Lord of All Gods

Chapter 567

"It turns out that this paper kite is following me!"

After Ye Liuyun found the paper kite, he immediately released the ghost fire, burning all the spiritual consciousness in it.

But the Eternal Ye Demon Emperor took out another paper kite and continued to follow him.

"It seems that this annoying guy has to be killed. He is staring at me."

After Ye Liuyun was overtaken by Zhi Yuan again, he didn\'t burn it directly, but stood still on the spot, waiting for Yongye Demon Emperor to chase after him.

He has already discovered that the Eternal Night Demon Emperor was chased by himself. Although he was followed by two strong men of the ninth level of Tiangang, they were far away.

As for Sanyuanzong, because the palace lantern he was following was destroyed at this time, he couldn\'t keep up with Ye Liuyun for a long time. They can only follow the Eternal Night Demon Queen, hoping to catch the leak.

Therefore, those people from Sanyuanzong have been following at the end, and they are farther away from Yongye Demon Emperor.

After Ye Liuyun stood still, he immediately used the golden pupil to attack across the air. The first ones he attacked were the two strong men of the ninth level of the sky who were chasing after the Eternal Night Demon Emperor.

Ye Liuyun\'s sky-spanning golden pupil is more proficient in use now, and its power is also stronger.

The seal of the guardian god rushed directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of a demon cultivator to attack. The ghostly ghost fire and the power of the Buddha\'s light almost caused his spirit to be wiped out without much resistance.

These two people were running, and suddenly, one of them fell headlong and fell to the ground. Startled the fellow disciples around him.

"what happened?"

The man was puzzled, and was attacked by Ye Liuyun immediately, and understood what happened to his fellow disciple just now.

"Boy, you are looking for death, stop now!"

The Eternal Ye Demon Emperor\'s consciousness also noticed that Ye Liuyun was attacking the two fellow sects behind him. But he only sent a sound transmission warning to Ye Liuyun, and did not stop to go back to rescue.

He knew that even if he went back to rescue, it would be too late.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul was similar to his. He is also a soul cultivator, and he understands that the attack speed of the soul is much faster than in the real world.

He just wanted to catch up with Ye Liuyun as soon as possible and subdue him.

He thought Ye Liuyun would continue to run away, but Ye Liuyun stood there waiting for him.

"Can\'t run anymore?"

After the Eternal Night Demon Emperor chased after him, he asked a little proudly.

Ye Liuyun raised the corner of his mouth. "I just want to practice my hand with the emperor."

As he spoke, he took the lead in launching the soul attack. This is also his first time facing the Emperor.

The soul attack launched by Ye Liuyun\'s Hunyuan God of War can be said to be his strongest attack, and with the power of Buddha\'s light, he thought it should be the nemesis of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor.

The Eternal Night Demon Emperor pouted contemptuously, and released his own patron saint seal, which was a pitch-black demon head. The demonic energy billowing all over his body blocked even his face, making it impossible to see the original appearance of the Demon Venerable at all.

As soon as the demon king appeared, he dyed the entire soul space into pitch black. It was really like being trapped in a black hole, making people feel like they would never see the light.

Ye Liuyun\'s Hunyuan God of War is in the dark and can only be illuminated by his own Buddha light power. He immediately spread ghost fire all over his body to prevent unidentified ghosts from sneaking up on him in the dark.

"Worthy of being an emperor, the power of this soul is much stronger than martial arts in the Tiangang realm."

Although Yongye Demon Emperor is a demon cultivator who specializes in the soul, and it is not surprising that the power of the soul is strong, but Ye Liuyun feels that the power of the soul of Yongye Demon Emperor is stronger than that of Yao Xinghai he has seen before.

Ye Liuyun also held the death knell in his hand just in case, so he could use the death knell to block it in a critical moment.

Seeing the power of Buddha\'s light blooming from Ye Liuyun\'s body, Yongye Demon Emperor also frowned.

His attack mainly relies on the demonic energy to erode the opponent and turn him into a demon, but at this moment, Ye Liuyun is surrounded by Buddha\'s light, and the magical energy cannot be eroded at all.

So he immediately changed his attack method and began to use illusion to attack.

Ye Liuyun was in the darkness, wondering how the Eternal Night Demon Emperor was planning to attack, when he suddenly saw Liang Xue running in. At the same time, in Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, the Myriad God Order released brilliance to wake him up.

"The illusion of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor actually caught me unconsciously, it really is extraordinary!"

Ye Liuyun also learned illusion, so under the reminder of the order of the gods, he quickly understood.

"Hey! Illusion is useless?"

Seeing Ye Liuyun, the Yongye Demon Emperor was only stunned for a moment, and his eyes became clear again. Can\'t help but also secretly surprised.

"What is the Buddha\'s light on this kid\'s body? It can resist even illusion!"

He didn\'t know that Ye Liuyun resisted his illusion by relying on the order of the gods, but he thought that the Buddha\'s light on Ye Liuyun had played a role.

"Since illusion is not good, let\'s see the strength!"

Thinking of this, the guardian of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor stepped into the darkness and approached Ye Liuyun.

The power of the Buddha\'s light emitted by Ye Liuyun\'s Hunyuan God of War was not very strong at this time, it was only enough to illuminate a three-foot range around him, so the Demon Lord approached the darkness and approached him, but he didn\'t notice it at all.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful yin and yang real energy attacking him.

Soul lock!

In the dark, the Demon Lord launched a sneak attack on the Hunyuan God of War.

Although Ye Liuyun was defenseless, his power of Buddha\'s light was able to react to the monster\'s attack. This point, even he himself didn\'t know it before.

Hunyuan God of War reached out and grabbed the chain, and then the Buddha\'s light on his body suddenly expanded outwards, filling half of the dark space in an instant. This range is enough to cover the demon king.

And one end of the ecstasy lock was caught by the Hunyuan God of War, and the Demon Lord wanted to withdraw it, but he didn\'t pull it. A ray of Buddha\'s light also followed the iron chain, entwined and flew towards the Demon Lord.

The Demon Venerable was shrouded in the Buddha\'s light, and the demonic energy on his body was being dissipated bit by bit. He wanted to retreat to avoid the Buddha\'s light, but he was not willing to give up the Ecstasy Lock in his hand. And at this moment, the Buddha\'s light wrapped around the ecstasy lock was about to rush in front of him.


The demon venerable roared loudly, and the demon energy on his body strengthened again, and even the Buddha light around him was forced back a few feet, and once again disappeared into the darkness. At the same time, the Buddha\'s light entwined on the ecstasy lock was also dispersed by the devilish energy emanating from the ecstasy lock.

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun immediately threw the death knell at the Demon Lord.

"Haha, I\'m waiting for you!"

The Eternal Night Demon Emperor burst into laughter, took out a net-shaped treasure, and threw it at the death knell.

To deal with the death knell, hard items, not god-level ones, can\'t take advantage. And using soft net treasures, at least it can hold the death knell for a while. Just this split second is enough to attack Ye Liuyun.