Lord of All Gods

Chapter 595

Ye Liuyun directly called Shang Lei Ming, Long Nu, Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er, Bai Hu, Su Miaoyin, Piao Yun and others, and put them into the storage ring. Then he bowed his hands to Yu Haotian.

"I\'ll deal with the matter first, and I\'ll fight you another day!"

As he spoke, he disappeared into the void and chased in the direction the two of them left.

Ye Liuyun also has his own principles.

He never lets go of anyone who hits his attention. Sooner or later you will have to find it.

This Du Jiangnan, from the moment he showed up, was destined to be on Ye Liuyun\'s must-kill list. Even his Du family was implicated.

Not to mention Yan Jiu and Yan Gong.

However, after Ye Liuyun caught up with the two of them in the void, he didn\'t rush to attack them. He dealt with both of them together. He was afraid that he wouldn\'t be able to take care of them, so he would let another one go.

Whoever he wants is not to make a move, and if he makes a move, he will kill with one blow.

He was going to come one by one, and deal with Du Jiangnan first.

"I didn\'t expect that Master Ma is still alive!" Du Jiangnan still has lingering fears when he speaks.

"Alas! The Iron Eagle Sect is about to rise again!" Yan Jiu lamented, but he was helpless.

"It seems that we have no hope for Ye Liuyun\'s inheritance! Let\'s leave now!" Du Jiangnan had no choice but to say goodbye to Yan Jiu.

In fact, he was met by Yan Jiu on the way and bewitched.

"Okay! Let me take my leave!"

Yan Jiu also bid farewell to Du Jiangnan and rushed towards Yangong.

Du Jiangnan returned to Du\'s house.

Ye Liuyun wandered in the void and followed Du Jiangnan. When they came to a big river, Du Jiangnan was about to cross the river when he was stopped by Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun directly released Lei Ming, Long Nu, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er to let them practice with Du Jiangnan.

"Ye Liuyun? Your Master Ma asked me to leave. What do you mean?" Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Jiangnan wanted to reason with Ye Liuyun again.

"Master Ma let you go, that\'s Tie Ying Cult\'s generosity. But I\'m not a generous person personally, and I will not let anyone who wants to trouble me."

Ye Liuyun waved his hand lazily, motioning for the others to do it.

It\'s too late to try to reason with him now!

"If you do this, you will tarnish the reputation of the Iron Eagle Cult!" Du Jiangnan shouted anxiously.

"Hehe, what\'s wrong with a dead person!" Ye Liuyun said indifferently.


Lei Ming directly revealed his body and began to attack.

Du Jiangnan was also at the ninth level of the Tiangang, but he didn\'t dare to take it hard in the face of this blood thunder.

He immediately rushed towards Yu\'er, who was at the lowest level, trying to break through her and escape.

Holding the Frozen Excalibur in her hand, Yu\'er made a direct move of "Frozen Thousand Miles", and a burst of extremely cold icy air rushed towards Du Jiangnan.

Wu Qingcheng cooperates with Yu\'er, with a wave of the Xuedie sword, several crystal clear snow butterflies begin to dance around Du Jiangnan.

Seeing this, Lei Ming also put away the blood thunder, and also used "Frozen Thousand Miles" to help Yu\'er strengthen her offensive. The two icy forces of the same attribute are fused together, and their power is even stronger.

Yu\'er and Wu Qingcheng often practice together in Xuankong Stone, and now they cooperate more and more with each other. Moreover, the swords in their hands were all treasures left to them by the ice girl, and their power was extraordinary.

Coupled with the cooperation of Thunder\'s ice power. Although the three of them are all eighth and ninth levels of Tiangang, the combination of the three icy cold forces can definitely freeze martial arts of the first and second levels of yin and yang.

When Du Jiangnan met Yue\'er\'s first blow, his movement speed had already slowed down significantly. After Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming attacked one after another, his movements had almost turned into slow motion.

When Wu Qingcheng\'s Snow Butterfly landed on his shoulder, his whole body froze immediately, and then a layer of frost formed on his body, which gradually turned into ice crystals, freezing him into an ice sculpture.

During the whole process, the dragon girl was useless.

"Papa papa!"

Ye Liuyun applauded the three of them.

"The cooperation of the three of you is really powerful!" Ye Liuyun felt that the icy power released by the three of them was stronger than his Golden Crow Holy Flame.

Yu\'er pointed to Du Jiangnan\'s ice sculpture and asked, "How to deal with this?"

Ye Liuyun directly released the soul attack, absorbed his soul, and then put him into the storage ring.

"Go, go to Du\'s house and give them a big gift!"

"Oh!" Thunder cheered. "It\'s been a long time since I went to rob! I miss this feeling a little bit!"

Ye Liuyun also released Baihu, Su Miaoyin, and Piaoyun from the storage ring.

"Piaoyun, do you know Huotong Du\'s family?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"I know!" Piaoyun replied.

"Okay, you lead the way!" Ye Liuyun took out the flying boat, let everyone board the boat, let Piaoyun guide the way, and rushed to Du\'s house.

"This flying boat is too fast!" As soon as the flying boat started, Piao Yun was amazed at the speed of the flying boat.

"Well, it\'s not from the Cangyun Continent!" Ye Liuyun briefly introduced the flying boat.

"I\'m afraid it will take more than a day to reach this speed!" Piaoyun sighed: "The speed of a normal flying boat will take about six or seven days!"

"Hurry up, let\'s deal with the Du family, and then go to Yan Palace to settle accounts with Yan Jiu!"

Ye Liuyun was very satisfied with the speed of the flying boat. With tools this fast, many things are possible.

After more than a day, Ye Liuyun arrived at Du\'s house.

The Du family is also worthy of being a well-known Huotong family. In terms of scale alone, it is no smaller than the headquarters of the Iron Eagle Cult.

Ye Liuyun collected the flying boat ahead of time, brought everyone to the door of Du\'s house, and placed Du Jiangnan, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, towards the door.

"Call the patriarch of your Du family to come out and answer!"

The disciples of the Du family who were guarding the gate didn\'t take it seriously when they saw a few young people. One of them said: "A few hairy children, the tone is not small..."

At this time, another guard saw that the person in the ice sculpture was Du Jiangnan, and hurriedly tugged on that person\'s sleeve to stop him from talking.

"Why are you dragging me?" The man gave him a dissatisfied look.

The man said in a trembling voice: "Elder Law Enforcement!" Immediately, he raised his finger to the ice sculpture.

"What law enforcement elder... oh my god! It\'s really an law enforcement elder!" When the guard saw that it was really Du Jiangnan who was frozen, he immediately panicked.

"You... are you here to make trouble?" He asked Ye Liuyun with a trembling voice.

Lei Ming released the coercion of Tiangang Nine Layers, and shouted at the guard: "If you don\'t go and report, I will freeze you too!"

The guard was originally at the sixth level of Yuan Dan. For ordinary people, it is already very powerful for a martial artist of this level to guard the gate.

But at this moment, in front of Lei Ming, he didn\'t even have the slightest intention to resist. Immediately turned around and ran, ran in in a panic to report the letter!