Lord of All Gods

Chapter 554

"I have never been guided by anyone in my cultivation. As you can see, I learn a little from this and that, and then figure it out by myself." Ye Liuyun said frankly.

Hearing this, Yu Haotian widened his eyes, stared at Ye Liuyun for a long time, then raised his thumb and praised: "It can only be said that your talent is too strong! If there is someone to guide you, then your cultivation will have been improved a long time ago." Overtake me!"

"I can\'t help it!" Ye Liuyun said modestly, and then asked: "What\'s the matter with the guardian seal you mentioned?"

Seeing that he really didn\'t understand, Yu Haotian explained to him: "The seal of the guardian spirit is the guardian phantom cultivated based on your own blood power and fused with other powers."

"Oh, so it\'s the seal of the patron saint!" Ye Liuyun realized at this time that the "Hunyuan God of War" he had cultivated was his seal of the patron saint.

"This patron saint seal will appear in different forms according to the strength of each person\'s blood. What is your patron saint seal? Do you know?" Yu Haotian asked curiously again.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t tell him that his blood was the blood of the ancient god of war. Moreover, his blood has been mutated, so he is not sure whether his blood is the blood of God of War.

So he had no choice but to say: "My bloodline, I have never known what it is. No one knows. And I don\'t have a corresponding cultivation method, so I can only figure it out bit by bit."

Yu Haotian nodded and didn\'t delve into it further. He just said: "I feel that the power of your bloodline has a suppressing effect on my bloodline. To what extent it can be suppressed, we have to fight to know. I am afraid that the power of your bloodline is also related to the battle , Our blood should have some origins."

Yu Haotian\'s bloodline is the bloodline of Kuang Zhan, the more crazy the war, the stronger the power of the bloodline.

And Ye Liuyun\'s bloodline, according to the man\'s words, is the bloodline of the God of War, so it is normal to have a suppressive effect on Yu Haotian\'s bloodline.

In fact, Ye Liuyun\'s bloodline should have a suppressive effect on many bloodlines. However, his current blood power is not strong enough, and it is not obvious enough.

Ye Liuyun also took this opportunity to ask Yu Haotian a lot of questions about cultivation. Although these small problems were not very big, they helped Ye Liuyun solve a lot of confusion, and made him practice more smoothly in the future.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun had a lot of things he didn\'t understand, Yu Haotian explained it to him patiently, and was not in a hurry to compete with him.

The two of them chatted for a long time, eating and drinking.

They didn\'t stop until Lei Ming, Earth Demon Dragon and the two demons came back.

Not long after, the dragon girl also came back.

For the few of them, the light belt above their heads, the golden light became more obvious.

Ye Liuyun was busy giving them barbecue again, so the two of them have never been able to catch up.

Yu Haotian had wine to drink, meat to eat, and someone to chat with at the moment, so he was not in a hurry to fight.

Just when everyone is full and has nothing to do. Ye Liuyun and Yu Hao were geniuses preparing to do it.

And at this time, the last one of the top 100 tokens in the entire secret territory also belonged. The ranking of the top 100 has been determined.

In the secret territory, the river of blood and corpses on the ground began to disappear, and the mountains and rivers also sank into the ground one after another.

Ye Liuyun and Yu Haotian were standing face to face, ready to fight. But now it was interrupted by earth-shaking changes in the secret realm.

The entire secret realm was shaking, and it was impossible to stand still.

All the geniuses rose up from the sky, looking at the changes in the secret realm.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil glanced at the number of people still in the air, there were about three hundred people.

"There\'s so much left!"

The situation in the secret realm was much better than Ye Liuyun expected.

"Fortunately, the two-headed shadow snake was killed in advance, otherwise I don\'t know how many people this guy can kill so far!"

Ye Liuyun also saw Lie Hongxia and Meng Wentian. Although the golden light on their heads was not as good as that of Lei Ming and the others, compared with others, their luck was considered high. It seems that these days, they have been robbing a lot.

However, if you just judge the ranking by looking at the light belt, Lei Ming and Longnu will definitely be ahead of them. Even Liang Xue\'s luck was similar to theirs.

At this moment, there is still luck above the head, which happens to be a hundred people.

After Yu Haotian also looked at the situation in the secret realm, he restrained his aura. "It seems that we can only fight with you next time!"

When he confronted Ye Liuyun just now and gained momentum, he already felt that Ye Liuyun\'s strength was definitely not inferior to him.

"Okay, I\'ll wait!" Ye Liuyun was actually looking forward to the battle with the strongest Yu Haotian, so he agreed very readily.

At this time, the ground of the secret realm under their feet has turned into a platform, which is slowly rising.

All the geniuses also landed on this big platform one after another, and rose up together with the platform.

The platform rose nearly a hundred feet before finally stopping. Standing in this position, they are almost level with the highest stand.

The secret realm at this time is still not opened, but those who have no luck above their heads are directly repelled by the secret realm.

No need to ask, they also know that they have already been eliminated at this moment, and they will only be able to watch the next martial arts competition.

At this moment, there are only a hundred genius youths in the secret territory, anxiously waiting for the next level. No one knows what kind of test they will face next.

Liang Xue had already put the Earth Demon Dragon away, and she was separated from the Earth Demon Dragon in fear of an emergency. Ye Liuyun also pulled her, Lei Ming and Longnu tightly by his side, fearing that the secret realm would separate them.

"At this time in previous years, it is basically over, and there are no more tests."

Seeing that Ye Liuyun and the others were nervous, Yu Haotian explained to them so that they would not be too worried.

"Is this the end?" Ye Liuyun felt a little pity. With a few more rounds, his strength will improve.

"The competition for points and luck is over, and the follow-up should be the reward of luck and acceptance of inheritance." Yu Haotian explained.

"There are rewards for luck? What kind of rewards?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

Yu Haotian glanced at the surrounding stone pillars, and said with a smile, "You\'ll know right away!"

Ye Liuyun also followed his gaze and looked around. It was fine if he didn\'t look at it, but he was taken aback by seeing it.

There are actually some statues on the stone pillars at this moment, and many souls have already been born in them, and they are looking at the geniuses on the stage at the moment.

"It\'s really alive!" Ye Liuyun was astonished in his heart.