Lord of All Gods

Chapter 568

At this time, the Demon Emperor\'s Guardian Demon Lord was already gaining momentum, ready to launch a stronger attack on Ye Liuyun.

Although Ye Liuyun\'s soul power is strong, his true energy is much weaker than that of Yongye Demon Emperor. Once he is hit, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

"One doesn\'t work, then come another one!" Ye Liuyun chuckled, and threw out the Demon Sealing Tablet.

The Demon Sealing Tablet is also the nemesis of monsters. And it has a consciousness of its own. As soon as he came out and saw the monster, he no longer needed Ye Liuyun\'s control, and directly took the initiative to suppress the demon.

The Demon Venerable was about to launch an attack, but under the pressure of the Demon Sealing Tablet, his aura immediately weakened.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Sealing Tablet lowered his head, giving him no time to resist. His magic power has no effect on the Demon Sealing Tablet.

Although he also punched the Demon Sealing Tablet with all his might. But those devilish qi and true essence all dispersed before they touched the Demon Sealing Tablet, as if they were hiding from the Demon Sealing Tablet.

With a sound of "Boom", the Demon Sealing Tablet directly suppressed the Demon Venerable.

At the same time, the darkness surrounding the Soul Domain began to dissipate slowly, and the Soul Attack of Eternal Night Demon Emperor was disintegrated.

Ye Liuyun\'s Hunyuan God of War was intact at the moment. "Huh", a Tyrant God Fist, smashed towards Yongye Demon Emperor.

"Not good! This kid still has an artifact in his hand!"

The Eternal Night Demon Emperor secretly screamed that it was terrible, but his blood was still surging, and he punched back with all his strength, blocking the blow of the Hunyuan War God.

With a "boom", the two strands of true energy collided together.

Ye Liuyun originally thought that the Eternal Night Demon Emperor would suffer some minor injuries anyway. Unexpectedly, he had nothing to do, but turned around and prepared to run away.

"As expected of the realm of the emperor, the degree of solidification of this true essence is far beyond what I can compare."

Ye Liuyun sighed in his heart. Looking at the Eternal Night Demon Emperor who was about to escape, he was about to give up. He also knew he couldn\'t keep him.

But suddenly, he thought of the Demon Hunting Bow again.

"Haha, it\'s another artifact that specializes in defeating monsters!"

Ye Liuyun also secretly laughed in his heart, if any magic cultivator encounters these equipments of his own, it will only be unlucky!

He took out the Demon Hunting Bow and handed it to Hunyuan God of War. The arrow shot by him should be more powerful than the arrow shot by himself.

Hunyuan God of War also didn\'t delay, lest the Eternal Night Demon Emperor run away, and after receiving it, he shot it with an arrow.

A golden streamer quickly chased after the Eternal Night Demon Emperor. Before he got close, the coercion of the god-level weapons suppressed the blood, true essence and other powers of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor.

"Why does this kid have so many artifacts in his hand!"

The Eternal Ye Demon Emperor didn\'t need to look back, he knew that it was the lock of the god-level weapon again. Only god-level weapons can have such a great coercion.

Moreover, this kind of god-level weapon is specially aimed at demon cultivators. He felt the devilish energy in his body, and it was instantly sealed.


This streamer golden arrow didn\'t even make a roar, it shot directly from the back of Eternal Night Demon Emperor, and pierced through his chest again. The golden light burned a big hole in his chest.

At the same time, his soul was directly smashed by the golden arrow. The whole person fell directly to the ground.

The golden arrow of real essence disappeared immediately after hitting the target.

Ye Liuyun began to clean up the battlefield so as not to be targeted again. Half absorbed the soul power of the Demon Venerable, and at the same time put away the soft net covering the death knell.

At the same time, he also released the white tiger, and handed over the corpse of the Eternal Ye Demon Emperor and Yuan Dan to the white tiger, and asked him to help quickly clean up the battlefield.

The white tiger quickly brought back the Yuan Dan and the storage ring of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor.

Ye Liuyun glanced at the Yuan Dan of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor. He discovered that the realm of Yuandan was different from that of Tiangang. The surface of the Yuan Dan turned out to be two colors of black and white.

"I don\'t know if this is a change in the Yin-Yang realm, or if the Eternal Night Demon Emperor cultivated it himself."

Ye Liuyun\'s understanding of the realm of yin and yang is still relatively small, so he didn\'t think too much about it.

Then he checked the storage ring of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor.

"Good guy! There are as many mid-grade spirit stones in the Eternal Night Demon Emperor\'s storage ring as there is a vein!"

Ye Liuyun was really excited to see so many middle-grade spirit stones. These energies are enough for him to break through to the ninth level of Tiangang!

It should be the resources prepared by the Eternal Night Demon Emperor for himself to break through the realm.

Ye Liuyun gave Wu Qingcheng all the storage rings and asked her to clean them up. Then he wanted to take the white tiger back.

But after Baihu came out and felt the ancient atmosphere here, he didn\'t want to go back. He is also more sensitive to this ancient atmosphere, and practicing here will make it progress faster.

"Alright then, you should stay outside first, and return to the storage ring if you encounter danger."

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to let him try it first.

During this period of time, Baihu was cultivating in the Xuankong Stone, and his realm was raised to the fourth level of Tiangang. But it\'s almost moldy.

Wu Qingcheng also broke through to the fourth level of Tiangang at this time, and Yu\'er not only broke through the realm of Tiangang, but also broke through to the second level of Tiangang. Even Kisaragi broke through to the first level of Tiangang.

It seems that these people have been cultivating desperately during this period of time.

Ye Liuyun told the women to bear it a little longer, and let them out after finding a safe place. He was afraid that if there was danger, he would not be able to take care of so many people.

Although he is now free from the pursuit of an emperor, he also knows that he is only temporarily safe, and soon there will be stronger martial arts to arrest him.

The white tiger directly swallowed the Yuan Dan of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor, and began to absorb and refine it while following Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun absorbed all the soul of the Demon Lord and replenished his own, then put away the Demon Sealing Tablet and continued to explore with the white tiger.

Although the people of Sanyuanzong didn\'t see Ye Liuyun\'s fight against Yongye Demon Emperor, when they rushed over, they saw Baihu dig out Yongye Demon Emperor\'s yuan pill, and then left with Ye Liuyun.

"This kid actually has such a strong strength that he killed the Eternal Night Demon Emperor so quickly?" Wen Feng asked in puzzlement.

"Looking at his realm, he is only Tiangang Bazhong. Maybe it\'s because of his strong soul power!" Qu Linger replied.

She has felt the threat of Ye Liuyun\'s soul, and knows that Ye Liuyun\'s soul is very powerful.

Wen Feng originally planned to take people to encircle and suppress Ye Liuyun. But now seeing that the Eternal Ye Demon Emperor had died in Ye Liuyun\'s hands, he didn\'t dare to do anything.

"Let\'s be on the safe side. I\'ll follow Ye Liuyun, you go find Senior Sister Mingyue to deal with him!"

"Okay!" Qu Ling\'er agreed most happily. She was always worried that if she confronted Ye Liuyun head-on, they would be the ones who would suffer. "With Senior Sister here, it must be safe."