Lord of All Gods

Chapter 556

Ye Liuyun immediately realized that the choice was about to begin.

Once the spiritual shield is removed, it means that they can communicate with those statues with their spiritual sense.

So he immediately reminded the people around him, and at the same time, he also paid attention to how others chose the statue.

But before he could see clearly, he found many stone statues, all of which had sent him messages asking him to confirm acceptance of the guardianship.

"So many statues choose me?" Ye Liuyun was also a little dazed for a moment.

There were more than 20 statues that sent him messages of spiritual consciousness, but none of these statues were particularly powerful, not even the third largest stone pillar, so Ye Liuyun did not make a decision.

At this time, a genius has chosen a statue he is satisfied with and reached a consensus with the statue.

From the statue, a mysterious force suddenly came out, covering the boy. Then, that mysterious force manifested itself, and it turned out to be a monster nine-tailed fox holding a huge axe.

But that young man is not a demon himself, let alone a demon cultivator.

"It seems that the choice of the stone statue does not depend on the race! And it is a two-way choice, and both parties must agree to it."

Ye Liuyun told the people around him all the information he thought of.

And the boy who was protected by the divine seal of the monster Nine-Tailed Fox slapped another boy with his palm at this moment.

With a "boom", the boy was hit directly, and he didn\'t even have the strength to resist.

"Hahaha, let you snatch my token, you will be punished now!"

He laughed wildly, then directly chose an inheritance, and rushed over. This time, the energy at the entrance of the passage could no longer block him, and was directly broken by him.

Everyone watched him pass through the passage and enter the inheritance.

But the boy he photographed died on the spot.

When everyone saw it, they didn\'t dare to delay any longer, and made choices one after another.

Lie Hongxia, in particular, gave Ye Liuyun a hard look, and then communicated with the woman Ye Liuyun had chosen for Liang Xue.

"Little brother, it agrees!" At this time, Lei Ming also cheered.

Ye Liuyun only saw that from the second largest stone pillar, from the statue of the Thunder Dragon Beast, a burst of energy suddenly rushed towards Lei Ming, covering Lei Ming, and immediately, a huge Thunder Dragon Beast appeared In front of everyone.

Its huge body and that terrifying power pushed Ye Liuyun and others far away.

Just the coercion unleashed by the Thunder Dragon Beast has overwhelmed everyone. The coercion of the thunder dragon beast is much stronger than that of the demon nine-tailed fox just now.

No matter how you say it is the second largest stone pillar, in theory, its strength should be ranked second!

This is also the first guardian force released from the relatively large stone pillar.

After Lei Ming was protected, he didn\'t rush to find the inheritance, but guarded Ye Liuyun on the spot.

She was worried that people like Lie Hongxia would attack Ye Liuyun once they got the seal of the patron saint first.

What Ye Liuyun wanted to choose was one of the five largest stone pillars. But among the five stone pillars, none of them took the initiative to send divine consciousness to him.

It turned out that those statues who first sent out their consciousness to him saw that he was not interested, and some began to choose other suitable people instead of waiting for him.

On the entire high platform, there are constantly geniuses who have obtained the protection of the divine seal. Some continued to wait for the inheritance, while some chose the appropriate inheritance and left directly.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also became anxious. If you keep waiting, you may end up with nothing!

He couldn\'t help but look at Yu Haotian and the others. He found that Yu Haotian was not in a hurry to choose. Ye Liuyun reckoned that with Yu Haotian\'s personality, he must be waiting for the five largest stone pillars to invite him.

Just when he wanted to wait, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Mo Tianheng.

What Mo Tianheng did was completely opposite to Yu Haotian\'s. He was using his spiritual consciousness to actively communicate with the statues on the five stone pillars over and over again.

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun thought about it carefully. The statues on these five stone pillars must at least be of the power of the gods. For this kind of existence, their vision is not only high, but also high-profile, and generally they will not take the initiative to ask for a junior.

"Therefore, there is some reason for Mo Tianheng\'s approach. I can\'t wait any longer. I must hurry up. If the five stone pillars don\'t work, I can choose something else."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun also sent out his consciousness to the statues on the five stone pillars. It\'s just that his consciousness swept over one by one several times, but the other party didn\'t respond at all.

"What\'s going on here? Could it be that my method is wrong?" Ye Liuyun immediately stopped and observed Mo Tianheng carefully.

But at this time, Liang Xue and Lie Hongxia chose the same female statue.

The woman\'s consciousness hesitated for a long time, and finally chose Liang Xue. She felt that although Liang Xue\'s current level was low, in terms of future, she should be better than Lie Hongxia. This is mainly because Liang Xue\'s blood has a very high affinity for spiritual energy. This kind of bloodline is not common.

"Thank you senior for choosing me!" Liang Xue bowed to the statue in thanks.

Lie Hongxia at the side stomped her feet angrily, thinking that Liang Xue had robbed her of the opportunity. As soon as his eyes were raised, he was about to attack Liang Xue.

"You don\'t need to thank me, this is what you fought for!" The statue replied to her with divine sense, and the power within it was released, wrapping Liang Xue in it. After that, the image of a fairy guarded Liang Xue\'s body.

This powerful coercion instantly made Lie Hongxia put down her raised hand.

If she attacked Liang Xue again at this time, it would be no different from courting death. The energy of this fairy can kill ten of her with one palm.

In desperation, she had no choice but to continue to choose other statues. The bigger these statues are, the less they actively send out spiritual invitations. However, those who initiated the invitation were relatively low-level, and the top-ranked Tianjiao looked down upon them.

Only in the special case of Lei Ming, who is of the same origin as the statue, can the two hit it off.

It was very difficult for the dragon girl to communicate with the golden dragon. Seeing this, Ye Liuyun directly took out the Dragon Palace in the storage ring and lent it to Dragon Girl temporarily. The Dragon Girl held the Panlong Stick in one hand and the Dragon Palace in the other, and communicated with the golden dragon again.

This time the golden dragon hesitated for a moment before agreeing to become the guardian of the dragon girl.

For this, Long Nu was even more grateful to Ye Liuyun. After returning the Dragon Palace to Ye Liuyun, she decided to stay and guard Ye Liuyun.

So Lei Ming, Liang Xue, and Long Nu formed a triangle and stood behind Ye Liuyun to protect Ye Liuyun.