Lord of All Gods

Chapter 570

Qinglin took the initiative to find him and asked him to draw up the soul contract to dispel his worries.

"Does it also know that I have the order of the gods? That\'s why it asked me to draw up the contract, lest I doubt it?"

Ye Liuyun was also puzzled in his heart.

It stands to reason that the contract he drew up would definitely not be harmful to him. But this little guy signed without hesitation. It doesn\'t look like they want to kill him.

"It doesn\'t matter, let\'s find Liang Xue first!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun asked Qing Lin to lead the way to find Liang Xue.

Qinglin didn\'t delay any longer, shrunk his body even smaller, and jumped into Ye Liuyun\'s arms like a little green dog, letting him rush to the middle of the secret realm.

Now that Ye Liuyun has a map, and with the help of Qing Lin, he has confirmed the location, and it will be much more convenient for him to act again.

Moreover, Qinglin was very familiar with the situation in this secret realm, even where there were any high-level beasts, Ye Liuyun would avoid them in advance.

Wherever there are some treasures that Ye Liuyun can collect, or beasts that can be defeated, Qing Lin will remind Ye Liuyun to go for the treasure.

When the treasure was being seized, Qing Lin watched the excitement and cheered Ye Liuyun. After Ye Liuyun dug out the beast\'s Yuan Dan, his body was given to Qing Lin.

When Ye Liuyun encountered a beast with a low level, he would release the white tiger to fight. However, in this secret realm, the white tiger did not encounter any beasts that it could defeat. Most of the time, it was assisting Ye Liuyun, or It is to clean up the battlefield and help gather some medicinal materials.

Qinglin\'s way of eating has always been to absorb energy after being burned with a green fire. Ye Liuyun didn\'t know if it was cultivating, or if it just ate like this, and it didn\'t say anything when asked.

When not fighting, they all travel through the void, so overall, the speed is pretty fast.

Three days later, Ye Liuyun had approached the central area of ​​the secret realm. The impression of the imprint of spiritual consciousness on Liang Xue\'s body was indeed much stronger.

However, this secret realm may be a little special. He clearly felt that Liang Xue was not far away, but he was still not sure about Liang Xue\'s exact location, so he could only know the approximate direction.

In the central area of ​​the secret realm, there is a hidden canyon.

At the entrance of the canyon, black mist filled the air, and not a single blade of grass grew.

The black mist was extremely corrosive, but its range never expanded, nor did it disperse with the wind. They just gather in the Taniguchi area to prevent outsiders from entering.

Outside the black mist, a woman in a light yellow palace dress stood not far away, looking at the situation here.

Her realm is the triple level of yin and yang.

A martial artist who has reached this realm has a deeper understanding of the power of heaven and earth and is more skillful in using it. Therefore, the temperament on his body is also far beyond ordinary people.

This woman is tall and slim. Fair skin, coupled with light yellow palace attire, and an outstanding temperament, people will mistakenly think it is a fairy descending to earth.

At this moment, the power of heaven and earth gathered around her, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and her body flashed, she passed through the black mist and entered the canyon.

The power of heaven and earth around her pushed away the black mist and had no effect on her at all.

The woman easily penetrated the black mist and came to the valley. In the valley, there is a special scene, with rare medicinal herbs everywhere, singing birds and fragrant flowers.

The wild atmosphere here is stronger, and the environment is more intact.

The woman took a deep breath, picked a few bunches of flowers at random, started to walk in the valley, and gradually walked to the depths of the valley.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also took Qinglin to the outside of the black mist at the entrance of the valley.

Both he and Qinglin had already seen the woman in the goose-yellow palace attire walk in from a distance. Ye Liuyun also felt that Qinglin seemed to be getting more anxious, urging Ye Liuyun to speed up.

In front of the black mist, Ye Liuyun had just appeared from the void, Qinglin was burning with green flames, and rushed directly into the black mist.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t know why he was in such a hurry!

He didn\'t dare to rush into the black mist rashly. He first tried to hide into the void, and then passed through the mouth of the valley. But I found that the space inside seemed to be different from the outside.

He passed through the void and could not enter the valley at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to try to break through with his strength. After observing for a while, he mobilized his whole body\'s strength, using the Hunyuan God of War to gather the power of heaven and earth, and his whole body was covered with the Golden Crow Holy Flame at the same time, before he dared to walk towards the black mist.

Although his speed is fast, the poison of the black mist corrodes even faster.

Once inside, the Golden Crow Sacred Flame was almost extinguished by the black mist. Fortunately, the power of heaven and earth invoked by Hunyuan God of War can also play some role.

Ye Liuyun exerted all the strengths in his body to the extreme, so he could barely pass. It took only a few breaths, but his strength was almost exhausted. It consumes more than him in a big battle.

After he entered, he didn\'t have time to think about it, and immediately ran aside, entered the Xuankong Stone, took out the spirit stone, and began to replenish his true essence. The situation in the valley was unknown, and he didn\'t dare to advance rashly before his true essence recovered.

He can also absorb the barbaric spirit here, so this time he practiced faster than usual.

At this time, Qinglin had already caught up with the beauty in light yellow palace attire.

"Hey, little guy, where did you come from?" The beauty saw Qinglin making all kinds of human expressions, and was still gesticulating, and was immediately attracted by it.

"This little unicorn seems to be very intelligent, it would be nice to take it back as a pet animal!"

After thinking for a while, she began to ask Qing Lin: "Do you have a master?"

Qinglin nodded, then pointed to his eyes, and then pointed to a golden ornament on the beauty\'s body.

"Is there a master? Eyes? Gold?"

In an instant, she came to her senses and asked with a smile, "Your master is that boy with golden pupils? Are you from outside?"

Qinglin nodded again and again, then ran to the beauty\'s feet to rub against her.

"Okay, then you can follow me first. When I meet your master, I will hand you over to him."

As the beauty spoke, she also took out a spiritual fruit for Qinglin to eat. Qinglin swallowed the green fruit in one gulp, then entangled the beauty and did not leave.

The beauty originally wanted to keep Qinglin, and then took the opportunity to find Ye Liuyun. Unexpectedly, Qinglin shook her head, then hugged her leg, and finally jumped into her arms directly. gone.

"Do you want to follow me from now on?" The beauty felt a little unbelievable, but she still asked aloud.

Qing Lin nodded happily.

The beauty was not stupid, she immediately checked the contract in Qinglin\'s Sea of ​​Consciousness, and found that what Qinglin signed with Ye Liuyun was just an ordinary contract of equality. "No wonder this little thing wants to betray its master. It turns out that it just signed a contract of equality."