Lord of All Gods

Chapter 600

Although the power of this phoenix egg is strong, it doesn\'t seem to be very good at using it. So there was no particularly powerful attack.

After feeling the power of the Golden Crow, a phoenix cry came out from the phoenix egg, and at the same time a fiery red flame began to burn, obviously resisting the power of the Golden Crow.

Ye Liuyun sat down and tried to communicate with the phoenix egg with his consciousness first, but even his consciousness was burned by its flame.

"I\'m going, but I refused to communicate with me!"

Ye Liuyun felt that it might be because he already had the Golden Crow Holy Flame, so the phoenix egg had identified him as an enemy.

Since they couldn\'t communicate, it was even more impossible for him to recognize the master and hatch the phoenix eggs. So the idea of ​​raising a phoenix beast is definitely not going to work.

"Just absorb it directly and break through the realm!"

So Ye Liuyun sat down cross-legged and began to concentrate on absorbing the flame power in the phoenix egg.

With his accelerated absorption, the phoenix cries in the phoenix egg became even more continuous. But no matter how much it wailed, it couldn\'t break through the encirclement of the Golden Crow Sacred Flame.

Ye Liuyun had been raising his realm to the late stage of Tiangang Ninth Layer, so he had to pause. He didn\'t dare to absorb all the power of the phoenix egg at once, lest the phoenix flame absorb too much and cause the Golden Crow holy flame to deteriorate.

After absorbing a certain amount, he needs to consolidate the Golden Crow Holy Flame first, and only dare to continue to absorb it after the power of the flame is completely integrated into the Golden Crow and assimilated by the Golden Crow.

During this process, Ye Liuyun took out a skeleton puppet as a guard, while he hid in the Xuankong Stone to speed up. Then come out and continue to absorb.

After two interruptions, Ye Liuyun\'s realm also rose to the peak of the Ninth Layer of Tiangang. If you continue to absorb it, you will soon face a breakthrough in the realm.

At this time, the phoenix egg no longer had the sound of the phoenix cry, and there was not much flame power left in it. The remaining strength is not even enough for it to launch an attack.

Without the support of the phoenix flame, the temperature in the entire cave gradually returned to normal.

Ye Liuyun accelerated the absorption, and after absorbing the last power in the phoenix egg, he directly entered the Xuankong Stone to break through.

He is now breaking through the big realm, and the process is far more dangerous than breaking through the Tiangang realm, so he dare not stay outside and break through.

Skeleton puppets are guarding the outside, and the inside of the Xuankong Stone is absolutely safe.

At this moment, the true essence in Ye Liuyun\'s body could no longer be suppressed. As he transformed all the last absorbed energy into real essence, the real essence in his Yuan Dan also began to surge in his body.

This time, Zhenyuan not only widened the meridians, but even directly absorbed the power of heaven and earth.

"No wonder those powerhouses have such strong powers of heaven and earth, it turns out that they are directly fused into the true essence!"

Ye Liuyun suddenly realized, and immediately traveled to Taixu to help him absorb more power of heaven and earth and integrate into his true essence.

The true essence integrated with the power of heaven and earth is more malleable. As soon as he returned to Yuan Dan, the compression became more condensed.

Ye Liuyun also found that there was a trace of fine lines on the surface of his Yuan Dan. Those are golden red and blue and white lines, revolving around Yuan Dan.

Ye Liuyun has seen this kind of change of Yuandan divided into two colors, and it is not surprising that other Yin-Yang realm powerhouses also have it.

However, the change of his Yuan Dan was not too obvious, only lines of two colors appeared, depicting a simple Taiji pattern, and the change stopped.

After the pattern was drawn, Ye Liuyun immediately felt that the pattern seemed to be rotating with the circulation of the true essence.

Now even if he doesn\'t use his strength to go out, he can still feel the power of heaven and earth contained in the true essence in the Yuan Dan.

"A world of difference!"

This true essence that contains the power of heaven and earth is far stronger than the true essence of the Tiangang realm. Ye Liuyun estimated that if he punched now, the difference in strength would be at least five times greater.

The widening of the meridians also allows these true essences to be fired at will more smoothly, just like a river rushing, every time it is invoked, it feels like the true essence is endless.

Ye Liuyun came out of the Xuankong Stone and continued to absorb the flame power in the cave without wasting any of it.

And that phoenix egg, without energy support, has been broken and damaged.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun took out a lot of spirit stones to replenish his true essence, and he didn\'t leave the cave until the true essence was replenished again, and went out to join the crowd.

But when he came out of the cave, his consciousness swept away, and he immediately opened the golden pupils that crossed the sky, and launched an attack.

For some unknown reason, Lei Ming and the others were being attacked by the Night Demon Palace. There are also many strong opponents, and the two sides are fighting evenly.

A martial artist from the Ninth Layer of Tiangang was launching an attack on Yu\'er, and he was about to hurt Yu\'er, but he suddenly stood there and was frozen into an ice sculpture by Yu\'er\'s sword.

"Master is back!" Yu\'er exclaimed in surprise.

She also noticed that the opponent\'s soul was swallowed. Ye Liuyun is probably the only one who can devour the soul from a long distance.

Hearing this, several other people were immediately refreshed, and their offensive became stronger immediately.

Meanwhile, the martial cultivators of the Night Demon Palace immediately began to retreat. They also realized that there was a strong man coming, and they dared not delay.

Then, the next moment, another elder from the ninth level of the Tiangang, his soul was attacked, and his body was smashed into pieces by a thunderbolt of blood.

A martial artist from the ninth level of Tiangang who was fighting against Wu Qingcheng, saw that the situation was not good, and immediately rushed towards Su Miaoyin and Piaoyun who were at a lower level.

But before he arrived, his body burned in mid-air. The golden-red flame burned him into flying ash within a few breaths and scattered with the wind.

This time, Ye Liuyun used not only the soul attack, but also the physical attack, which was launched by the Hunyuan God of War, and the power was stronger.

After he broke through the realm, his strength in all aspects has been enhanced, so he happened to use these people to practice his hands.

With his current state, he can definitely represent the top strength of Cangyun Continent. In his eyes, these martial arts from the ninth level of the sky are all vulnerable.

Ye Liuyun\'s figure also appeared from the void at this moment, appearing in front of everyone.

"Yin-Yang Realm! Withdraw quickly!"

An elder of the Dark Night Demon Palace sensed the aura exuded by Ye Liuyun, and immediately organized people to retreat.

"I want to go, have you asked me?"

With a wave of Ye Liuyun\'s hand, a large area of ​​the Golden Crow Holy Flame enveloped the remaining six martial artists in the Night Demon Hall, blocking their retreat.


He raised his hand and drew out the demon-slaying knife, and slashed at a martial artist at the eighth level of Tiangang.

The sword intent of the Demon Slaying Saber has been strengthened again, and it has gradually formed the shape of a knife from a budding state. Although it doesn\'t look like it now, the outline can already be seen.