Lord of All Gods

Chapter 544

Mingtong, but one of the three old families of pupil art in the Cangyun Continent, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil, no one to guide the practice, can it be Mingtong\'s opponent?

Ye Liuyun was also confused at the moment. Although he has seen Ding Hao\'s attack and his secret art operation circuit, he can only know the specific attack effect after experiencing it himself.

It\'s just that there is a command of the gods in his sea of ​​consciousness. With this support, he dared to follow up all the soul attacks.

Ding Hao is also full of confidence at the moment. The hell-like scene in the secret realm is actually very beneficial to his pupil technique.

Now he has a complete understanding of Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils. Although he knew that Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil had the ability to attack with divine sense, he never imagined that Ye Liuyun didn\'t need to defend against divine attack at all.

The battle between Ding Hao and Ye Liuyun is inevitable, and sooner or later there will be one.

They both want to see the strength of each other\'s pupil technique. Especially Ding Hao, as a veteran Tianjiao known for his pupil technique, how could he allow others to grab the title of "No. 1 pupil technique".

So as soon as he came up, he was ready to attack Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness with the strongest soul. If you want to fight for one move to subdue Ye Liuyun, then the rest of the people will be easy to deal with.

As for Ye Liuyun, he wished that Ding Hao would attack his sea of ​​consciousness when he came up.

He opened his golden pupils, stared at Ding Hao\'s internal meridians, and observed his secret techniques.

Ding Hao\'s physical body is not strong enough, which is the characteristic of most soul cultivators. However, this kind of "not strong enough" is only relative to other Tianjiao. For ordinary martial arts, it is enough.

However, for Ye Liuyun, this was Ding Hao\'s Achilles\' heel.

So the attack method Ye Liuyun prepared was a real attack, and he didn\'t even intend to launch a soul attack. This is also conducive to more concentrated power.

The pupils of the two of them shone with black and golden light at the same time.

Ding Hao, Ming Tong, used his strongest soul power to launch a pure soul attack.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, concentrated all his strength and launched a substantial attack on the physical body.

Ding Hao\'s soul attack must be faster than Ye Liuyun\'s physical attack.

Ye Liuyun felt in a trance, the whole scene immediately darkened, and the sky was as black as hell. Ghosts appear all around, and bones are everywhere.

A huge black shadow gradually approached. He was dressed all in black, with a conspicuous sickle on his shoulder.

"Underworld?" After Ye Liuyun saw it, he immediately thought of the Underworld God.

"Huh? You know it\'s the god of the underworld?" Ding Hao\'s soul was not in a hurry to attack. The attack of his soul is only a moment outside.

Ye Liuyun nodded and looked at the underworld god. This underworld god was about the same size as Ye Liuyun\'s spirit, and it was completely transformed by Ding Hao\'s spirit. The death breath on his body was much weaker than the real underworld god.

"It\'s just the image of the underworld!" Ye Liuyun blurted out a little disappointed after seeing it clearly.

"Hehe, what you said is the same as you have seen the real god of the underworld!"

Ding Hao shook his head and smiled. He thought Ye Liuyun had just seen some images or statues.

As a true disciple of the Mingtong family, he has never seen the god of the underworld, how could Ye Liuyun have seen it. Having seen the underworld god, there should be only dead people.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t explain to him either. He just looked at Ding Hao\'s soul in the shape of a god of the underworld, watching how he would attack.

Ding Hao\'s soul did not pursue whether Ye Liuyun had really seen the god of the underworld.

"Let you experience the power of our Ding family\'s Mingtong! What you see is the hell of the underworld!"

Ding Hao\'s soul said, behind the Underworld God, a gate of hell appeared and slowly opened.

"This is very similar to the gate of hell!" Ye Liuyun looked at it and secretly sighed. How could this Ding family have such a secret art of blood.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Hao\'s soul raised the sickle in the hands of the god of the underworld, and sliced ​​off Ye Liuyun\'s head.

"Death Harvest!"

Following Ding Hao\'s slightly echoed voice, the gate of the prison was completely opened, and a black vortex revealed a large amount of death breath, trying to suck Ye Liuyun\'s soul into it.

"Hey, why didn\'t he defend himself?"

Just when Ding Hao realized that Ye Liuyun hadn\'t defended at all, a golden light suddenly enveloped Ding Hao\'s soul attack.

Not only did Ding Hao turn into the soul of the god of the underworld, but also the black vortex of his Hellmen i, the entire realm of the soul.

"Huh? What is this?"

Ding Hao was shrouded in golden light at this moment, he couldn\'t see what it was at all, it controlled him, he only felt that there was a golden piece in front of him, he couldn\'t see anything, and he couldn\'t move.

Afterwards, Ding Hao felt that his soul power was rapidly weakening.

Inside Ding Hao\'s physical body, there is also a divine soul as a defense. At this moment, he has completely lost contact with the soul in charge of the attack.

"Ye Liuyun, what the hell are you doing?" Ding Hao called out.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about the soul that was being devoured by the order of the gods in the sea of ​​knowledge, and looked at Ding Hao with a smile. "Your soul has been destroyed by me!"


Ding Hao spat out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".


The audience outside also screamed.

"Destroyed Ding Hao\'s soul so quickly?"

"How is it possible?" The elders of the Ding family felt even more inconceivable.

But it is an indisputable fact that Ding Hao vomited blood and suffered backlash. Even if Ye Liuyun\'s words were exaggerated, Ding Hao had lost.

What\'s more, Ye Liuyun\'s immediate blow hit Ding Hao again, sending him flying.

This is because Ye Liuyun temporarily withdrew a lot of power and came back, otherwise, this one blow would have completely wiped out his soul.

Ding Hao, who was beaten into the air, sat up from the ground, stared blankly at Ye Liuyun for a long time, and finally turned and left silently.

Now that you have lost, you must keep your promise. Even if he stays now, it will be useless. It\'s better to find a place to heal quickly.

He didn\'t keep the name of the first pupil technique, and he was extremely disappointed in himself. I was so excited right now that I didn\'t even want to say anything.

"The number one pupil technique is actually Ye Liuyun?"

"How strong is Ye Liuyun\'s soul power, and he defeated Ding Yuan in one fell swoop."

Inside and outside the secret, people watching the battle were all sighing.

Right after Ding Hao left, the two-headed shadow snake also moved, and quietly chased after Ding Hao in the direction Ding Hao left.

Others in the secret realm didn\'t notice this detail. They only knew that Ye Liuyun had defeated another Tianjiao. Now it depends on whether Ye Liuyun will challenge Meng Wentian again.