Lord of All Gods

Chapter 545

The spectators were not kept waiting.

After Ding Hao left, Ye Liuyun directly pulled out the Demon Slayer Knife and pointed the tip at Meng Wentian.

"War? Whoever loses will leave?"

Meng Wentian turned his head to look at Lie Hongxia who hadn\'t recovered yet, then slowly shook his head at Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s okay to fight, but I can\'t leave her alone. Since I agreed to form an alliance with her, I have to take care of it to the end."

Ye Liuyun secretly admired Meng Wentian for keeping his promise. But he didn\'t say much, but directly slashed at Meng Wentian with all his strength.

Seeing this, Meng Wentian\'s skin turned into metal, turning into a King Kong. While strengthening his own defense, he punched Ye Liuyun.

"Boom, boom."

Two loud bangs. The two of them flew backwards at the same time.

Meng Wentian was hit by Ye Liuyun and was chopped off with a knife, and a white mark was drawn on the metal all over his body, so he didn\'t care at all.

Ye Liuyun also got a punch from Meng Wentian and was sent flying by him, but the phantom of Hunyuan God of War helped him block most of the attacks, and he was not injured.

"Come again!"

The two shouted loudly at the same time, and clashed again.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of Zhenyuan bombardment can be heard endlessly.

If we talk about the last match between Ding Hao and Ye Liuyun, it was almost too fast for people to react.

Then this scene is enough for everyone to enjoy watching! The confrontation between two people was full of punches. It not only tests the attack strength of two people, but also tests the defense strength of two people.

In the sky between the two of them, Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent had opened countless holes in the sky.

At this time, if someone is sucked in, they will directly encounter the black hole and turbulent flow in the second void.

Ye Liuyun also frowned secretly, "Continuing this fight will only consume real energy."

Thinking of this, he used the power of space, and all the attacks were aimed at the root of Meng Wentian\'s right arm, and every time he sent it out, he was unable to defend.

Even Meng Wentian\'s attack can only be done with his left hand.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, focused on that point, and kept slashing with his knife, always at the same position every time.

Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent could cut through the void, and Meng Wentian\'s metal body could block a few knives without any problem. If it was in a different position, he could let Ye Liuyun cut it at will. This is the advantage of his bloodline.

However, even Meng Wentian was known as King Kong, but the same position was being attacked continuously with such high intensity, it was gradually too much for him at this moment. He only felt that the root of his right arm was getting more and more painful, and he was gradually unable to lift it up, let alone launch an attack.

Ye Liuyun saw that this kind of outsmart effect was good, and then chopped off at the root of his left arm.

At this moment, everyone was also emotional. Some people praised Ye Liuyun for being smart, while others said Ye Liuyun was cunning.

But everyone could see that Ye Liuyun was about to win. It\'s just a matter of time.

Ye Liuyun\'s power of space was too weird, Meng Wentian couldn\'t defend against it at all, and the next result was naturally self-evident.

Meng Wentian also knew that defeat was imminent. Immediately withdrew her whole body, hugging Lie Hongxia in her arms, then curled her whole body, forming a metal ball, and fled away with Lie Hongxia.

Ye Liuyun laughed secretly in his heart, and didn\'t go after Meng Wentian either.

He felt that Meng Wentian was an honest person, and he didn\'t want to make enemies with him. As for Lie Hongxia, if he defeated her once, he could defeat her next time.

If she still seeks death uninterestedly in the future, Ye Liuyun will help her again.

All those who watched the battle inside and outside the secret were filled with emotion at this moment.

"Another Tianjiao has been defeated! This Ye Liuyun, is he going to compete with Yu Haotian for the position of the first Tianjiao?"

"Yeah, I lost again, and I lost completely, so I just got out!"

Everyone had everything to say, but for Ye Liuyun, they all had to admire his strength. To be able to fight against three Tianjiao in a row and win all of them is no longer something ordinary people can do.

Jing Wudi was so happy that he couldn\'t close his mouth! "Okay! Good boy! You can hit this level. I still underestimated you before!"

He reckoned that it would be very easy for Ye Liuyun to fight him with his strength.

Su Miaoyin showed joy, and was sincerely happy for Ye Liuyun. Piaoyun, Hao Chengfeng and Mo Ya were all envious of Ye Liuyun\'s achievements while celebrating his victory.

At this moment, the elders of the Ding family suddenly stared at the secret realm and let out a loud cry.

Everyone immediately looked into the secret realm. Only then did people discover that Ding Hao had already been killed by the two-headed shadow snake.

After Ding Hao\'s defeat, his soul was severely damaged and he retreated directly. Before he had gone far, he was caught up by the two-headed shadow snake that was chasing him, and he killed him without saying a word.

"Hahaha, we killed a genius! Boss!" The snakehead on the right shouted proudly.

"That\'s right! Although it\'s a bit suspected of being cheap, it\'s still a pride. Let\'s go back quickly, and someone will be defeated in a while. Whoever loses, we will catch up and kill him." After the snakehead on the left finished speaking, he immediately Turn around and return.

On the way, it discovered that Meng Wentian was defeated. Then he chased towards the metal ball again.

Everyone outside saw this scene.

The old Ding family howled angrily: "This kind of beast shouldn\'t be allowed to appear in the martial arts ring. Look at what he has done!"

Although he was angry, he had nowhere to vent his anger. The disciples of the orc clan don\'t even have an accompanying elder, so they are not as good as the demon clan. Those orc geniuses came to participate in the competition by themselves. And he can\'t get angry with the league.

In the end, he could only shatter the stone steps around him to vent his hatred.

For a family to cultivate a genius, how much effort and resources must be poured into it!

Many family members understand this very well.

But at the moment, the most nervous ones are the elders of the Meng family and elder Yanjiu. Seeing the two-headed shadow snake chasing towards Meng Wentian and Lie Hongxia, they knew they were going to suffer.

But they couldn\'t do anything, they could only watch helplessly.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also spotted the two-headed shadow snake and chased after Meng Wentian.

He was more focused on fighting just now, and he didn\'t pay much attention to the two-headed shadow snake for a while. Now that the battle was over, he let go of his consciousness again, only then did he realize that the direction the two-headed shadow snake was chasing was the direction Meng Wentian was escaping from.

"Oops, did this double-headed shadow snake just disappear and went after Ding Hao? This guy is waiting to take advantage of it and do something wrong!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun immediately greeted everyone and chased after the two-headed shadow snake.

He didn\'t want Meng Wentian to die in the hands of the two-headed shadow snake because of the battle with him.