Lord of All Gods

Chapter 583

In the Soul World, although Ye Liuyun and Li Qingfeng said a few more words, the time was still much faster than outside.

And Li Qingfeng\'s soul is not too weak, and it did take some time to kill him.

The stone giant\'s stone fist hit Li Qingfeng, and Li Qingfeng\'s soul was destroyed almost at the same time.

With a loud "boom", Li Qingfeng\'s body and soul were destroyed at the same time, and the dead could not die anymore!

Xiao Mingyue and the others who heard the loud noise turned around to investigate before they had gone far, only to find that Li Qingfeng had been crushed to death by a stone giant!

"How is this possible!" Xiao Mingyue felt a little unbelievable.

With Li Qingfeng\'s ability, even if he couldn\'t beat the stone giant, he would be wounded by it at most, and he wouldn\'t die anyway!

"Mingyue, let\'s go!"

Seeing the stone giant rushing towards them, Fang Huatian urged her anxiously, and at the same time shot a ray of ice to stop the stone giant.


Xiao Mingyue also gritted her teeth, and led the rest of the people out of the stone giant\'s attack range.

When she ran back, she glanced at Ye Liuyun, and found that Ye Liuyun was practicing with his eyes closed in the distance, and he didn\'t seem to be making any movements.

In fact, Ye Liuyun had already laid the groundwork. As soon as they set off, his spiritual sense followed.

However, at that time they all thought that Ye Liuyun was paying attention to the battle with his spiritual sense, so they didn\'t care. Moreover, the strength of that consciousness is not enough to harm them.

And when Li Qingfeng was attacked, they all felt Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness fluctuating. At that time, it was impossible to tell whether it was Ye Liuyun who attacked, or his consciousness to investigate the situation fluctuated a little.

The moment Ye Liuyun wiped out Li Qingfeng\'s soul, he also retracted the golden pupils across the sky, just like a normal person. Continue to pretend training.

Liao Bingyu of the Ice and Fire Sect was also looking at Ye Liuyun at the moment. She felt Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness fluctuate when Li Qingfeng died.

The others didn\'t doubt him, nor did they think about the fact that Li Qingfeng was killed.

Xiao Mingyue lowered her head in deep thought, recalling the fluctuation of Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness just now.

She suspected Ye Liuyun because she knew that Ye Liuyun\'s spirit power was very strong, and he was fully capable of framing Li Qingfeng.

Liao Bingyu, on the other hand, relied entirely on intuition, thinking that Ye Liuyun was playing tricks.

Those who have reached the realm of yin and yang have a stronger grasp of the power of heaven and earth, and they will feel certain things in their hearts.

But she didn\'t say anything, but continued to wait and see what happened. If Ye Liuyun was just the one who framed Sanyuanzong, it would be a good thing for them.

As long as Ye Liuyun didn\'t hurt their Ice and Fire Sect, she didn\'t intend to speak out about her doubts about Ye Liuyun.

Xiao Mingyue thought for a long time, but she was not sure that Ye Liuyun did it. So she didn\'t say anything, but went back and continued to study with everyone how to deal with the stone giant.

But her spiritual sense also began to pay attention to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was relieved when he saw that Xiao Mingyue didn\'t pursue him until now.

He has also been paying attention to Xiao Mingyue, and if she shows signs of making a move, he will take action immediately.

"Fortunately, Xiao Mingyue just suspected me, without actual evidence. Otherwise, if I really do something, I really have to run for my life."

As for someone doubting him, that was inevitable, after all, his spiritual fluctuations were too consistent with Li Qingfeng\'s death.

But this can also be understood as Ye Liuyun saw Li Qingfeng killed, and some accidents caused fluctuations in his consciousness, which is also normal.

Because Li Qingfeng was killed, even Xiao Mingyue was surprised. Her own consciousness fluctuated, and it was not stable at that time.

Ye Liuyun also noticed that after this, not only Xiao Mingyue\'s consciousness often swept past him, but even that Liao Bingyu of the Ice and Fire Sect often inadvertently swept over with his consciousness, observing him secretly.

Fang Huatian proposed at this time: "Let\'s all launch an attack together? A few of us in the Yin-Yang realm are responsible for restraining the big rock, and those with ice-cold power are responsible for sealing its limbs. The others Take charge of the attack. Everyone will go all out, and it won\'t take long before this stone man can be paralyzed! Don\'t go to death one by one!"

"Okay!" Xiao Mingyue had no idea at all without Li Qingfeng as his military advisor.

"Since it\'s everyone working together, how about calling that handsome guy of yours together?" Liao Bingyu suggested.

She was worried that Ye Liuyun was playing tricks behind his back. It\'s better to take him with you, and it\'s easier to monitor.

This proposal also fit Xiao Mingyue\'s mind. She also suspects Ye Liuyun now, fearing that he is playing tricks behind his back.

"Okay. I\'ll call him!"

Xiao Mingyue immediately sent a sound transmission to Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense, persuading him to join the battle.

"Your saber intent can also have a great attack effect, so let\'s contribute together. When I return to the sect, I will also help you record a merit."

"It\'s just right, it\'s your turn! The stone men can\'t stop their group attack. You take this opportunity to eliminate a few more!" Qing Lin suggested.

"That\'s what I mean too!" Ye Liuyun replied to Qinglin.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be very embarrassed, and asked Xiao Mingyue:

"You strong men in the realm of Yin and Yang have all been killed by stone men. I don\'t dare to get too close. How about I release the sword intent from a little further away?"

"Okay, just do your best!"

Xiao Mingyue felt that Ye Liuyun was as timid as ever. With such guts, how could he rush to kill Li Qingfeng? So in my heart, I felt a little embarrassed because I doubted Ye Liuyun.


Ye Liuyun didn\'t continue to pretend, and immediately stopped practicing and stood up.

The others, all ready to fight, surrounded the stone giant together.

"How are you going to do it?" Qing Lin asked Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

"Find a way to kill Fang Huatian!" Ye Liuyun replied affirmatively.

"Why Fang Huatian? Is there any way?" Qinglin asked puzzled.

"Fang Huatian is pursuing Xiao Mingyue! I\'ll stimulate him for a while!" Ye Liuyun briefly explained to Qinglin.

Immediately, he drew out the Demon Slayer Knife and stood beside Xiao Mingyue, as if to protect Xiao Mingyue.

When Fang Huatian saw him, he just curled his lips contemptuously, and didn\'t pay attention to someone with such a low level as Ye Liuyun, let alone Ye Liuyun came from an unknown small place.

As for Xiao Mingyue, although she didn\'t have any good feelings for Ye Liuyun, she was at least a little moved. She felt that although Ye Liuyun was timid, at least she still had the will to protect her.

Women are like this, no matter how strong a woman is, she also hopes that someone can protect her.