Lord of All Gods

Chapter 596

"Qingcheng, Yu\'er, Lei Ming, the three of you are ready to take action. When someone comes out and dares to speak rudely, the three of you will directly freeze the Du family!"

Ye Liuyun directly instructed the three of them.

Hearing this, the remaining gatekeeper couldn\'t even stand firmly, and could only support himself by leaning on the wall.

He wanted to report Ye Liuyun\'s words. But Lei Ming was pinching his waist and staring at him, seeing him trembling all over, unable to move his legs at all.

"Hahaha! Bastard!" Lei Ming stared at him for a while, then suddenly laughed.

She was teasing the guard on purpose.

The doorman was sweating profusely at this moment. Seeing Lei Ming smile at this moment, he immediately said bravely: "Young lady, there are a lot of people, don\'t be as knowledgeable as our gatekeeper servants! I... can I go?"

"Stand there for me! Don\'t move, or I\'ll freeze you into an ice sculpture!"

Lei Ming suddenly put on a serious face and threatened him again, almost crying out of fright.

She was having fun when a breath of the peak of the Tiangang realm rushed out from Du\'s house, accompanied by a loud shout.

"Who dares to come to our Du\'s house to make trouble?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care who he was, and directly used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the sound to the entire Du family.

"My name is Ye Liuyun. Du Jiangnan from your Du family came to Tie Ying Sect to trouble me and was killed by me! Now I\'m here to ask the Du family for an explanation! If your Du family is not ready to apologize and compensate, then wait Exterminate the genocide!"

In the depths of Du\'s house, Du Yuan, who was recovering from his injuries, couldn\'t help becoming excited when he heard Ye Liuyun\'s voice.

"Ye Liuyun dares to come to our Du family to seek death? No, I have to inform the patriarch immediately, and I must keep this Ye Liuyun." Thinking of this, he immediately ran towards the residence of the head of the Du family.

"Haha!" Outside the door of Du\'s house, the loud voice sounded again. "A junior, that\'s a big tone! After killing the elders of our Du family, you dare to come to our Du family to ask for an explanation? Do you think that you can be unscrupulous because you won the first place in the martial arts competition?"

As soon as the voice fell, an elder from the ninth level of Tiangang appeared in front of Ye Liuyun and the others.

"Do it!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t talk nonsense, and after saying "do it", he directly launched a mind and soul attack on the elder. All of a sudden, the elder\'s soul was pulled into his soul domain.

"Frozen Miles!"

Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, and Lei Ming teamed up to release the power of ice, starting from the gate of the Du family, and continuously spreading to the Du family.

"Boy! Do you dare to kill me?" Although the elder\'s spirit was pulled into Ye Liuyun\'s spirit realm, he was still challenging Ye Liuyun.

"Idiot, I\'m here to kill! Kill me!"

As he said that, his golden-armored soul, with ghostly ghost fire, punched his soul with a punch.

And this punch, it looked like the punch was very slow, but it went straight through the void and hit the elder\'s soul.

The elder was caught off guard, and his chest was directly pierced. The ghostly will-o\'-the-wisp immediately burned his soul and spread rapidly.


Ye Liuyun waved to the others.

Baihu jumped out first. With one paw, a Wuxiu who had been frozen into an ice sculpture was crushed, and his Yuan Dan was put away.

Su Miaoyin and Piaoyun were busy knocking on the ice sculptures one by one and collecting storage rings.

Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er and Lei Ming formed a straight line and kept advancing towards the inside of the Du family. At this time, Dragon Girl is only picking martial artists who are above the seventh level of Tiangang to do it.

The frozen snow line is spreading towards the Du family.

Soon, the strong members of the Du family took action one after another to resist this icy force.

They themselves have the blood of the fire pupil, so it is just right to fight against the power of ice.

But Ye Liuyun would not give them this chance. He threw the magic vine directly onto the ice, "Absorb it to your heart\'s content!"

Then, he directly took out the death knell and threw it at some high-level martial artists.

For a while, many low-level martial artists in the Du family were directly frozen, and the high-level martial artists also fell under the attacks of Ye Liuyun, Longnu and others.

The magic vine is also constantly absorbing Yuan Dan to strengthen itself.

The patriarch of the Du family, after listening to Du Yuan\'s report, originally wanted to take down Ye Liuyun, but when his consciousness scanned the situation outside, he sent Du Yuan flying with a single slap!

"You trash! What are you suggesting here! You fucking want to arrest Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun is going to destroy the Du family now!"

Then he went straight to the ancestor\'s residence deep in the Du family, and asked the ancestor to come out of the mountain. Judging from the current situation, even if he went out in person, he couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun and the others.

If they had prepared in advance and gathered all the elders together in advance, they could fight a battle.

But now many elders have been wiped out one by one by Ye Liuyun, and it is impossible to organize an effective counterattack.

"Don\'t be arrogant, junior, do you think there is no one in my Du family?"

With a loud shout, the ancestor of the Du family rushed out from the deep house.

Usually the ancestors of this kind of family are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the last battle of the family.

Of course, Ye Liuyun would not fight him desperately, and directly released the skeleton puppet to fight with him. After two rounds, he was split in half by the skeleton puppet with an axe, and he didn\'t even want to explode himself.

The realm of the ancestor of the Du family is far from that of the skeleton puppet. It\'s a big gap.

"The ancestor is dead! Only two moves!"

"Our Du family has provoked such a powerful existence!"

"This Ye Liuyun is the number one in the Cangyun martial arts competition! Who in our Du family is so open-minded to provoke such a person?"

For a moment, the entire Du family fell into sadness and despair.

With the ancestor dead, the rest of them couldn\'t resist Ye Liuyun even more.

"Young Master Ye, stop, we are willing to make compensation!"

The head of the Du family had no choice but to stand up at this time. If he doesn\'t come out and admit his mistakes, the Du family will be completely destroyed. Now Du\'s house has been half frozen.

Some martial arts formed a defense line spontaneously, resisting the power of the cold. However, the strong ones in the Tiangang realm were all defeated by Ye Liuyun and Longnv, so they might not last long.

Du Yuan in the distance, covering his face crooked by the patriarch\'s slap, stared stupidly at everything in front of him.

"Ye Liuyun\'s realm is already at the ninth level of the Tiangang? His breakthrough speed is too fast! There is also a puppet at the peak of the Yin-Yang realm!"

Before Du Yuan, he didn\'t know that Ye Liuyun had such a powerful puppet.

"How many cards does this guy have!" He was completely hit now.

Seeing the Du family turned into ice sculptures one by one, he couldn\'t help laughing at himself. "I still want to catch Ye Liuyun! I almost wiped out my family!"

"Let\'s talk about the conditions first, and see if your Du family is sincere!"

Ye Liuyun had the upper hand now. With the skeleton puppets around, it was impossible for him to have an opponent he couldn\'t beat.