Lord of All Gods

Chapter 581

"Fang Huatian, Liao Bingyu? You Ice Fire Sect arrived very early!" Xiao Mingyue said with a little deep meaning.

"We\'re just exploring the way first. Our Senior Brother Fang has a deep affection for Miss Xiao, and we must wait for you to come before we start to act." Liao Bingyu\'s voice sounded sweet, and his words were full of jealousy.

"Really?" Xiao Mingyue asked back: "I thought you were afraid of losing too much, so you didn\'t dare to do it yourself!"

"Mingyue, don\'t get me wrong, we are really waiting for you!" Fang Huatian hastily explained to Xiao Mingyue.

At this time, those disciples of the Sanyuanzong also rushed over to greet Xiao Mingyue, and Xiao Mingyue directly led the Sanyuanzong people to avoid these two people from the Ice and Fire Sect.

Ye Liuyun originally wanted to go there with Xiao Mingyue, but was stopped by a Sanyuanzong disciple. "You are an outsider, so don\'t join our team. We have something to say to the senior sister, and it is not convenient for you to listen."

Ye Liuyun glanced at him, and found that he was a martial artist with dual yin and yang. From his eyes, it can be seen that this person is very vigilant towards him.

"If you don\'t go, don\'t go, it\'s rare for me to be quiet!"

With that said, he found a place to sit down, closed his eyes and practiced.

After the Sanyuanzong people got together, someone immediately told the situation here. In order to prevent outsiders from hearing it, Xiao Mingyue also used his spiritual consciousness and true energy to prop up an isolated space to prevent detection.

But Ye Liuyun was not worried at all. Qinglin has a soul contract with him. What Qinglin hears and sees can be shared with him.

They thought they were well protected, but in fact, to Ye Liuyun, they had no secrets at all.

"Master, the Ice and Fire Sect used the divine tool of the Guapan to detect the energy source of this secret realm, which is in the opposite mountain. The entrance to the passage is behind that pile of stones." The disciple of the Sanyuan Sect who blocked Ye Liuyun just now Report to Xiao Mingyuehui first.

"Oops! These people actually have artifacts that can discover that cave. Xue\'er\'s location has been exposed!"

Ye Liuyun secretly thought it was bad, and immediately paid more attention to their conversation.

Xiao Mingyue asked, "Qingfeng, is the news reliable? Then why haven\'t they done anything yet?"

"I\'ve been following them since I entered this secret realm. I can\'t be mistaken. I guess they are afraid of heavy losses and dare not do it rashly. They want everyone to contribute!" Li Qingfeng replied.

Xiao Mingyue nodded, and asked again: "Then what should we do? Now depending on the situation, we can only cooperate, not monopolize."

"It seems that this guy is their military adviser!" From Xiao Mingyue\'s words, Ye Liuyun immediately paid attention to Li Qingfeng.

Li Qingfeng thought for a while and said: "Well, we can only cooperate with the Ice and Fire Sect first. The Night Demon Sect has no strong people, so we can join forces with the Ice and Fire Sect and force them to explore the way. The rest will depend on the situation. "

"Okay, I\'ll go to Fang Huatian to discuss cooperation!" Xiao Mingyue said.

"No rush." ​​Li Qingfeng stopped Xiao Mingyue and asked, "What are you going to do with that boy from outside?"

"Take it back to the sect, and see the opinions of the elders!" Xiao Mingyue expressed her thoughts.

"If we can destroy the energy source of this secret realm, the elders will be able to come in at that time. This kid is actually not very useful." Li Qingfeng hinted.

He had a hunch that when he saw Ye Liuyun, he felt a little dangerous.

"Let\'s wait and see. If we finally compete with the Ice and Fire Sect, maybe we can still use him."

Xiao Mingyue didn\'t want to deal with Ye Liuyun so early, and felt that it was unnecessary.

Li Qingfeng looked at his words and saw that Xiao Mingyue didn\'t really want to deal with Ye Liuyun, so he followed Xiao Mingyue\'s lead and said, "Alright then! But we should try not to involve him in our actions, lest he cause trouble."

After finishing speaking, he gave Ye Liuyun a sharp look at Ye Liuyun who was practicing.

Although Ye Liuyun was practicing with his eyes closed, Qinglin had already shared everything he saw with him.

"This Li Qingfeng is troublesome, we must find a chance to kill him first!" Ye Liuyun secretly made up his mind.

Xiao Mingyue and Li Qingfeng had already gone to discuss with Fang Huatian and Liao Bingyu about forcing the disciples of the Night Demon Sect to serve as cannon fodder. Soon, they reached an agreement and walked towards the disciples of the Night Demon Sect together. The disciples of the two sects also slowly surrounded them.

Seeing this situation, the disciples of the Night Demon Sect also became nervous.

"What are you going to do?" a magician asked warily. "I have something to say when our Star Sword Demon Emperor arrives."

"He can\'t come!" Fang Huatian said flatly, "I\'ll give you a chance to survive! Behind that pile of rocks, there is a cave, you go explore the way, maybe you can find some treasures!"

"What do you mean?" the magician asked puzzled.

"It means literally!" Fang Huatian stared at Moxiu coldly.

Xiao Mingyue added: "The Star Sword Demon Emperor is dead, and the Eternal Night Demon Emperor is also dead. You have no choice. Either die like them, or go for a fight, and maybe you can gain something!"

"What? Impossible? Can you kill the Star Sword Demon Emperor?" the demon cultivator cried out in disbelief.

But immediately, his expression froze, and his body was covered with a layer of frost.

"What a noise! ​​Don\'t even think about it. If they don\'t die, how can we let you be cannon fodder?" Liao Bingyu said while clapping his hands. Apparently it was her who made it just now.

The frozen demon cultivator is the leader of these people. After his death, the rest of the people did not dare to resist.

"Nine times out of ten, the Star Sword Demon Emperor is really dead. Otherwise, these people wouldn\'t be so ruthless!" Thinking of this, these demon cultivators also reluctantly accepted their fate.

They have no choice now, they can only be cannon fodder.

Ye Liuyun saw everything clearly through Qinglin.

"How can there be any decent family! Once interests are involved, the attack is more cruel than Moxiu!"

Ye Liuyun felt that this was good, at least he wouldn\'t have too many scruples when he made a move.

Not long after, nearly thirty demon cultivator disciples were forced to walk towards the pile of stones in twos and threes.

Under the leadership of Xiao Mingyue and Fang Huatian, the disciples of Sanyuan Sect and Ice Fire Sect followed behind them, monitoring their every move.

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun was a little anxious, and he had no good way to stop these people at present.

"Don\'t worry, there are some basic defenses in the secret realm, which can resist them for a while." Qinglin informed Ye Liuyun with his spiritual sense, fearing that he would jump out and fight these people head-on at this time.