Lord of All Gods

Chapter 571

"Okay then, follow me first. I\'ll talk to him when I meet him."

Saying that, the beauty took Qinglin and continued to stroll into the valley. He also took a few more fruits for it to eat.

Qinglin was not polite, grabbed it and threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it without seeing it chewing.

The beauty got a pet beast for no reason, it was a pure-blooded unicorn, so she was naturally in a good mood. And with this beast, she will not have to worry about finding Ye Liuyun, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

So now, she even walks more briskly.

After Ye Liuyun practiced in the Xuankong Stone for two days, he recovered his true energy and withdrew directly from the Xuankong Stone.

The savage atmosphere in this secret realm can allow his Xuanyuan Qi Refining Art to cultivate his true essence more solidly. In normal practice, he mainly focuses on aura, and this kind of barbaric vitality has always been relatively lacking in him.

With this wild vitality, his true essence can be truly cultivated and consummated, and only then can it be truly condensed. Now that he has supplements, it is time for him to improve the quality of his true essence.

After he came out of the Xuankong Stone, he was also refreshed. He felt the positions of Liang Xue and Qing Lin.

Liang Xue\'s position was still vague, pointing to the deepest part of the valley. But Qinglin\'s position is very clear.

"Let\'s go to Qinglin first! After all, it is familiar with this place and is relatively close to me." So he immediately rushed towards Qinglin in front of him.

When Ye Liuyun saw Qinglin, Qinglin didn\'t even pay attention to him, instead he just lied in the beauty\'s arms and acted like a baby.

Ye Liuyun was also taken aback when he saw the beauty. I don\'t know if she is from Sanzong.

"I am Xiao Mingyue of Sanyuanzong!"

The beauty glanced at Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils, her eyes lit up, and she directly revealed her identity.

"My name is Ye Liuyun!"

Ye Liuyun also took the initiative to introduce herself.

Then he asked again: "This Qinglin is my partner. Can you return it to me?"

As he spoke, he waved to Qinglin.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Qinglin, instead of coming over, she shrinks into Xiao Mingyue\'s arms.

Xiao Mingyue looked at Ye Liuyun, smiled slightly, and said, "It followed me on its own initiative, I didn\'t force it to stay. You can call it back!"

Seeing that Xiao Mingyue had no intention of sending it back, Qinglin also found courage. It jumped onto Xiao Mingyue\'s shoulder and made a contemptuous expression towards Ye Liuyun.

"You deserve a beating, don\'t you? Be careful that I don\'t give you animal meat!" Ye Liuyun threatened it.

But Qinglin took out a spiritual fruit that Xiao Mingyue had just given it, and demonstrated to Ye Liuyun.

"You...you want to betray me? Don\'t forget, we signed a contract!" Ye Liuyun frowned.

Seeing this, Xiao Mingyue rescued Qinglin and said, "Your contract is just a contract of equality! Since it doesn\'t want to follow you, why don\'t you take the initiative to terminate the contract and fulfill it?"

On Xiao Mingyue\'s shoulder, Qinglin nodded again and again, and raised her hand, making a gesture of breaking with a knife.

"No!" Ye Liuyun immediately refused! "This Qinglin wants to betray me, so I won\'t fulfill it."

Speaking of this, Ye Liuyun was so angry that he turned around and was about to leave.

Once the ferocious beast signed a contract, if the contract was not terminated, it could no longer sign a contract with other people.

Seeing this, Qinglin hurriedly grabbed Xiao Mingyue\'s shoulder with his claws, raised his fist, and made a slap gesture to Ye Liuyun.

Xiao Mingyue laughed "puchi" amused by it. Said to Ye Liuyun: "You hijacked my junior sister, and now you want to leave if you want?"

As she said that, her yin and yang triple pressure enveloped Ye Liuyun.

Qinglin was on Xiao Mingyue\'s shoulders, baring her teeth at Ye Liuyun in protest.

In fact, Xiao Mingyue knew that if she went back to the sect to find some elders with high realms, she could erase this equal contract. It\'s just that Ye Liuyun has a lot to do with Sanyuanzong, and she won\'t let him leave just like that.

Feeling Xiao Mingyue\'s coercion, Ye Liuyun\'s expression changed.

"The triple realm of yin and yang is really too strong!" Ye Liuyun immediately felt that his true energy was being suppressed.

Under normal circumstances, he is able to fight across three or four realms.

But now he has crossed a big realm with the Wuxiu of the yin and yang realm, and the gap in strength is a bit big. If it\'s Yin and Yang, he can barely deal with it. With the triple yin and yang, he felt that his own strength was far from enough.

He is also thinking at this moment, if he takes out the death knell and the demon-sealing tablet, what are the chances of winning.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Mingyue said: "I think you are not very old, but your cultivation is not bad. Why don\'t I take you back to the sect and recommend you to become a disciple of our Sanyuan Sect?"

If it can be resolved in this way, it is definitely better than using force. He felt that Ye Liuyun came from a small place, so he would definitely want to enter a big sect like the Sanyuanzong in Qingxiao Domain.

Ye Liuyun also showed some interest when he heard the words, and asked, "What kind of sect is the Sanyuan sect you are talking about?"

"Our Sanyuan Sect is one of the largest sects in the entire Qingxiao Region. It is much stronger than your Cangyun Island. You just came out of the region, and you have the opportunity to join such a big sect. Fortunately, otherwise, with your strength, it would be difficult for you to move an inch in Qingxiao Domain." Xiao Mingyue was persuasive and persuasive.

She did not mention the termination of the contract. As long as Ye Liuyun arrives at the sect, his secret will definitely be asked by the elders. As for the contract, she will be Ye Liuyun\'s senior sister at that time, and it\'s not just a matter of her saying a word.

And she also felt that Ye Liuyun\'s temperament was a little different. Especially those pair of golden pupils gave his originally resolute face an even more mysterious aura.

She still has a good feeling for Ye Liuyun. Not only is he handsome, but his cultivation is also good.

A young man from a small island can cultivate to the same level as some of their elite disciples. This is enough to show that Ye Liuyun\'s talent is much better than ordinary people.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t have cultivated so quickly on an island with scarce resources.

Ye Liuyun hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I have to check the situation first, I can\'t promise you now. If it\'s really good, I\'ll join."

"No problem." Xiao Mingyue could understand Ye Liuyun\'s concerns.

After all, these martial artists from small islands have never seen anything big in the world. When they really see Sanyuanzong, they will definitely be shocked by the size and strength of the sect. At that time, they will even beg to join the Sanyuanzong.