Lord of All Gods

Chapter 599

Disciples below the Tiangang realm can\'t even rush through this kind of strong battle, and the aftermath of the battle alone can strangle them to death.

Therefore, those who participated in the battle could only be some strong men in the Tiangang realm.

The skeleton puppet still used one move at a time, killing many elders of Yan Palace like cutting melons and vegetables.

Ye Liuyun and others are not slow, as long as they are not strong like Yan Jiu, basically they can kill one of them with just a few moves.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er teamed up to fight against the Lord of Yan Palace, and they even gained the upper hand.

The flames around the master of the Yan Palace have been forced by the two of them to only a foot away, and they are still shrinking.

Seeing the oppressive power of ice, the master of Yan Palace was also helpless.

"Yan Jiu! You\'ve ruined Yan Palace!" The master of Yan Palace sighed at last, gave up resistance, and was directly sealed into an ice sculpture.

The entire Yan Palace is at a disadvantage, and the number of elders is getting smaller and smaller.

After Ye Liuyun and the others dealt with all the elders of Yan Palace, they went straight to the treasure house of Yan Palace.

As for the disciples in Yuan Dan realm in the distance, Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to kill them all.

After they took away the treasure house, many disciples had already escaped from Yan Palace.

Ye Liuyun just announced to the remaining disciples: "Yan Palace will no longer exist from today! You should find another sect to seek refuge in! Those who still don\'t leave here after two hours will be killed without mercy!"

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun slapped again, directly smashing the main meeting hall of Yan Palace into powder.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun asked everyone to wait in place, while he put away the skeleton puppets and went straight to the back mountain of Yan Palace. The others are waiting in place, and will go to empty out the Yan Palace disciples.

Lie Hongxia and Lie Hongyun were completely dumbfounded at this moment!

"The Yan Palace is destroyed?" Lie Hongxia still couldn\'t believe it. In the past, she relied on Yan Gong\'s strength and did not take others seriously. Now, her backing had suddenly collapsed, which made her unable to accept it for a while.

"Master, Palace Master, and those elders are all dead! Then what should we do?" Lie Hongyun was also in a trance, unable to accept the reality.

Lie Hongyun is better, but his spirit is damaged, and there is still hope of recovery. Lie Hongxia, if there is no resources, it is doomed to have no hope of recovery.

And they left Yan Palace and defected to other sects halfway, so it is destined that no one will invest too much resources in them. So to Lie Hongxia, she was already sentenced to the end of her path to martial arts.

Lie Hongyun is not bad, at least his strength is still there.

"It was we who harmed Master, the sect, and ourselves!" Lie Hongxia finally admitted that it was her own fault that caused all this to happen.

"Sister, don\'t think about it, winners and losers. Let\'s go, I will support you in the future!" Lie Hongyun carried Lie Hongxia on his back and left Yan Palace.

They were also worried that Ye Liuyun would go out of his way to trouble the two of them. After all, the source of this disaster was caused by them.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even think about making trouble for them. At this moment, he felt that there was an extremely strong flame power in the back mountain of Yangong.

Yan Palace must have a source of fire for the disciples to practice the power of flames. Now that Ye Liuyun has arrived here, he will naturally not miss this opportunity to seize the fire source.

In the back mountain of Yangong, the power of flames erupted from a cave. Before he got close, Ye Liuyun could feel the power of this flame.

He immediately started the Golden Crow Holy Fire and walked towards the cave. As he walked, he absorbed the power of the flame and turned it into his own use.

The temperature inside the cave is higher. Ye Liuyun felt that the air in the cave was full of fire elements.

His Golden Crow Holy Flame can also absorb and grow wantonly in this cave.

"It really is a good place to practice!"

While Ye Liuyun sighed, he didn\'t stop, but continued walking into the cave.

The cave spirals downward, it is not dim, and you can vaguely see it

The further down he went, the more flame power he could absorb.

"If the energy is enough, then I can break through to the realm of yin and yang here!"

Thinking of this, he unstoppably quickened his pace. Soon, a bright red flame was seen.

This heat was not obvious to Ye Liuyun who was protecting the body of the Golden Crow Sacred Flame. But the surrounding rocks have been melted smooth and round.

Going further down, he gradually felt the temperature gradually rise.

"It seems that the power of this flame itself is stronger than my Golden Crow Holy Flame!"

Just as Ye Liuyun was thinking, he vaguely heard a phoenix cry.

"Fengming? Is there really a fire phoenix?"

After Ye Liuyun heard the sound, he quickly accelerated and rushed to the bottom of the cave.

At the bottom of the cave is a large pit with a circular depression. You can\'t see anything in the pit in the distance, only a group of fiery red flames flickering.

Ye Liuyun opened his golden pupils, and couldn\'t help being surprised by what he saw.

It was a fiery red egg!

There are also some thin lines on the eggshell, depicting the image of a phoenix.

"Is this the phoenix egg? If it is conceived, I\'m afraid it will directly reach the realm of yin and yang!"

Ye Liuyun felt that the terrifying power in the phoenix egg could reach the middle stage of the Yin-Yang realm.

When he was observing the phoenix egg, suddenly a red flame burst out from the egg, condensing the shape of a fire phoenix in the air, attacking Ye Liuyun.

Although the power of this fire phoenix is ​​not as strong as that of a whole egg, it is still equivalent to the attack of a yin and yang level one martial artist.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to be careless at the moment, so he mobilized all his strength and blasted the fire phoenix away with the Hunyuan War God. Then the Golden Crow Sacred Flame began to dance around Ye Liuyun, absorbing the energy of the Fire Phoenix.

Afterwards, several fire phoenixes sprang out from the red egg and attacked Ye Liuyun, but they were also absorbed by Ye Liuyun.

Every fire phoenix is ​​equivalent to containing the power of yin and yang. Although it will not be absorbed 100%, the energy of these fire phoenixes is enough to raise Ye Liuyun\'s realm to the late stage of Tiangang Ninth Layer.

And with the help of these flames, the flame quality of the Golden Crow Sacred Flame has also been significantly improved.

"It really is a holy place for cultivation!"

Ye Liuyun was absorbing it vigorously, but the phoenix egg seemed to know that he could not beat Ye Liuyun, so he no longer expended his strength to release the fire phoenix to attack it.

"Since you don\'t come to beat me, then I will absorb you directly!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun released the Golden Crow Holy Flame, wrapped the phoenix egg, and absorbed the power directly.

The Golden Crow\'s holy fire completely enveloped the phoenix egg, and it would not be able to release the fire phoenix even if it tried to release it.