone understood that they were going to confront the Night Demon Palace.

As a result, several elders immediately arranged for the defense of the sect, and cleared out the disciples in the sect who were close to the Night Demon Palace.

The owner of the workshop brought Su Miaoyin, Ye Liuyun and others into the Zongmen\'s meeting hall, and explained the situation here to them.

The general situation is similar to the information obtained by Ye Liuyun\'s soul search. So he didn\'t delay too much, and let Su Miaoyin stay to talk to the owner of the workshop, and he took the three monsters, Lei Ming, Dragon Girl and White Tiger, and rushed directly to the Dark Night Demon Palace.

Only then did Su Miaoyin remember and returned the stone ape to Ye Liuyun.

Shi Yuan was also extremely excited to see Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming, Bai Hu and others. It\'s just that when I saw their realm, I couldn\'t be happy immediately.

The realm of the stone ape can only reach the second level of Tiangang, which is a lot lower than that of the white tiger.

"I\'m really sorry, my resources are limited, and I have delayed Shi Yuan\'s cultivation!" Su Miaoyin repeatedly apologized to Shi Yuan and Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s okay, I will give Stone Ape some more resources in the future, so that it can catch up as soon as possible. Now take him to destroy the sub-helm of the Night Demon Palace."

As Ye Liuyun said, he patted Shiyuan\'s shoulder: "Don\'t be discouraged, you will catch up soon. Come on, come and have a good time with me first!"

Shi Yuan was guarding Su Miaoyin, and was also suffocated. As soon as he heard that there was a fight, he immediately became excited, and put aside the low-level things for the time being!

Ye Liuyun took them, instead of taking the flying boat, but Yukong rushed to the sub-helm of the Night Demon Palace.

When they encountered Moxiu along the way, they shot and killed him without saying a word. Kill all the way to the Night Demon Palace.

The garrison elder at the sub-helm of the Dark Night Demon Palace turned out to be a martial artist from the eighth level of Tiangang.

Hearing that someone dared to come to the Night Demon Palace, I still couldn\'t believe it at the beginning. Only when he felt the coercion released by Ye Liuyun and others did he realize the seriousness of the matter.

He hurried out to check. But it\'s a pity, without even saying a word, he was directly blasted away by a thunderbolt of blood from Lei Ming.

Ye Liuyun left the other low-level ones to Bai Hu and Shi Yuan to practice. He just absorbed some spiritual power.

The Night Demon Palace was at the helm, and they killed all of them. After cleaning the battlefield, they rushed to the next Demon Cultivation Sect.

Wherever he went, there was a lot of fanfare, not a single demon cultivator was left behind, and all his belongings were taken away.

For a time, the southern border of the Northern Territory was full of commotion. Everyone knew that Ye Liuyun was back.

And as soon as he came back, he wiped out the sub-helm of the Night Demon Palace and several more active demon sects.

The reason why Ye Liuyun was so high-profile was to announce his return to everyone.

This method of scaring the grass and startling the snake is much less troublesome than him looking around for the Night Demon Palace.

He estimated that the sub-helm of the Night Demon Palace in the Northern Territory would take the initiative to deal with him after he came back. He just had to wait.

In the following time, Ye Liuyun was at the southern border, and cleared up a few more sects of magic cultivators. At the same time, he was also accumulating resources to let everyone improve their realm as soon as possible.

Of course, the Night Demon Palace in the Northern Territory also received the news.

At this moment in the main meeting hall, a woman wrapped in a black robe couldn\'t help being a little dazed after receiving the report from her subordinates.

"Come back so soon? What realm is he?"

"This... there is no accurate information yet... it seems... it is the late stage of Tiangang... or the early stage of Yin Yang mirror!"

The subordinate who reported was obviously very afraid of the black-robed woman, and even stuttered nervously when speaking.

"Trash!" When the woman got angry, a black air enveloped the subordinate immediately. When she took back the black air, only some clothes were left on the spot.

"Go, find out Ye Liuyun\'s state and movements for me, and then report to me immediately."

The woman ordered casually.

"Yes!" A black figure agreed in the dark, and floated out of the hall.

"Sure enough, you won\'t die in the secret realm! I hope your realm is high enough now!" After the shadow left, the woman murmured.

Then she glanced at the pile of clothes on the ground.

"After accepting the inheritance, my strength is also stronger. I don\'t know if I am his opponent now!"

As the woman said, she turned around and rushed to the practice room, continuing to practice...

Ye Liuyun made a high-profile announcement of his return at the southern border of the Northern Territory, and the news quickly spread throughout the Northern Territory.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide his tracks either.

After they came out of the Magic Sound Workshop, they have been eradicating the sub-helms of the Night Demon Palace and various sects of magic cultivators along the way. Go straight to Shengwu Academy to kill him openly and aboveboard.