Lord of All Gods

Chapter 598

For the remaining two days, they barbecued and chatted on the airship.

After the entire Du family was frozen, news spread quickly.

The Du family is one of the three big eye-pupil families in the entire Cangyun Continent, and they were all exterminated!

This is definitely news that can shock everyone.

When Ye Liuyun started, he didn\'t deliberately hide his identity. So soon, the news of Ye Liuyun\'s destruction of the Du family began to spread to the entire Cangyun Continent.

Those who originally wanted to play Ye Liuyun\'s idea of ​​inheriting the inheritance immediately gave up their thoughts.

Coupled with the news of the comeback of the leader of the Tie Ying Sect, these people were even more afraid to provoke Ye Liuyun.

They even warned the trouble-loving juniors in the family not to provoke Ye Liuyun and bring disaster to the family.

For a moment, Ye Liuyun, the golden pupil, became a frightening killer.

At this time, Ye Liuyun had already arrived at Yan Palace in a flying boat.

After arriving at Yan Palace, Ye Liuyun did not act in a hurry, but waited not far from Yan Palace, waiting for Elder Yan Jiu to come back.

He calculated the time, and their speed in the flying boat should be faster than Yan Jiu. Therefore, he had to wait for Yan Jiu to come back before doing anything, otherwise it would appear that he was born without a name.

A day later, Ye Liuyun saw Elder Yan Jiu return to Yan Palace.

"Let\'s go, it\'s time for us to play! This Yan Palace, the disciples cultivated are all domineering and domineering, and they should be wiped out!"

Saying that, Ye Liuyun collected the flying boat, led the crowd, and rushed directly to Yangong.

The skeleton puppet, under Ye Liuyun\'s command, rushed straight to the main meeting hall of Yan Palace. Seeing the elders, he shot directly without saying a word, killing him with one sword and one axe. With the peak strength of Yin-Yang Realm, no one can withstand its attack.

As soon as Elder Yan Jiu returned to the sect, he encountered an accident in the sect and killed him immediately.

The Palace Master of Yan Palace also asked aloud: "Who is it? What kind of grievances do you have with Yan Palace, and you will kill me when you come up?"

Ye Liuyun responded loudly: "My name is Ye Liuyun. The reason why I killed Yan Gong was because Yan Jiu killed Tie Ying Sect. I just paid back. However, Elder Yan Jiu is more timid. Do it. I am different, I will destroy your Yan Palace directly, and make your Yan Palace pay the price!"

Ye Liuyun\'s voice spread throughout the Yan Palace. Lie Hongxia and Lie Hongyun, who were recuperating in their residence, jumped out of bed in shock when they heard the words.

"He killed Yangong?" Lie Hongyun exclaimed excitedly.

"How is this possible? Master didn\'t even deal with him? How dare he kill our Yan Palace?" Lie Hongxia muttered.

"Yan Jiu? Is there such a thing?" Yan Gong asked Yan Jiu.

"Palace Master Qi, this Ye Liuyun abolished my two apprentices and got a powerful inheritance, so I wanted to go to the Iron Eagle Sect to capture him and avenge my apprentices." Yan Jiu explained.

She specifically emphasized that Ye Liuyun had been inherited. So when the Palace Master Yan heard it, he understood her intentions. However, this time Yan Jiu messed up.

"Then why didn\'t you capture him back, but he killed him instead?" the Palace Master asked in a cold voice.

"Tie Ying Sect Master Ma was there at the time, and his injuries were recovered as before. I didn\'t dare to do anything, so I came back directly. But as soon as I entered the palace gate, Ye Liuyun killed him." Yan Jiu didn\'t hide anything, and said something.

After hearing the words, the Palace Master looked at Ye Liuyun and asked, "According to what Elder Yan Jiu said, she didn\'t do anything to you?"

"Really? According to what you said, I ran over and scolded you and left without doing anything to you. Would you not pursue it?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"Bold! How can our palace master be compared to you!" Yan Jiu immediately scolded.

"Kill her!" Ye Liuyun directly ordered the skeleton puppet to attack Yan Jiu.

Then he added: "I will kill this shrew today, whoever stops him!"

"Who do you call a shrew?" Yan Jiu faced the skeleton puppet, but wanted to argue with Ye Liuyun.

"Young Master Ye, can you allow me to say a word?" The master of Yan Palace felt the terrifying coercion of the skeleton puppet, and did not dare to act rashly.

She had no choice but to persuade Ye Liuyun to stop first, and then find a way to keep Yan Jiu.

Yan Jiu is the most powerful elder in their Yan Palace, and also the signature of their Yan Palace. If Yan Jiu died, the reputation of their Yan Palace would plummet.

"Shoot together!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t give her a chance to negotiate terms at all, and directly called everyone to start killing.

Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming, Wu Qingcheng, and Longnv, all three of them are in the ninth level of Tiangang, and even when facing the elders of Yan Palace, they are all considered strong. In addition, the weapons in their hands are all sharp weapons, so they won\'t suffer at all when fighting.

Especially Ye Liuyun\'s death knell, which killed two elders of Yan Palace with one blow.

While Ye Liuyun was fighting, he also threw the magic vine out, allowing it to participate in the attack of some strong men in the Tiangang realm in Yangong.

Elder Yan Jiu, who was fighting the skeleton puppet, unleashed all his flame power to resist the skeleton puppet.

However, the skeleton puppet transformed by Qinglin didn\'t even do any defense at all. It rushed directly through the flames released by Yan Jiu, and pierced Elder Yan Jiu\'s chest with a single sword.

Then he slashed with an axe, directly moving Elder Yan Jiu\'s head.

The once invincible Elder Yan Jiu, in the face of absolute strength, couldn\'t even hold on to a face-to-face, so he died.

And she not only harmed herself, but also brought disaster to Yan Gong.

"Ah! Elder Yan Jiu!" Some elders couldn\'t help exclaiming when they saw that Yan Jiu was dealt with by the skeleton puppet twice.

But the skeleton puppet didn\'t stop at all, and went straight to kill the elder who exclaimed.

The elder turned around and wanted to run, but was locked in place by the coercion of the skeleton puppet, and was split in half by an axe.

Seeing this, the palace lord of Yan Palace couldn\'t help shouting: "Ye Liuyun, what are you trying to do with such wanton killing?"

"I want you to know the fate of offending me! Today is the day when Yan Palace will be destroyed!"

Ye Liuyun said lightly, and the death knell covered an elder who had just rushed over again. At the same time, his patron saint seal, Hunyuan God of War, slashed at an elder of the Yan Palace in the distance.

The disciples of the Yan Palace who were lower than the Tiangang realm were all watching from a distance. Seeing the elders of Yangong fall down one by one, his heart was overwhelmed.

In their hearts, the invincible elder and the colossal Yan Gong were so vulnerable in front of the strong.

"Don\'t offend the strong!" At this moment, there was only one thought in their hearts.