Lord of All Gods

Chapter 555

Ye Liuyun also couldn\'t figure out why the portraits on these stone pillars suddenly became fascinated.

But at least it feels like none of these statues are malicious.

"Try to choose a powerful statue!" Yu Haotian sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun, reminding Ye Liuyun.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t quite understand. Is the next step is to choose a statue?

He looked at the others, except for those who had participated in the competition before, everyone else was just like him, with a dazed look on their faces.

The hundred of them are still in the secret realm. And the secret realm still didn\'t give them any hints.

This test was originally the last chance for the top 100 geniuses to rely on luck to increase their strength.

They have to choose the statues on the stone pillars according to the level of luck, and temporarily use them as the guardians of the geniuses, so that these geniuses can comprehend the power of the imperial rank, the honor rank, and even the god rank in advance.

At the same time, these hundred geniuses can also use this power to compete for their favorite secret realm.

Outside the secret, Yao Xinghai and a group of elders originally thought that there would be more than a hundred people who could accept the inheritance in this year\'s martial arts competition.

However, now seeing that more than a hundred people have been teleported out of the secret realm, I can\'t help but look disappointed, but there is nothing I can do.

"It seems that no matter how many inheritances there are, people beyond a hundred will have no chance with these inheritances!"

Yao Xinghai sighed, and had no choice but to continue to watch the martial arts competition as a spectator. The secret realm hasn\'t been opened yet, and they still can\'t interfere with the martial arts competition.

At this time, some inheritances have also begun to gradually integrate with the secret realm.

The secret realm and these connected inheritances extend out a phantom passage at the same time, connecting them together, as a bridge leading to the inheritance, for people to pass through.

Some inexperienced geniuses rushed towards the passage no matter what the inheritance was when they saw the bridge. During the process, there was also a fight.

Ye Liuyun originally wanted to fight for it, but suddenly saw Yu Haotian, Lie Hongxia, Meng Wentian and many other people who had participated in the previous martial arts competition were looking at these people who were fighting with mocking eyes.

"It\'s not that simple!" Ye Liuyun immediately reacted, stood still, and stopped Liang Xue, Lei Ming and Long Nu.

"Let\'s take a look first! Anyway, there are still many inheritances. These newly connected inheritances are obviously not particularly powerful."

As he was speaking, he saw a genius at the seventh level of the Tiangang, slapping away the two contending people around him, and rushed towards the passage first.

But just as he was about to rush into the passage, he seemed to encounter some resistance, and with a "bang", he was bounced back directly.

This sudden change made those who followed him suddenly stop.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, several experienced people burst into laughter. "Idiots, with your current strength, you can\'t get in at all!"

The boy who was bounced away did not suffer any injuries! But he was thrown to pieces, and stood up unsteadily. He asked puzzledly, "Then how can I get in?"

But this time, no one paid any attention to him. Those who knew the situation obviously didn\'t want to tell them in advance.

"Could it be that you have to rely on the protection of those stone statues to get in?"

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils noticed that the eyes of these people were searching for those stone statues at the moment, and some people were even communicating with the stone statues with their spiritual consciousness.

So, he also looked carefully at the stone statues again.

The size of the stone statue is usually related to the size of the stone pillar.

"The bigger the stone pillar, the stronger the stone statue!"

After these stone statues gained consciousness, Ye Liuyun could now feel a little bit of the strength of these stone statues. After a little comparison, Ye Liuyun discovered some patterns.

So, next, he focused on finding the largest stone pillar. But the bigger the stone pillar, the weaker the consciousness within it.

The five tallest stone pillars have not even responded so far. The spiritual consciousness contained in it is also very weak.

In addition to the five tallest stone pillars, there are more than ten stone pillars that are slightly smaller than them. There are already some spiritual consciousness in these stone pillars, but they are not very strong, but they can barely communicate.

These discoveries of Ye Liuyun were simultaneously told to Liang Xue, Lei Ming and Longnu. At this moment, they are also observing the many stone pillars, looking for their own guardian spirit seal.

"Little brother, look quickly, is that Thunder Dragon Beast?" Lei Ming suddenly called out and asked Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun followed her gaze, and sure enough, it was indeed a Thunder Dragon Beast, and it was the second largest stone pillar. Judging from the current situation, if the spiritual consciousness of the largest stone pillars is not strong enough, then choosing these stone pillars is undoubtedly the best choice.

Ye Liuyun nodded and said: "Well, you can choose it later, it should match you very well."

"Then I\'ll choose the golden dragon next to the Thunder Dragon Beast!" The dragon girl also transmitted voice to Ye Liuyun.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun hadn\'t had time to carefully look at the statues above.

"Xue\'er, which one are you going to choose?" Ye Liuyun asked Liang Xue.

"I don\'t know either! I don\'t even know who those statues are, who they are, and what attributes they have!" Liang Xue\'s voice seemed a little anxious.

"Don\'t worry, it probably hasn\'t started yet, otherwise someone should already have a choice."

Speaking of this, Ye Liuyun began to look at the statues on the stone pillars.

The five biggest ones are a man with a sword and a man with a hammer. The remaining three have a strange image of a demon and a unicorn. There was also a strange beast that even Ye Liuyun didn\'t know. The body shape is somewhat similar to that of the Earth Demon Dragon, but it has a dragon head.

The statues on the slightly smaller stone pillars include men and women, as well as monsters and beasts, among which there are thunder dragon beasts and golden dragons suitable for Lei Ming and Dragon Girl.

"You can choose which woman to try." Ye Liuyun suggested to Liang Xue.

The statue of that woman was carved lifelike, like a fairy, at least in terms of image, it matched Liang Xue very well.

Liang Xue also nodded in agreement. "Well, let me try! But I don\'t know how to choose!"

"I don\'t understand either, let\'s see how others choose!" Ye Liuyun withdrew her mind and began to pay attention to those experienced geniuses in the secret territory.

Seeing that they are not moving now, they are also relieved. Then he comforted the people around him and said, "They haven\'t started yet, so don\'t worry."

While they were waiting, suddenly, their luck began to shine.

And Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness felt more and more, the barrier that the secret realm originally blocked the spiritual consciousness also disappeared. They can communicate with these statues.

"here we go!"