Lord of All Gods

Chapter 597

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry to tell Wu Qingcheng and the others to stop.

It is in his best interest to negotiate terms now. As soon as they stopped, the other party no longer had such a tense sense of oppression.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t order to stop, the head of the Du family knew his intentions.

"It seems that there is no bleeding this time, it is impossible!"

Thinking of this, he said directly: "The treasure house of the Du family is open to you, you can take whatever you want! Hurry up and stop!"

Hearing this, the members of the Du family were also dumbfounded.

But none of them dared to object. Between extermination and all property, life-saving is still important.

Only then did Ye Liuyun stop Wu Qingcheng and the others.

"Find someone to lead the way!" Ye Liuyun was not polite at all.

"I\'ll take you there!" The patriarch thought for a while, and took the initiative to take Ye Liuyun to the treasure house.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and agreed: "Okay, then trouble the patriarch."

His golden pupils were always watching the patriarch\'s movements, in case he launched a surprise attack.

As Ye Liuyun expected, the patriarch opened the treasure house and made a gesture of invitation to Ye Liuyun. It looked like he was letting Ye Liuyun go in and pick at will, but in fact, the various forces in his body were already gathering momentum, ready to launch an attack.

Ye Liuyun had fought against Du Yuan and understood the power of the Du family\'s Huotong.

He didn\'t intend to take the risk and fight head-on with the head of the Du family. So he took the lead in launching the soul attack, directly pulling the patriarch\'s soul into the soul domain.

"Your behavior will cost you money and life!" Ye Liuyun\'s golden-armored spirit sighed.

"Ah? You... What are you talking about? I don\'t understand!" The head of the Du family tried to deny it.

"Do you think that if you kill me, no one will control the skeleton puppet, and you can kill us and resolve the crisis of the Du family? You\'re right. It\'s a pity that you have no chance when you meet me!"

As Ye Liuyun\'s soul spoke, he launched an attack directly.

It wasn\'t until Ye Liuyun launched the attack that the head of the Du family knew how strong Ye Liuyun\'s soul power was, and it was not something a martial artist at his level could resist.

Enduring the severe pain of his soul being burned by the ghost fire, he begged Ye Liuyun: "You can kill me, but can you let the rest of the Du family go?"

"Why?" Ye Liuyun asked back: "Just because you wanted to kill me and didn\'t succeed?"

"They are all innocent!" the head of the Du family murmured.

"Really? Then I\'m still innocent? Just because I got an inheritance, should I be killed by you?" Ye Liuyun continued to ask.

"Hey, martial arts training has always been like this. A man is not guilty, but a woman is guilty!" The head of the Du family wanted to find an excuse for himself.

"That\'s what the powerful people say? Now that I am stronger than you, I can kill you. What else do you have to regret? Go ahead and die!"

Ye Liuyun ignored him, but took off his storage ring, and then began to put all the items in the treasury into the storage ring, leaving nothing behind.

After going out, Ye Liuyun directly asked Wu Qingcheng and others to continue the attack.

When the Du family heard Ye Liuyun\'s words, they were filled with grief and indignation.

"Ye Liuyun, you took the property, why do you want to kill it all?"

"That\'s right? Are you not afraid of being punished by God for doing this?"

Even Lei Ming asked inexplicably: "Little brother, do you want to kill again after taking something?"

But Ye Liuyun said loudly: "When I went to the treasure house just now, the head of the Du family attacked me secretly and wanted to kill me, but I ended up killing me. Tell me, should I kill you?"

He paused, and then said to the Du family: "At first I wanted to let you go, but your patriarch thought he was right. So, it was not me who killed you, but your patriarch. If you want to blame, you can blame him!"

"So that\'s how it is! This Du family is really disgusting! Little brother let you go, and you actually want to kill him!"

When Lei Ming heard this, he immediately became angry! The main body was directly displayed, and thunderbolts of blood struck the Du family out of thin air. The dragon girl also rushed up.

Under Ye Liuyun\'s instruction, the skeleton puppets also attacked those martial artists in the Tiangang realm.

The white tiger shot without hesitation and killed wantonly. He is a fierce beast himself, and he likes to kill. No matter what the reason is, as long as Ye Liuyun asks him to kill, he will not refuse.

Only Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er were a little embarrassed. The two of them are soft-hearted and don\'t want to kill these innocent people again.

"Let\'s do it! Kill them as an example. If you let them go this time, more people will dare to mess with me in the future! If you don\'t stand up, you will think I am easy to bully!"

Ye Liuyun was indifferent, and urged Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er to do it.

He just wanted to tell everyone through the Du family that whoever dares to mess with him, this is the consequence.

Now, he wants to establish his prestige in the entire Cangyun Continent. He doesn\'t care about his reputation, as long as he kills until no one dares to mess with him.

Otherwise, there will be more people coveting his inheritance and daring to challenge him.

Martial arts training is extremely cruel. Since you can\'t convince people with reasoning, let\'s see who is more ruthless.

No one dares to provoke a ruthless person.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er also looked at each other helplessly, and finally gritted their teeth and continued to release the power of ice.

Su Miaoyin, Piaoyun, and Ruyue also rushed towards the low-level Wuxiu.

As the number of martial arts that Du\'s family rebelled against decreased, eventually the entire Du\'s family was completely frozen.

With the skeleton puppets around, no one in the Du family escaped. Even Du Yuan was frozen into an ice sculpture.

After the battle, the white tiger and the magic vine were busy breaking the ice sculpture and absorbing power. Others were collecting storage rings and searching for belongings.

Afterwards, everyone boarded the flying boat together and rushed to Yan Palace.

Along the way, Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, and Su Miaoyin were all silent.

"Don\'t blame me for being too ruthless. If I\'m not a little bit more ruthless, there will be countless people like Du Jiangnan and Yan Jiu coming to trouble me. Once these people unite, we may be the ones who are unlucky!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want them to misunderstand, so he explained to them.

"I want to make other people dare not to think about us through this time. Otherwise, there will be endless killings in the future. People will attack us everywhere, and it is impossible to guard against."

Wu Qingcheng nodded: "We also understand the truth. It is this martial arts practice, it is too cruel!"

Ye Liuyun also couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion: "Yes! Which strong man standing at the peak, isn\'t there a lot of bones under his feet!"

Then he said to several women: "People are kind and others bully! Sometimes being cruel to others will make you safer."

Several women also nodded in approval.

Ye Liuyun chatted with them for a while, and then asked Wu Qingcheng to take them to sort things out.

Ye Liuyun told them to choose whatever they liked, and they didn\'t have to keep it. Things are only valuable if they are used.