Lord of All Gods

Chapter 569

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness was stronger than Wen Feng\'s, and he soon discovered that he was following him.

"Already offended the Night Demon Sect, this Sanyuan Sect, forget it!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun put away the white tiger and hid in the void, ignoring him.

After Wen Feng lost Ye Liuyun\'s trace, he couldn\'t catch up with him even if he wanted to, so he had to join other fellow disciples in a dejected manner.

They received a message from the elder sister Xiao Mingyue telling them not to follow Ye Liuyun.

Since Ye Liuyun was able to kill the Yongye Demon Emperor, it meant that his soul was not weak. It should be easier to deal with Wen Feng and the others. So she didn\'t want them to die.

"Elder Sister has explored a place in the secret realm. There may be treasures. Call us to go there. Let\'s go, don\'t worry about that kid for the time being, and help Eldest Sister first. After Elder Sister finishes finding the treasure, we will catch that boy together!"

As Wen Feng said, he led everyone away directly to find their elder sister, Xiao Mingyue.

However, Ye Liuyun has been heading east since entering the secret realm. Now, in order to get rid of tracking, he tried to avoid fighting as much as possible. Every time he found danger, he took the white tiger and hid directly into the void.

Just after he avoided danger again and disappeared into the void, he found a little blue unicorn staring at him with big eyes.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback.

The fourth level of emptiness has always been empty.

"Where did this thing come from? How did it get into the void?"

What made Ye Liuyun most vigilant was that he couldn\'t see the realm of this little guy. And it was the first time he saw the cyan unicorn.

Ye Liuyun and the blue unicorn looked at each other for a long time, they were very curious about each other.

Ye Liuyun felt that the little unicorn was harmless, so he took out a piece of animal meat from the storage ring, trying to lure it over for a closer look.

The little unicorn stepped back vigilantly, then stretched out its nose to sniff, and wagged its tail at him. Lowering its front paws, it made a posture about to pounce forward. But it didn\'t really jump over. Just patting the ground and showing interest.

Then, it opened its mouth, and with a "hoo", the animal meat in Ye Liuyun\'s hand was ignited by a ball of blue flames, and then burned to ashes.

Then the little unicorn opened its mouth to inhale, and the soot was directly sucked into the body. He also burped with satisfaction.

"Little guy, you\'re quite vigilant!" Ye Liuyun saw that it wasn\'t fooled, and although he thought this little thing was very interesting, he didn\'t want to spend any more time playing with it.

So he waved to the little unicorn, turned around and continued on his way.

Unexpectedly, the little guy saw him leaving, but followed him again.

Ye Liuyun thought it was hungry, so he took out a whole beast, and said to the little guy, "Go back quickly when you\'re full, I have something else to do, so I can\'t accompany you!"

The little guy\'s eyes really lit up when he saw such a big beast. Still in the same way, burn a ball of green fire, and then suck the burning flame.

It was the first time Ye Liuyun saw this way of eating.

"No more. Stop following me!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he raised his leg and wanted to leave again. Unexpectedly, this little blue unicorn jumped in front of him and blocked his way. She also waved her claws, gesticulating with him.

Ye Liuyun understood that it had something to say to him, but after watching it for a long time, he didn\'t know what it was gesticulating, and he was baffled.

The little guy also found that it was struggling to make gestures for a long time, but Ye Liuyun didn\'t understand, so he lay down on the ground in disappointment, his helpless appearance almost made Ye Liuyun laugh.

So he directly communicated with the little guy with his spiritual sense and asked what it wanted to say.

It wasn\'t until this moment that Ye Liuyun realized that the spirit power of this little guy seemed to be stronger than him. It\'s just that he couldn\'t detect any strength of this little guy.

"What? You want to sign an equal contract with me and be my beast companion?"

He was also surprised by the result of Ye Liuyun communicating with it with his spiritual sense. I thought to myself: "This little guy has parents, right? It is so strong, if its parents know that it has become my beast, they will burn me to ashes!"

Thinking of this, he first asked about the little guy\'s background.

But the little guy was obviously very ghostly. He rolled his eyes and said that he was born alone and stayed in this secret place all the time.

Ye Liuyun knew that it wasn\'t telling the truth, and he didn\'t dare to sign any contract with him casually. Who knows if this ghost thing will dig some holes for him.

Unexpectedly, the little guy used his spiritual sense again to send him two images. One belonged to Liang Xue, and the other was the map of the entire Qingxiao Secret Realm.

"Have you seen this woman? Where is she?" Ye Liuyun immediately asked aloud when he saw Liang Xue\'s image.

The little guy gestured again, thinking that Ye Liuyun couldn\'t understand, so he communicated with him with his spiritual sense again.

"Okay, I will sign an equal contract with you, and you take me to find her."

Ye Liuyun immediately agreed this time. No matter what this little guy\'s plans are, Ye Liuyun must find Liang Xue as soon as possible.

At that moment, he immediately signed an equal spiritual contract with this little unicorn.

"Do you have a name?" Ye Liuyun asked it again.

The little unicorn waved its paws.

"Then I\'ll give you one, otherwise it\'s inconvenient to call you. How about calling you Qinglin?"

After hearing this, the little unicorn showed a disgusted expression, and finally reluctantly agreed.

Seeing Ye Liuyun, he almost laughed out loud. "This little guy\'s spiritual intelligence is not low!"

After the two of them signed the contract, Ye Liuyun could immediately understand what the little guy was making gestures.

What the little guy gestured was to ask Ye Liuyun to bring out some more food, and when he was full, he would take Ye Liuyun to find Liang Xue.

"You won\'t sign a contract with me just to cheat food and drink?"

Ye Liuyun threw out another corpse of a ferocious beast and let it burn it clean before absorbing it.

While absorbing it, the little guy gestured to explain to Ye Liuyun. In the end, the two claws stomped the ground to show dissatisfaction.

"This guy is too smart. Don\'t look harmless to humans and animals. In fact, he is even weirder than Lei Ming. I\'d better be careful with him!"

Ye Liuyun secretly reminded herself in her heart.

It\'s not that he\'s being overly careful. It was that such a thing suddenly appeared in this secret realm, and he had to take the initiative to sign an equal contract with him, so he had to guard against it.

He didn\'t believe the thing would follow him for something to eat. With the green fire and spirit strength of this little thing, it doesn\'t have to worry about not being able to find food at all.

As for what its intentions are, we have to continue to observe.

The soul contract that Ye Liuyun signed with it was completed with the help of the Ten Thousand Gods Order, so he is not afraid of this little thing playing tricks.