Lord of All Gods

Chapter 603

Although Princess Jiu told herself countless times to forget about Ye Liuyun. But the more she wanted to forget, the more she couldn\'t forget.

Until the moment she saw Ye Liuyun, she knew that she would never forget this golden-eyed boy.

"Go back to the North Territory to solve some things, and then go to the outside world to see."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide anything from Princess Jiu.

She knew that although the Ninth Princess was unruly in the past, she would never reveal his secrets.

"Then after you go outside the territory, will you come back again?" The concern of the nine princesses was beyond words.

"It depends on the situation. It is said that the Outer Territory is very large, and it takes a few years to travel outside the Territory. I don\'t know what will happen. If possible, I will of course come back. I\'m afraid..."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t know much about the situation outside the territory, and he didn\'t know what kind of situation he would encounter, so he really didn\'t know if he could come back.

Princess Jiu interrupted Ye Liuyun\'s words and did not let him continue.

"You will be fine! I will pray for your safe journey every day. If you still have a chance to come back, remember to visit me at Jinpeng Dynasty and report my safety. I have decided not to marry for life. I will be in Jinpeng Dynasty I have been waiting for your safe return!"

"You... why bother! In case I encounter any danger..."

Before Ye Liuyun could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Princess Nine again.

"Then I\'ll wait for you too! If I can\'t wait in this life, then I will continue to wait in the next life!"

She spoke very seriously and firmly.

If it was the former Ninth Princess, Ye Liuyun would think that she was just acting on a whim, playing with her temper, and would forget about it after a while.

But the resolute attitude of the present Ninth Princess made Ye Liuyun feel a little unbearable.

Finally he nodded and said: "Okay! I promise you, if I can come back alive, I will definitely go to Jinpeng Dynasty to see you!"

Hearing what she said, Princess Jiu nodded in satisfaction, and the tears in her eyes rolled down her face.

She had a promise from Ye Liuyun.

Although Ye Liuyun only said that he would come to see her and did not say that he would marry her, she was already very satisfied. At least when the time comes, she will know whether Ye Liuyun is still alive.

"Thank you for your promise! Then I\'ll go!"

She couldn\'t take it any longer.

If she didn\'t leave, she was afraid that she would throw herself into Ye Liuyun\'s arms and cry a lot.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t keep her either, and sent her out of Tie Ying Sect, watching her leave.

After going back, Ye Liuyun\'s heart was also very heavy, feeling that he had let down the Ninth Princess. But I don\'t feel like I did anything wrong.

"But you didn\'t do anything wrong, why do you feel in a bad mood?"

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t figure it out, so he went directly to Wu Qingcheng who was practicing, and asked her to help analyze it.

"Emotions, there\'s nothing to analyze. You did the right thing. There\'s nothing wrong with feeling sorry for her."

After Wu Qingcheng understood the situation, she comforted Ye Liuyun.

"I see you, just follow your promise. If you have a chance to come back, go and see her. As for the future, let\'s talk about it later! I think if she is really so infatuated, she will always wait for you, you Just get married too!"

Ye Liuyun nodded, which was considered to have approved Wu Qingcheng\'s statement. After thinking about it, he suddenly smiled and said, "Why do you always persuade me to marry more?"

Wu Qingcheng also laughed: "You, attracting bees and butterflies everywhere, can you blame me?"

"Where did I attract bees and butterflies?" Ye Liuyun protested dissatisfied.

"Well, you didn\'t attract bees and butterflies. Those bees and butterflies pounced on them by themselves!" Wu Qingcheng continued to tease Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also shook his head helplessly.

The two of them laughed and laughed together, and soon attracted other women.

After these women inquired about the situation, they all joked about Ye Liuyun again.

Seeing that they were not practicing anymore, Ye Liuyun simply took out the meat and grilled it for them.

"You\'ve all practiced almost? If you don\'t need to practice anymore, shall we go back to the Northern Territory?"

While eating, Ye Liuyun asked for their opinions.

"Okay, okay! I can\'t wait to go back and have a look!" Lei Ming was the first to agree, and the others also agreed.

Only Long Nu hesitated a little.

"What\'s the matter, Dragon Lady? Did you feel something about your dragon transformation?" Ye Liuyun asked with concern.

The dragon girl shook her head, and said with some concern: "It\'s because I haven\'t sensed it yet, so I\'m worried. And my realm seems to be stuck at the peak of the Tiangang Ninth Layer. No matter how hard I practice, I won\'t be able to improve!"

"Don\'t worry, it\'s time to practice and continue to practice. At the same time, go out and fight more to find some opportunities. You will follow me during this time, until you turn into a dragon." Ye Liuyun comforted her.

"Okay, then I will trouble you!" Dragon Girl said politely.

"You\'re welcome, we\'re all family! Didn\'t you say that you like my little brother too? Now I have a chance to stay with him!" Lei Ming took Long Nuu\'s arm carelessly, and told her and Long Nuu privately. Everything that was said was shaken out.

Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng and the others all became quiet in an instant, and looked at Longnu.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Dragon Girl\'s pretty face instantly flushed with shame. At this moment, I want to find a seam in the ground to drill in.

"Oh, what are you embarrassed about? Anyway, there are many people who like my little brother, and you are not the only one! If you like it, just tell me!" Lei Ming pulled the dragon girl who wanted to escape, and pressed her to sit down.

For a while, Longnu didn\'t dare to raise her head.

Everyone saw Longnu\'s expression and knew that Lei Ming wasn\'t talking nonsense.

Wu Qingcheng saw the atmosphere of the scene was too embarrassing, so she smoothed things over for everyone.

"Let\'s see, just now I said that you are attracting bees and attracting butterflies, but now there is proof!"

When she said that, everyone laughed again.

Ye Liuyun also smirked a few times in embarrassment, and looked up at Longnu. At this time, Long Nu was also peeking at Ye Liuyun\'s reaction.

Their eyes met, even more embarrassed.

Dragon Girl quickly turned her head away.

Ye Liuyun also looked at Wu Qingcheng begging for help.

Wu Qingcheng sat beside him, hugged his arm to comfort him, joked with everyone about him, and rushed to eat barbecue, which completely relieved the embarrassment.

Ye Liuyun secretly sent a voice transmission to Wu Qingcheng: "What\'s wrong with me? Why am I causing trouble everywhere?"

"It\'s not your fault!" Wu Qingcheng also knew that Ye Liuyun couldn\'t be blamed for this, he had no such thoughts at all.

And Ye Liuyun has already done a good job, trying to reject the love of other women.

To blame can only blame Ye Liuyun for being too good.