Lord of All Gods

Chapter 553

Seeing this, Ye Liuyun didn\'t take the opportunity to challenge, but instead acted as a guardian for Yu Haotian.

This is the demeanor of the strong. In order to fight Ye Liuyun, Yu Haotian went to be Ye Liuyun\'s protector. And Ye Liuyun was doing the same thing at this moment.

Although Yu Haotian was cultivating, his spiritual sense also knew that Ye Liuyun was protecting him. So in his heart, he was even more optimistic about Ye Liuyun\'s character, and he wanted to make this friend in his heart.

It\'s not so easy to meet a friend with good character and equal strength.

At this time, Ye Liuyun was also familiarizing himself with the power after his realm had been raised. He also felt that the integration of all aspects of his power was much smoother than before.

The phantom of the Hunyuan God of War has solidified a lot. Conversely, the ascension of the Hunyuan God of War has also led to the ascension of the bloodline, physical body, and soul power.

"It seems that the method of integrating all forces when breaking through is right!"

Ye Liuyun could only explore by himself bit by bit.

"My current cultivation method is absolutely fine. All aspects of strength have entered a virtuous circle and can promote and improve each other."

Before Ye Liuyun fought against Yu Haotian, the only reliance was that his spirit power was stronger. But now, with the power of his bloodline undergoing mutation and evolution. The strength of his bloodline is no worse than that of Yu Haotian.

As for the physical body, the two of them are almost the same. The only thing that is missing right now is the true essence.

Yu Haotian is the Ninth Layer of Tiangang, while Ye Liuyun is the Eighth Layer of Tiangang. However, Ye Liuyun\'s Hunyuan God of War has integrated the power of the Buddha\'s demon golden body, so in a real battle, Ye Liuyun felt that he should be able to draw with Yu Haotian.

As long as he can persist in not losing in a short period of time, the advantages of his Dual Element Pill will be brought into play. The more you beat him, the greater your advantage will be.

Thinking of this, he continued to practice Hunyuan War God. Through the continuous fusion of several powers, the Hunyuan God of War is made more solid.

Outside the secret realm, Yao Xinghai and the elders were very satisfied with what Ye Liuyun and Yu Haotian did.

"This is the demeanor that Tianjiao should have!" An elder praised Yu Haotian and Ye Liuyun, and looked teasingly at Elder Yan Jiu of Yan Palace.

Lie Hongxia\'s despicable behavior not only did not harm Ye Liuyun, but was seriously injured by Ye Liuyun. This incident has made many people disappointed with Lie Hongxia.

Elder Yanjiu was confronted by others, so he couldn\'t say anything. Who made Lie Hongxia fail!

If Lie Hongxia won, these people would not say anything. So instead of blaming Lie Hongxia in her heart, she hated Ye Liuyun!

At this moment, Lie Hongxia, together with Meng Wentian, was trying to snatch tokens everywhere.

Their injuries have only just recovered, but they dare not delay any longer. They wanted to grab enough tokens before the top 100 geniuses were determined.

Meng Wentian\'s token was not robbed, but he was still trying his best to help Lie Hongxia rob her of luck.

"Thank you so much! When I go back, I will definitely make up for you!"

Lie Hongxia expressed her gratitude to Meng Wentian, and planned to send some cultivation resources to Meng Wentian after returning home. In her opinion, this is the only way to express gratitude.

Meng Wentian gave a wry smile and shook his head. "No need! I\'ll help you, and it\'s just to complete our alliance. After leaving this secret realm, we will no longer be allies!"

Meng Wentian was also extremely disappointed with Lie Hongxia. "It turns out that this woman is not only delicate and selfish, but also ignorant of the world. Sigh, this time I\'ll be considered unlucky! Don\'t have anything to do with her in the future!"

He thought about it. Lie Hongxia didn\'t realize the problem, and continued talking about what cultivation resources she wanted to give him.

In the end, Meng Wentian didn\'t even bother to listen, and just coped with it with a "hmm".

He is now also looking forward to the end of this competition. Being with Lie Hongxia is really a kind of torture.

Outside the secret realm, the elders of the alliance counted the number of Tianjiao in the secret realm.

"Deputy leader Yao, so far, nearly two hundred geniuses have died in the secret realm! They even lost two geniuses. This time the loss is too great..."

Yao Xinghai was emotional at first, but he still said: "How can these young people grow up without going through the baptism of blood and rain? Besides, haven\'t a new group of Tianjiao risen? Ye Liuyun, Mo Tianheng, Thunder Dragon Beast, Dragon Girl and others It’s enough to be called the pride of heaven. Don’t worry, let nature take its course!”

Although Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon were more seriously injured than Yu Haotian, they recovered faster than Yu Haotian when they cultivated in the Xuankong Stone.

After they came out, Ye Liuyun asked Lei Ming to take Earth Demon Dragon and two other demon geniuses to snatch some tokens.

The two of them can fight even Yu Haotian, and now let them go out alone, Ye Liuyun is relieved.

Then came out the dragon girl. The Tiangang Jiuzhong, which Dragon Girl broke through to, has also greatly increased its strength.

Ye Liuyun asked the dragon girl to grab some tokens too: "You go and fight for some tokens, you don\'t need to guard here. When you transform into a dragon, we will definitely meet again. Maybe, this martial arts competition will be This is an opportunity. So if you fight for more luck, it will be good for yourself."

The dragon girl immediately agreed. She also didn\'t want to give up the opportunity to practice combat here.

The last one to come out was Liang Xue. Liang Xue didn\'t come out to rest for a while until she broke through to the late stage of Tiangang fourth level.

She mainly wanted to spend more time with Ye Liuyun.

"I came out of Lingxi Palace this time, and I don\'t plan to go back again. I want to be with you. Is that okay?"

Liang Xue asked directly.

"Of course! As long as you want, I welcome you anytime!"

Ye Liuyun also stopped practicing and chatted with Liang Xue. He also took out the meat and gave it to Liang Xue to eat.

The two of them cuddled together, it was very affectionate.

Su Miaoyin outside, seeing the two of them so affectionate, couldn\'t help feeling sour.

After the meat was roasted, the two of them were eating slowly.

Yu Haotian\'s voice came over: "How about sharing some barbecue? It won\'t delay your young couple\'s intimacy, right?" By this time, his injuries had fully recovered.

"Haha, don\'t delay, come, I happen to have baked a lot, let\'s fight when we are full!"

Seeing that he had recovered, Ye Liuyun immediately called him over to eat together. He also took out the wine he kept, and chatted with him while drinking.

"What kind of power is the guardian spirit seal you cultivated?" Yu Haotian asked Ye Liuyun.

"What patron saint seal?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"You don\'t know? Then how did you cultivate?" Now it\'s Yu Haotian\'s turn to be puzzled.