Lord of All Gods

Chapter 602

Princess Jiu has been practicing behind closed doors since she separated from Ye Liuyun last time.

Her whole person has also changed a lot, and she is no longer as savage and playful as before. Now the realm has been raised to the third level of Tiangang.

After receiving the notification from the servants, Princess Jiu also felt puzzled.

"Why did the father want me? I have been practicing recently, and I haven\'t caused any trouble!"

She thought about it for a long time, and confirmed that she had been practicing for a while and hadn\'t done anything out of the ordinary.

It wasn\'t until she saw King Jinpeng that she understood why she was asked to go.

"I see, I will go and talk to him. As for whether it will work or not, I don\'t know." She also agreed directly.

She is a princess after all. Since you can\'t get rid of this fate, you should take some responsibility.

But after thinking about it, she added another condition.

"It\'s fine for me to dissuade her. But my father has to promise me one condition."

"Oh? What conditions, can you tell me?" King Jinpeng didn\'t agree directly, nor did he refuse, but wanted to see what conditions he wanted to ask his daughter.

"That means I can\'t be forced to marry in the future. Who and when I marry, I have the final say!" Ninth Princess said frankly.

King Jinpeng was silent for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

As the lord of a dynasty, his words are the golden rule. Since he promised, he will naturally honor it, otherwise he will lose his prestige in the future.

Seeing that he had personally promised, the ninth princess retreated with satisfaction.

After King Jinpeng waited for her to go down, he asked the queen, "Do you think Jiu\'er is sure that he can stop Ye Liuyun?"

The queen smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don\'t worry, if she is not sure, why would she ask you for conditions?"

"Then why didn\'t she let me force her to marry? How can a princess not marry?" Jin Peng was a little puzzled.

"You don\'t understand what a girl thinks. She doesn\'t want to marry, so she has someone in her heart!" The queen laughed.

"That Ye Liuyun?" King Jinpeng reacted.

The Queen nodded in confirmation.

Only then did King Jinpeng suddenly realize: "It seems that Jiu\'er is unrequitedly in love. If that\'s the case, let them talk first, and the rest will depend on the situation!"

In fact, Ye Liuyun didn\'t think about Jinpeng Dynasty at all.

Jinpeng Dynasty didn\'t dare to provoke him before, and he is even less afraid now. He wasn\'t that vengeful either. As long as others don\'t provoke him, he will not take the initiative to bully others.

He led the people around him, and after pulling out the sub-helm of the Night Demon Temple, he returned directly to the Iron Eagle Cult.

And the more he didn\'t move, the more flustered Jinpeng Dynasty became, thinking that Ye Liuyun was waiting for them to come to beg for mercy.

In the end, let Princess Nine go directly to Tie Ying Sect to talk to Ye Liuyun.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he consolidated his realm with the others and made final preparations for leaving. Some useless resources were also handed over to Piaoyun to exchange for spirit stones.

On this day, Ye Liuyun was practicing, when suddenly someone came in to report that it was the Ninth Princess of the Jinpeng Dynasty asking to see him.

"Why is she here?"

Ye Liuyun hesitated, whether to see or not.

But thinking about Princess Jiu\'s temper, if he doesn\'t see him, maybe something big will happen, so I have no choice but to bite the bullet and go see her.

After meeting the Ninth Princess, Ye Liuyun felt uncomfortable.

Old Wu was still guarding the Ninth Princess, and when he saw Ye Liuyun, he also saluted.

But the nine princesses seemed to be different people. Not only did she dress a lot more solemnly, but she also behaved more like a princess. The temperament of the whole person has completely changed.

"Are you really the Ninth Princess Jin Yuanhui?"

Ye Liuyun watched for a long time, although he knew that he was the ninth princess, he still couldn\'t help asking.

"So you\'ve been looking at me for so long, are you doubting this?" Princess Nine asked with a smile.

"I just think you\'ve changed too much, it\'s unbelievable!" Ye Liuyun said frankly.

"Do you think I have changed like this, is it good or not?" Although the nine princesses repeatedly warned themselves to forget Ye Liuyun. But when I saw him, I couldn\'t calm down anymore.

"It\'s a lot more stable, but it\'s not as lively as before!" Ye Liuyun said truthfully.

"Then do you like lively or steady?" Princess Jiu blurted out without thinking.

After she asked this sentence, both Ye Liuyun and Old Wu who stood aside were rather embarrassed. She herself realized that her question was out of line.

In fact, no matter what she became, Ye Liuyun didn\'t like her in his heart.

So she hastily changed the subject. "Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m just asking about your preferences!"

"Oh!" Ye Liuyun agreed without saying much.

"Let\'s talk about the purpose of my visit today!" Princess Jiu changed the topic to the real business, and chatted with Ye Liuyun straight to the point.

"I heard that you have destroyed a lot of big sects recently. The elders of these big sects have offended you. So today I represent the Jinpeng Dynasty and come to apologize to you. I hope that you will forgive the Jinpeng Dynasty .”

"Oh, that\'s it! Don\'t worry, I never thought of dealing with the Jinpeng Dynasty. If others don\'t mess with me, I won\'t do it." Ye Liuyun said directly.

"Is it because of me that you are so magnanimous?" Princess Nine got off topic again.

In fact, before she came, she had already guessed that Ye Liuyun would not do anything to Jinpeng Dynasty. One reason is that Ye Liuyun himself is not that stingy. Another one, even if Ye Liuyun has no feelings for her, he still has friendship and will not disregard her feelings.

"It\'s not entirely because of you. Jinpeng Dynasty dealt with me, that was all in the past, there is no need to hold on to it. Even if they provoke me in the future, I will greet you first." Ye Liuyun said directly.

"You are still so straightforward. In fact, if you are a little more tactful, you can receive compensation from our Jinpeng royal family." The nine princesses reminded him.

Ye Liuyun smiled, and said to Princess Jiu: "I don\'t need anything now. There is really compensation, you ask for it for me, and then keep it for yourself!"

"Okay then. Since you don\'t want it, I\'ll have something I need. Thank you in advance!"

This point of Princess Jiu has not changed, and her own family is also right.

After talking about the business, Princess Jiu changed the subject and asked Ye Liuyun, "What are you going to do next?"

She also knew Ye Liuyun better. She felt that Ye Liuyun was either going back to the Northern Territory or going outside the Territory. Even if you go back to the Northern Territory, you will go outside the Territory after solving the problems in the Northern Territory.

Thinking that she would never see Ye Liuyun again soon, her heart ached.