Lord of All Gods

Chapter 546

After they left, all the geniuses thought that Ye Liuyun was going to chase Meng Wentian, and wanted to watch the fun with him.

Ye Liuyun also felt annoyed seeing a lot of people following behind him.

"Lei Ming, Xue\'er, go grab their tokens and drive them away! Then I\'ll come find you again."

As he spoke, he accelerated to chase after him.

Lei Ming and Liang Xue turned their heads and rushed towards the geniuses following behind.

"Ah! Run!" Someone yelled, turning around and wanting to run.

However, the few lucky ones were intercepted by Lei Ming, Di Molong and others, and finally snatched their tokens away.

In the distance, Bing Tong Leng Qingxiao also watched the battle between Ding Hao and Ye Liuyun. All he knew now was that Ye Liuyun was very strong and he was no match.

As for how Ye Liuyun destroyed Ding Hao\'s spirit, he didn\'t know either. The more unclear, the more mysterious he felt. So he didn\'t want to run into Ye Liuyun, he left here a long time ago, and ran counter to Ye Liuyun.

Lei Ming, Liang Xue and the others snatched a few more tokens, and they continued to chase in the direction Ye Liuyun left after everyone dispersed.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also saw the two-headed shadow snake attacking Meng Wentian from a distance.

At this moment, Meng Wentian was desperately fighting the two-headed shadow snake with one hand.

The two of them are equal in strength. Now Meng Wentian can fight with only one hand, but the Shadow Snake has two heads, attacking in turn, until Meng Wentian is completely powerless to fight back, even unable to parry.

Lie Hongxia can\'t do anything right now. She was seriously injured by Ye Liuyun just now, and she still hasn\'t recovered.

What she can do now is to recover as much as possible, and when Meng Wentian loses, she will try her best to deliver her final blow.

Although this may not have any effect on the two-headed shadow snake, it can\'t just sit still.

The double-headed Shadow Snake watched the battle between Ye Liuyun and Meng Wentian just now, and it also followed suit. It only hit Meng Wentian\'s left arm. Although the attack was not as accurate as Ye Liuyun\'s, it could always hit one point, but After a long time, Meng Wentian\'s left arm could not be lifted gradually!


Finally, Meng Wentian sighed helplessly, shrunk his whole body into a metal ball, and changed into a state of complete defense. He just wants to attack now, and he can\'t even raise his hands, so he can only defend.

He only hopes that this secret realm can be opened soon, and he can survive until that time.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils saw the situation from a distance.

The two snake heads of this double-headed shadow snake fit perfectly together. He must have still not used the combined strike secret technique. If I play rashly, I am afraid that I am not his opponent.

"Get rid of one of its heads first. The rest will be taken care of."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun took out his hunting bow.

The reason for using the Demon Hunting Bow is that the Demon Hunting Bow is suitable for long-distance and sneak attacks. The death knell was at Lei Ming\'s place, but with the Demon Sealing Tablet, Ye Liuyun was worried that the Demon Sealing Tablet would not take the initiative to attack, and that his strength was not enough, so he would startle the snake instead.

This demon-hunting bow is a weapon of the god rank. Ye Liuyun tried it, and even with his current strength, he could only stretch the bow seven to eight full. Although it can\'t fully arouse its power, fortunately, it can be mounted with a true essence arrow and fired.

Ye Liuyun then mobilized the fused power, manifested an arrow of true essence, and shot towards the two-headed shadow snake.

A double-headed shadow snake, one that breathes poisonous smoke and the other that breathes fire. What Ye Liuyun shot was the head that sprayed poisonous smoke.

The poisonous fumes are relatively corrosive. As for fire, he wasn\'t worried at all.

The demon hunting arrow shot by the demon hunting bow originally integrated Ye Liuyun\'s four kinds of power, blood thunder and two kinds of flames, and was blessed by the divine soldiers. The geniuses inside have all felt this powerful force.

"What kind of power is this? So terrifying?"

"Is something going wrong in the secret realm? Or is someone using magic weapons?"

These geniuses are guessing and looking towards the sky.

Ye Liuyun let go at this moment.

A golden streamer of "swish" flew directly towards the two-headed shadow snake.

The golden streamer is the color produced by the burning of the Golden Crow Holy Fire. And the speed is so fast that even human eyes can\'t keep up. Only Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil could barely see its trajectory.

Before everyone could see what it was, the arrow had already flown in front of the two-headed shadow snake.

The two-headed shadow snake also felt that it was locked by a powerful force. It wanted to use all its strength to get rid of this power, but it found that under the shock of this power, its blood, true essence and other powers all went dormant and dared not fight against it.

He who had always felt fear, now seemed to be plunged into an endless dark abyss.

It feels like knowing that you are going to fall to your death, but you don\'t know when you will fall to the bottom. I want to know when it will end, but I am also afraid of knowing.

Although this happened in an instant, in the world of his soul, waiting for the attack to hit him was a long process of torment.

Finally, there was a loud bang. The left head of the double-headed shadow snake was directly shot by an arrow before seeing what was about to attack it. Even the flesh and soul were smashed to pieces.


The right head screamed in fright, shrank into a ball, and buried its head in its body.

It is the nature of snakes to curl up and play dead. The left head and the right head share the same body, and they already have telepathy with each other. The fear of waiting for the attack to land on the left head just now was also felt by the right head.

It knew that that kind of power was not something it could resist, and thought it was the master of this secret realm who came out to kill them. So it simply curled up and pretended to be dead, hoping to escape the catastrophe!

Ye Liuyun was also surprised by the attack effect of the hunting bow. "So strong, so fast. I\'m afraid this is a martial artist in the realm of yin and yang, and he can\'t stop this arrow!"

He thought he could barely see the trajectory of the arrow, but he couldn\'t get past it.

He immediately put away the Demon Hunting Bow carefully, and rushed towards the Shadow Snake.

Seeing that the Shadow Snake was pretending to be dead, he didn\'t hesitate to cut it off with a single knife, and cut off its other head as well. And he also used the soul attack, even swallowing its soul together.

A single snakehead is no longer Ye Liuyun\'s opponent. Whether it is its soul power or other powers, it is not as powerful as Ye Liuyun\'s.

And it was still playing dead, not daring to leak its breath. All the power is withdrawn into the body. So Ye Liuyun killed it very easily.