Lord of All Gods

Chapter 582

"What is the defense in the secret realm like? How long can it block them?"

Ye Liuyun wanted to evaluate the time, understand the details, and think of a way.

"If they don\'t work together, they probably won\'t be able to break through. You\'ll see what kind of defense it is right away, pay attention to those stones." Qinglin reminded him.

Ye Liuyun followed its prompts and looked over.

At this time, those demon cultivator disciples were already very close to the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, the stones on the ground suddenly became active. One by one, like hidden weapons, they jumped up from the ground, and then shot at those demon cultivator disciples autonomously.

Due to the small size and large number of some stones on the periphery, many people couldn\'t dodge at all, and were directly shot through by the high-speed stones, shooting many blood holes in their bodies.

In an instant, several people were killed and many others were injured.

It\'s not over yet.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly larger stone also rose from the sky and continued to smash down on those demon cultivators.

The overwhelming stones completely enveloped them. Others who did not enter the stone pile immediately retreated.

As for the demon cultivators in the stone pile, they kept screaming and couldn\'t hide, being smashed to pieces by stones from all directions.

Even if they use the body protection of true essence, it is of little use, and they will be directly shot through by those tiny stones.

In the end, among the more than thirty demon cultivators, only the last four or five who walked slowly and did not enter the center of the stone pile escaped. But everyone was also covered in blood, obviously injured.

Those big and small stones, without the target of attack, gradually gathered together.

Soon, stone figures of the same size as normal people appeared in front of the crowd. About twenty or thirty stone figures gathered and rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed.


Fang Huatian yelled, and took the lead in sending out a ray of icy power to a stone man, freezing him inside.

Next, all kinds of attacks were directed at those stone men.

There were also those who couldn\'t stop the stone man and were directly approached by the stone man.

When the stone man approached, he directly punched him. Ordinary disciples basically couldn\'t block a stone man\'s punch.

Soon, both the Sanyuan Sect and the Ice Fire Sect suffered casualties.

However, there were not many stone men, and they were wiped out by the strong men in the team before they persisted for long.

In the Ice and Fire Sect\'s team, most of the power to deal with the stone man is frozen.

On Xiao Mingyue\'s side, he directly used his true energy to disperse the stone man, turning it into rubble.

Just as they took a breath and were about to take care of their injured colleague, the stones moved again and gathered towards the original stone pile again.

Even the stone men who were frozen were sucked back uncontrollably, and then were smashed apart by other stones, reorganized into stone men, and rushed towards them.

"Can\'t kill!"

Fang Huatian and Xiao Mingyue also realized at this time that these stone men were difficult to deal with.

"Withdraw one after another, and then we can think of a way."

Xiao Mingyue greeted Fang Huatian, and both of them led the team to retreat slowly.

And when they left a certain range, those human and stone figures immediately fell apart, and the gravel rolled all over the ground, and then returned to the appearance of a pile of rubble.

"These stone men can\'t be killed! Then what shall we do?"

Some disciples became worried.

Li Qingfeng laughed. "Just take those stones a mile away and they\'ll get out of control and never get together again."

In his hand, he held a small stone the size of a thumb. With a light squeeze, the stone was crushed into powder.

"Qingfeng, are you sure?" Xiao Mingyue asked.

"Well, I just brought a stone out. I found that the attraction of the stone to the stone disappears when you move away from the pile for a mile."

"So that\'s it! Then let\'s send strong people in and throw out all the stones inside, while the others wait outside first."

As he said that, Xiao Mingyue began to gather together some experts from the Yin and Yang realms of the two sects to discuss countermeasures.

"This Li Qingfeng, we have to kill him first!" Qing Lin said to Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

"Well, I can cooperate with the stone man and attack his spirit later." Ye Liuyun replied. He also wanted to get rid of Li Qingfeng first.

After a while, Xiao Mingyue and other six martial artists in the Yin-Yang realm approached the stone pile again.

But this time, the attack launched by the stone pile was different from last time.

All the stones gathered together to form a huge stone giant and attacked the six of them.

Moreover, the stone man doesn\'t need defense at all, and he doesn\'t have a soul, so he doesn\'t have to worry about the attack of the soul, and his strength is much stronger than them. For a while, several people were beaten back again and again.

"Quick retreat!"

Seeing that neither Fang Huatian nor Xiao Mingyue could stop the stone giant, Li Qingfeng immediately asked everyone to evacuate.

"The opportunity is here!"

Seeing that Li Qingfeng was covering Xiao Mingyue\'s evacuation, Ye Liuyun immediately launched a cross-air attack with his golden pupils. With Jin Tong\'s cross-air attack, he doesn\'t even need to open his eyes, so he won\'t attract the attention of others.

And he doesn\'t need to attack too obviously, as long as he can hold back Li Qingfeng for a moment, the stone giant should be able to seize the opportunity.

Xiao Mingyue and the others all evacuated ahead, and they didn\'t expect that Li Qingfeng would not be able to escape.

Li Qingfeng was about to turn around and run away after punching him. At this moment, his soul was suddenly pulled into a hell of blood thunder.

"Divine Soul Realm!"

He groaned inwardly. But this soul domain is too powerful, he can\'t rush out at all.

"Golden pupil kid?"

As soon as he saw Ye Liuyun\'s golden-armored giant soul, he immediately reacted.

"You are really smart!" Ye Liuyun admired sincerely.

His golden armor spirit did not show its true colors. And this Li Qingfeng thought of him in an instant.

I have to say that Li Qingfeng is really smart.

"Why did you attack me?" Seeing that he had guessed right, Li Qingfeng was not in a hurry to resist. Instead, he calmed down and chatted with Ye Liuyun.

"Because you thought about attacking me!" Ye Liuyun said, the ghost fire had been released by the golden-armored giant, burning Li Qingfeng.

"If you kill me, Senior Sister will feel the fluctuation of your spiritual consciousness." Li Qingfeng threatened.

"Well, you\'re right. She might suspect me, but there\'s no evidence." Ye Liuyun nodded, thinking it was possible.

But he still had to get rid of Li Qingfeng first. Otherwise, maybe he can come up with some ideas to kill this stone giant in the future.

Li Qingfeng could also see that Ye Liuyun was determined to kill him.

"I really regret that I didn\'t get rid of you first, leaving you such a disaster!"

"It\'s late!" Ye Liuyun stopped talking, but stepped up his attack.